About the Journal

Journal of Centre for Environmental Law (ISSN 2456-2246) is the flagship publication of the Institute of Law Nirma University. The journal is an annual, peer-reviewed ISSN serial publication from the Centre for Environment Law of the Institute of Law, Nirma University.

It showcases contemporary issues and challenges specific to law, with an approach towards assimilating knowledge in the field of environment. It is an endeavour of the centre to become the beacon of legal education by encouraging synthesis of knowledge and best practices cutting across the academia and research fraternity.


Climate Change


  • Sociological impact on the Vulnerable groups of society
  • Sustainable cities & climate change
  • Climate Finance
  • Mitigating the adverse impact by public & private participation
  • Human Impacts & Responsibility
  • Assessing the impact on diverse ecosystem
  • Plan & Prediction for the future
  • Any Other

Submission Guidelines

Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed

  • Research papers (5,000- 6,000 words)
  • Short notes (2000-3000 words)
  • Book reviews (1000-2000 words)
  • Case studies/commentaries (1000-3000 words)

However, looking at the quality and depth of research, relaxation may be given and word limit may vary.


It shall be open to all law students. (5 Year Integrated LLB/3 Year LLB/LLM), Law professors, Law practitioners etc. Entries can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per entry is allowed.

Entries from all aspects of law whether direct or applied are welcome.

Submission Guidelines

  • Citation Style: The Blue-book Uniform System of Citation (20th edition) shall be strictly adhered to.
  • Format of Main Text & the Footnotes: The Times New Roman font, in font size 12 is prescribed for all entries. Further, the footnotes shall be in font size 10 and line spacing of 1.5 and 1.0 shall be followed respectively.
  • Mode of Submission: Entries are to be sent at centenvlaw.il@nirmauni.ac.in latest by January 28, 2022 (11:59 PM). No hard copy of the same is required.
  • Upon the completion of the review process the authors of accepted papers would be notified.

Publication Policy

  • All the submissions sent to the Centre must be original and should not have been published nor should they be under consideration for publication in any other journal.
  • Plagiarized entries are liable to be rejected.
  • There must not be any copyright issues with the article sent for publication purposes. Centre for Environment Law denies any liability which may arise in this regard.
  • By way of submitting their work to the Journal of Centre for Environment Law, the authors grant exclusive permission to JCEL to publish and reproduce their work in all streams of media.
  • Such right is subject to the doctrine of fair use as followed under the law relating to Intellectual Property Rights and subject to the entitlements of the author.
  • A process of peer-review shall be used to scrutinize all the submissions.
  • The editors reserve the right to delete or edit any article or part thereof whose content is found to be offensive, defamatory, out rightly unethical, or if it is suggestive of racism, sexual or religious discrimination, illegal or terror activities etc.
  • The article is subjected to rejection if its content is likely to offend the religious or political
    sentiments of the reader.

Contact Details

Faculty Coordinators, Mr. Abhinav Kumar, +91 8420142231

Student Coordinators, Nandini Goyal, 8439135123

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About IMS Unison University

IMS Unison University Dehradun, a constituent of Unison Group has made fast strides in the horizon of education as a premier educational and research. IMS Unison University aspires to become a renowned center for creation & dissemination of knowledge. It aims to provide a holistic career-oriented education that develops intellectual, moral and physical capabilities of the students, nurturing creativity and innovation. 

About Kathmandu University

Kathmandu University (KU) is an autonomous, not-for-profit, self-funding public institution established in 1991. It is an institution of higher learning dedicated to maintaining the standard of academic excellence in various classical and professional disciplines. The mission statement of the University is “to provide quality education for leadership”. The vision is “to become a world-class university devoted to bringing knowledge and technology to the service of mankind”. The University aspires to serve the nation by fulfilling the needs of the society through the motto of taking knowledge and skills “from the campus to the community.” 

Concept Note

The IMS Unison University and Kathmandu University are organizing the International Dispute Resolution Conference 2022 (“Conference”) to be held on July 29-30, 2022, at IMS Unison University, Dehradun. The 2-day Conference on the theme ‘Transforming International Dispute Resolution Mechanisms During a Paradigm Shift in Geopolitics‘ is jointly organized by the School of Law IMS Unison University, India and Kathmandu University, Nepal. 

On 20 December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (“Mediation Convention”). It opens enormous business opportunities for enterprises and dispute resolution professionals. The term ‘paradigm shift in geopolitics’ in the theme of the conference aims to foster discussion on emerging trends in dispute resolution and the impact of the Mediation Convention on the international business environment. 

During these days, scholars, lawyers, and ADR practitioners will share views and experiences as to how their unique perspectives on mediation, negotiation, arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution mechanisms have the capacity to shape and transform conflict across the globe. 

Call for Papers

Research papers are invited from research scholars, academicians, lawyers, jurists and students on the abovementioned theme. The following sub-themes are only illustrative in nature and may include any paper covering the major themes of the Seminar. 

For the convenience of the participants and paper presenters, the following sub-themes have been proposed. 


  • Trend of using IDR to address Trading and Investment Disputes 
  • The Evolving World of Commercial Dispute Resolution 
  • Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation 
  • State to State Dispute Resolution 
  • Investor State Dispute Resolution 
  • Mediation a Smart Way to Resolve International IP Disputes 
  • International Arbitration in the Digital Era 
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Commercial Arbitration and Commercial Mediation 
  • Dispute resolution mechanisms and climate change/environmental issues (law reform).  

The above sub-themes are not exhaustive, the author(s) may select any other relevant issue giving a comprehensive and indispensable review of developments in the area of International Dispute Resolution. (You may refer to the brochure for more sub-themes) 

Submission Guidelines


  • The abstract must be developed on A4-sheet in Word Document Format typed in Times New Roman in 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing in not more than 500 words, it should not contain more than FIVE keywords. 
  • The abstract should contain personal details of the author(s) in the order: Title of the paper, Name, Designation, Institute/ University/ College/Organization, Contact number, E-mail and address (es), of the author(s). 
  • Kindly indicate the name of the main author for correspondence in case of more than one author. All abstracts will be peer reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, research rigor, relevance to the seminar, and contribution to the theory and practice. 


  • Submissions are to be made only in electronic form. The same may be e-mailed to iuuconferencelaw22@iuu.ac in MS Word format along with a covering letter addressed to Organizing Secretary. 
  • Title Must be written in bold, size 14 and centered margin. Margin Manuscripts must be in single spacing, font size 12 in Times New Roman and all margins: 1.5 inches (left) and 1 inch (top, right and bottom). 
  • Tables- Tables must be placed as part of the text. DO NOT attach tables at the end of the manuscript. Soft Manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word 2007 in the above format ONLY. 
  • Sub-Title Written in bold, size 12 and left margin. 
  • Tables/Figures Title of the tables/figure should be written on the top of the tables/figure. Times New Roman, font 12, Bold and centered margin. 
  • Footnoting should be done strictly according to Bluebook 20th Edition, Times New Roman, Size 10, Line -Spacing 1 
  • Word Limit Articles should be generally of 4000-4500 words (excluding references and footnotes). 

Rules for Participation

  • No abstract or full paper shall be accepted after the last date of submission. ¨ 
  • Registration is mandatory on confirmation of acceptance of abstract, with the payment of required fees to be deposited in the bank account. 
  • Only registered participants will be allowed to take part in National Seminar. 
  • No refund will be allowed once a participant/paper presenter is registered. All the registered participants will be provided participation certificate. The Best Paper of each session will be acknowledged and awarded. 
  • In the event of the seminar being conducted in the offline mode the participants will be responsible for the arrangement of their personal accommodation. 
  • Breakfast and lunch to the participants will be provided by the university. Only one co-author is allowed. 
  • No in-absentia presentations will be allowed, at least one author must be present for presentation. 

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: June 07, 2022
  • Date for confirmation of acceptance of Abstract: June 20, 2022
  • Last Date for Registration: June 30, 2022 
  • Submission of full Paper: July 10, 2022

The participants are requested to send their abstracts & papers to iuuconferencelaw22@iuu.ac 

Registration Fee

Due to the current uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation, the mode of the international conference has not yet been finalized. If the circumstances permit the conduction of the seminar in offline mode, it will be conducted on the university campus. If unfavourable situations persist then the conference will be conducted online. 

The following are the registration fee for online and offline mode of International Conference. Considering the COVID19 situation at the time, the University will duly inform the participants regarding the preferred mode of conduction of the Seminar. 

Online Mode 

Academicians/Organization Representatives (Including Co-Author), Research Scholars/ Students Rs. 500 (Including Co-Author) 

Offline Mode 

  • Academicians/Organization Representatives (Author): Rs. 1200 
  • Academicians/Organization Representatives (Co-author): Rs. 700 
  • Research Scholars/Students (Author): Rs. 1000 
  • Research Scholars/Students (Co- Author): Rs. 700 

*GST Included in registration fees  

*No Registration Fees for Participants From Outside of India 

Other details will be shared later. Meanwhile, the authors can proceed with writing research papers.

Link for the brochure


Contact Details

Mail to: iuuconferencelaw22@iuu.ac 

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About theUniversity

The University of Lucknow or Lucknow University is a government-owned Indian research university based in Lucknow. Founded in 1867, the University of Lucknow is one of the oldest government-owned institutions of higher education in India.

The Lucknow University Moot Court Association is the institution’s student committee entrusted with fostering, administering, and facilitating mooting activities and upholding the benchmark of excellence that Lucknow University has set for itself.

Established in 2012 with the view to promote oral advocacy skills and legal writing techniques. The association has been successfully organizing moot court competitions year after year.

Team Composition and Eligibility

  • Students pursuing the Three or Five Year courses of the LL.B. Degree or its equivalent in the academic year 2021 – 2022 from any recognized Law School/College/University in India are eligible to participate.
  • Any recognized Law School/College/University shall be entitled to send maximum of 2 (two) teams to the Competition.
  • The participating team shall comprise a minimum of two and a maximum of three members. In a team of two members, both the members shall be designated as Speakers. In a team of three members, two members shall be designated as Speakers and the third member of the team shall be designated as a Researcher.
  • No additional member or team coach is allowed to accompany the team.


The official language of the competition shall be English.


The registration process will start on 24th December 2021. Institutions must complete their registration by filling the google form, latest by January 30, 2022 (23:59 Hrs IST). The registration shall be on a first come first serve basis.

The link for the registration form.

Registration Fees

For Indian Institutes

  • INR 6000: With Accommodation
  • INR 4000: Without Accommodation

For International Institutes: $ 135 (INR 10, 220)

In case the situation of covid worsens in Lucknow, a part of the fees will be refunded accordingly.

The payment can be made through GOOGLE PAY/PAYTM

The registration fee is to be paid to the following:

  • MOBILE NUMBER: 8948054412

The registration can also be paid through NEFT:

  • ACCOUNT NUMBER: 39871265208
  • IFSC CODE: SBIN0006148

For international students, the registration fees shall be paid through PAYPAL:

  • USERNAME: @luma2012
  • E-MAIL ID: srishtygupta98@gmail.com
  • MOBILE: (+91) 9808688428
  • ACCOUNT NUMBER: 158601504318
  • IFSC CODE: ICIC0001586


  • Winning Team Award: The winning team will get a trophy, medal, certificate of appreciation with cash prize of Rs. 30,000
  • Runners-Up Award: The 1st runners up will get a trophy, medal, certificate of appreciation with cash prize of Rs 15000
  • Best Mooter: Best Student advocate will get a trophy, medal, certificate of appreciation with cash prize of Rs 5,000.
  • Best Memorial: Best Memorial will get a trophy, medal, certificate of appreciation with cash prize of Rs 5,000.
    Best Researcher: Best Researcher will get a trophy, medal, certificate of appreciation with cash prize of Rs 5,000.

A certificate of participation shall be given to all the participants.

All Certificates and awards will be presented to the participants only at the Valedictory

Ceremony on February 20, 2022. The certificates will not be provided to any participant who is not present at the Valedictory Ceremony and the same shall not be sent by post/courier to participants under any circumstances whatsoever.

Contact Details

Mail to: mcc.lucknowuniv@gmail.com

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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The Society for the Advancement of Animal and Environmental Welfare (SAAEW) was conceived in 2017 under the aegis of National Law University Odisha, Cuttack to create affirmative discourse on issues related to animal and environmental welfare.

The goal of this Society is to promote greater academic discussion and create a dialogue on the marginalized rights of animals and the environment. The Society through informed dialogue aims to identify those facets of animal and environmental law which require constant consideration in this era.

About AEJR

The NLUO Blog for Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence and Rights (AEJR) aims to encourage academic discourse on environmental and animal law. SAAEW, through this blog intends to crystallize legal thought on the latest developments in animal and environmental laws both internationally and in the Indian context.

The blog aims to act as a platform to support and promote research of the highest standard in animal and environmental law. Through this venture, we intend to provide a platform to all institutions and individuals alike who associate themselves with our cause and initiate discussions on the most relevant issues concerning the area of animal and environmental welfare. 

Call for Blogs

The AEJR invites blogs from students, practitioners, researchers, academicians, policymakers and other stakeholders in the legal field on a rolling basis on contemporary issues pertaining to the environment and animal welfare.

The blog accepts the legal analysis of current global issues pertaining to animal and environmental welfare, case laws, legislations and the new policies concerned around the blog’s theme. Acceptance is contingent on the quality of the study as well as adherence to the submission standards.


The blog welcomes original submissions on contemporary issues in ‘Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence’.


The NLUO Blog for Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence and Rights welcomes original submissions from students, researchers, academicians, practitioners, policy makers and individuals who associate themselves with our cause.

Submission Guidelines

The Blog accepts submissions on a rolling basis.

  • The submissions have to be unpublished and should be the original work of the author(s).
  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • There must be no hint, whatsoever, of the authors’ identity in the word document submitted.
  •  We invite submissions from the following categories
    • Short Articles, which report on the results of new research in legal developments in relation to Environmental or Animal Rights Law (up to 2000 words);
    • Opinion pieces, which advance a personal viewpoint on a current issue or debate in Environmental or Animal Rights Law (700-1200 words);
    • Legislative Comments, which addresses a specific policy document and draft legislations which affects public interest (up to 2000 words)
    • Case Comments, which reports on specific cases in Environmental or Animal Rights Law (up to 2000 words)
    • Book Reviews, which critically analyses legal texts which concern Environmental or Animal Rights Law (up to 1500 words)
  • Word limits are indicative only. Authors are invited to stay within them to enhance the effectiveness of their submissions. Longer posts may be accepted and published in parts subject to the discretion of the Editorial Board. The word limit is exclusive of the endnotes (if any). The citation format used for the endnotes must be uniform, preferably in the latest edition of Bluebook.
  • Once posted on the Blog’s website, a submission may be cross-posted on other platforms. The cross-post must carry the words ‘First posted on AEJR’, with a link to the post.
  • All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 and line spacing 1.5.
  • Endnotes must be in Times New Roman, Bluebook 20th Edition Format, font size 10 and line spacing 1.0.

How to Submit?

Please mail all your submissions to editorial.aejr@gmail.com with the subject Blog Submission:

“Title”, only in a Microsoft Office Word-compatible format (.doc or .docx), PDFs will not be accepted. The author(s) are also requested to submit a short biography detailing their current designation and institutional affiliations.

Contact Details

Kaushik Das, Mobile: +91 89843 14170 , Email: editorial.aejr@gmail.com

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organisers

UNCITRAL RCAP: The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP), located in Incheon, Republic of Korea, is the only regional center of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). Since its establishment in 2012, RCAP has been supporting the mandate of UNCITRAL by furthering the progressive harmonization and modernization of international trade and commercial law in approximately 60 jurisdictions with different legal systems and levels of economic development in the Asia-Pacific region, thereby promoting the Sustainable Development Goals.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI): The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) was established on 1st October, 2016 under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Code).

Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU): The Government of Tamil Nadu established this institution of learning by an Act of State Legislature (Act No. 9 of 2012).

GNLU Centre for Corporate and Insolvency Law (GCCIL): The GNLU Centre for Corporate and Competition Law was established on 13th October, 2012 by Hon’ble Mr. Justice K. A. Puj, Former Judge, High Court of Gujarat with multiple objectives and endeavours to act as a platform for expanding scope and horizon of corporate and competition law through multi-dimensional research activities and publications. With the introduction of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, the Centre for Corporate and Competition Law has been renamed as ‘GNLU Centre for Corporate and Insolvency Law’ (GCCIL) with effect from 30th January, 2020.

About the Conference

GNLU along with other institutions viz. IBBI, TNNLU, and UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, is organizing an International Conference on MSMEs: Legislative and Regulatory Challenges, scheduled to be held on February 3, 2022.

Call for Presentations

The Conference invites proposals for presentations from interested students, academicians, practitioners, professionals and experts on the below mentioned themes:

Themes for the Conference

  • MSMEs: Legislative and Regulatory Framework
  • MSMEs and Securities and Exchange Board of India
  • MSMEs: Organizational Structure and Government’s Support
  • MSMEs and Ease of Doing Business
  • MSMEs and Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
  • MSMEs and Digitalization
  • MSMEs and Access of Finance
  • MSMEs and Banks including NBFCs
  • MSMEs and Impact of COVID-19
  • MSMEs and Government Scheme (Post COVID)
  • MSMEs and Taxation (Pre and Post COVID)
  • MSMEs: Legal, Judicial & Executive Response during Pandemic
  • MSMEs and IBC
  • MSMEs and the Pre-Package Insolvency Resolution Process (PPIRP)
  • MSMEs: Role of Government

The above-mentioned sub-themes are merely suggestive. Interested participants may submit a proposal relevant to the main theme for presentation.

Submission Guidelines

The Interested Contributors are requested to send their proposal for presentation in not more than 500 words (excluding footnotes and title) to gccil@gnlu.ac.in mentioning the following points:

  • Title of the Presentation
  • Object of the Presentation
  • Central Research Question of the Presentation
  • Research Findings

Link for Registration


Important Dates

  • Submission of Proposal: January 24, 2022
  • Confirmation of Acceptance: January 27, 2022
  • Submission of Final Presentation: February 1, 2022

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organiser

Marathwada Mitra Mandal has been established in the year 1967 under the endured Patronage of Hon’ble Late Shri.
Shankarrao Chavan, Former Home Minister of India.

About the Moot Competition

SCLC Pune has commenced a National Moot Court Competition in the name of legal stalwart Hon’ble Late Justice P. B. Sawant from the year 2013-14. This is the eighth year of this National Moot Court Competition. Association of the name of a legal stalwart Late Justice P. B. Sawant is a matter of pride and would grant a supreme stature to this competition.


Competition is restricted to undergraduate bonafide regular students of Law School/College/University. All participants must be students of Law Course either 3 or 5 years in the academic year 2021-22.


Pune, Maharashtra, India

How to Register?

Teams must register themselves latest by February 5, 2022.

Registration Form duly signed by participants and the Principal of the concerned college with seal should be uploaded through the link- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3LQXqz1JiMCFSYd4l-kalQjmm85Sx9Z83wXwin1ShOW3VQg/viewform

Registration Fee: Each participant team shall pay a notional entry fee of Rs.1000.00 (One Thousand only) by way of an Online Transfer in the account.

The account details are as follows:

  • Name: MMMS Shankarrao Chavan Law College
  • Account Number: 50100106697534
  • Bank Name: HDFC Bank
  • Branch: Mayur Colony, Pune
  • IFSC Code: HDFC0000149

The registration fee details (Screenshot/Receipt etc) should be uploaded through the link given at the end of this post.

Prizes (if any)

  • Winning Team: Rs. 15,000/-, Trophy & Certificate
  • 1st Runner Up: Rs.12,000/-, Trophy & Certificate 
  • 2nd Runner Up: Rs. 8,000/-, Trophy & Certificate
  • Best Advocate: Rs. 5,000/-, Trophy & Certificate
  • Best Memorial Award: Rs.5,000/- & Certificate
  • Consolation Prize: Trophy and Certificate 

Important Dates

  • Dates of competition: February 19-20, 2022
  • Last date for registration: February 5, 2022
  • Last date for memorial submission: February 12, 2022
  • Draw of Lots: February 18, 2022
  • Preliminary Round: February 19, 2022
  • Final Round & Prize Distribution: February 20, 2022

Important Links

Contact Details

  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Bhagwan Gawali: 08554960931
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Revati Naik: 09881712873
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Vikas Bhatnagar: 09673158518
  • Asst.Prof. Dr. Pradip Tambe: 09028505566 

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur

Symbiosis Law School (SLS) Nagpur is established in 2019 inheriting splendid novelty, dynamism and excellence in education. Being a constituent of Symbiosis International University, Pune, Symbiosis Law School, NAGPUR is strategically located in the potential education hub of Maharashtra thereby offering a multitude of opportunities for the budding lawyers.

About the National Commission for Women, New Delhi

The National Commission for Women was set up as a statutory body in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 to:

  • review the Constitutional and Legal safeguards for women;
  • recommend remedial legislative measures;
  • facilitate redressal of grievances and
  • advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women.

Since its inception, the Commission has initiated various steps to improve the status of women and worked for their economic empowerment. The Commission provides financial support for organizing Seminars/Conferences/Workshops/Webinars to Colleges, Universities, State Commissions for Women etc. with the objective of getting an insight into the relevant subject and also throwing up recommendations for better implementation or even modification of the existing policies/programmes/schemes/projects relating to welfare and empowerment of women.

Such programmes also provide a forum for sharing knowledge, information and experience of participants and resource persons on the subject. Such experience sharing could be helpful in better dissemination of the required information and also lead to better execution of schemes, etc. at the ground level.

About the Seminar

Women in a domestic space often are vulnerable and subjected to abuse in the background of patriarchal norms. Sec. 3 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 recognizes ‘abuse’ in a broad perspective including physical abuse, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse, and economic abuse.

However, it is usually only the physical and sexual abuse that is addressed seriously. The abuse is in a variegated form, often a combination of multiple abuses depending on the age, social strata, economic stability, cultural background in which the woman is situated.

Despite the passage of more than a decade, the number of reported cases of domestic violence have been increasing. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Commission for Women, Delhi registered an increase of 2.5% cases of domestic violence since the national lockdown.

The lockdown during the pandemic further deprived women of any possible institutional support in reporting the same. Women suffering from domestic violence, not only require medical aid but require psychosocial support in the backdrop of possible ostracization once the incident is reported. Even the first responders to the victims sometimes transmit institutionalized patriarchal attitudes.

Incidents, where the instance of domestic violence is occurring for the first time, are often settled so as to protect the honour of the families involved. Unlike other forms of violence, domestic violence is situated with the perpetrator and the victim continuing to share the same physical space.

It is in this background; the Seminar is organized with the following objectives: 

  • To serve as an effective platform for sharing experiences on the existing legal framework and identify the possible gaps in its effective implementation including the rehabilitative measures. 
  • To discuss and analyse the varied abuses that are not recognized by the existing legal framework. 
  • To serve as a platform for women from academia, profession and other backgrounds, to discuss the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in domestic spaces and their challenges. 
  • To come with suitable suggestions and recommendations in addressing the gaps and lacunae in the existing justice system. 

Broad Themes

  • Identification and Theorizing abuse within Legal framework
  • Gender as a factor in Abuse and Violence
  • Laws and policies protecting women against domestic violence 
  • International framework for curbing Abuse and Domestic violence
  • Judicial responses and trends in interpreting abuse and contexts of domestic violence
  • Enforcement agencies and Institutional responses towards survivors of domestic violence
  • Identifying unrecognized forms of abuse and violence in domestic spaces
  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in survivors’ access to justice
  • Community participation and Role of civil society in curbing abuse and domestic violence 

The above-mentioned themes are only indicative and any paper relevant to the main theme of the seminar may be submitted.


The Seminar would be a medium through which activists, professionals, academicians, research scholars and students, collectively discuss domestic violence, the nature of abuse and the gaps within the existing legal and justice system. The Seminar with the larger goal of awareness and sensitization would address the same to all the participants through sharing of knowledge and experiences.

Guidelines for Authors

  • All the papers shall be reviewed by a team of experts and the notification of acceptance of the full paper for presentation shall be communicated within 0-2 days.
  • The completed paper should be sent to slsseminar@slsnagpur.edu.in
  • The first page should have the title and an abstract of not more than 300 words and at least 5 keywords should be mentioned, along with the details of the author and co-authors including their designation, institutional affiliation and email-id.
  • The contributions shall not be more than 3000 – 6000 words inclusive of tables and graphs, diagrams, photographs, references and bibliography.
  • The headings should be in 14 font size, Times New Roman and text in 12 font size with 1.5 spacing.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman,10 font size.
  • The citation style to be used should be Bluebook 20th Edition.
  • The diagrams and tables should have appropriate titles and sources if extracted.
  • The papers shall be checked for plagiarism. Papers with instances of plagiarism shall be disqualified from presentation in the Seminar.
  • Both the main author and the co-author should register in order to present their paper at the Seminar.
  • E-Certificate of participation/presentation shall be given to those participants presenting the paper.
  • Selected papers shall be released as an edited book or as Seminar proceeding with ISBN number. 

General Details

  • Mode: Hybrid mode
  • Date: January 30, 2022
  • Day: Sunday

Important Dates

  • Last date of Abstract submission: January 16, 2022, Sunday
  • Last Date of Paper submission: January 27, 2022, Thursday
  • Communication regarding selected papers for presentation: January 28, 2022, Friday
  • Date of Seminar: January 30, 2022, Sunday

Registration link



No Registration Fees

Contact Details

  • Dr. Deepti Khubalkar: 99214 38838
  • Mr. Jimmy Jose: 7802914805
  • E-mail ID: slsseminar@slsnagpur.edu.in
  • Address: Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur
    Mouza – Wathoda,
    Nagpur – 440008

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About Call for Papers:

Centre for International Humanitarian Law & Human Rights Law, Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad is organizing the Tenth edition of its annual flagship event – International Virtual Conference on International Humanitarian and Refugee Laws, in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)India on February 22, 2022.


  • Violation of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws against Religious Minorities.
  • The convergence of armed conflict and the its effect on the environment.
  • Access to healthcare for asylum seekers and undocumented people.
  • The potential human rights at stake due to cyber operations.
  • World’s Refugee Crisis vis-à-vis Right to Self Determination
  • Sexual violence- an inevitable aspect of war.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission: 15th January 2022

Paper Submission: 10th February 2022

Submission Guidelines

  • The soft copy of the contribution (abstract and final paper) must be sent as attachments in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx) and PDF format (.pdf) to “cihls@nirmauni.ac.in
  • The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, with 1.5 spacing and font size 12 (title font size 15), not exceeding 300 words. It should be submitted latest by January 15, 2022 in soft copy.
  • The final paper (not exceeding 3000 words) should reach latest by February 10, 2022 in soft copy. Word limit is inclusive of footnotes.
  • Citations should strictly conform to the rules in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th edition).
  • The submission should include a “separate” cover page document that clearly indicates the name(s) of the author(s), complete mailing address(es), telephone number(s) and email address(es).
  • The text of the full paper and abstract must include title of the paper, but must not include the name(s) of the author(s), as the papers will be blind reviewed.
  • Co-authorship is allowed only up to two authors.
  • Acceptance of the abstract would be notified within a week of receipt of the same.
  • Only original unpublished work is sought. Any proposal submitted to present identical or substantially similar work already published or under review for any other publication will not be considered.
  • Selected articles shall be published in the conference proceedings with an authenticated ISBN number, and a copy of the book, as well as a certificate of publication shall be provided to each selected author.
  • Among the papers received, four top papers will be rewarded.

Registration Fees

The registration fee for the conference is Rs.250/- for those who are interested to be a member of the conference.

No registration fee is levied on participants from Nirma University.

Contact Details

Mail to: cihls@nirmauni.ac.in

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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The Indian Review of Corporate and Commercial Laws (IRCCL) is a blog that publishes articles on current issues relating to corporate law, dispute
resolution, trade & investment law, taxation law, labour law, competition law and insolvency & bankruptcy law.

About the Competition

What makes this competition particularly unique is its upper word limit of 2,500 words, through which we hope to have a premier focus on novel content. To this effect, the themes of this edition have been designed to promote the conversation around certain key contemporary issues in the commercial disputes space.


This competition is open to all students in their 3rd, 4th or 5th year (five-year course) and 2nd or 3rd year (three-year course) in any recognized university across the world.


Refer to the brochure given below to know about the specific themes.


To submit, click here: https://airtable.com/shrQP4FkmogFhGhEh

Note: There is no registration fee for this competition.


Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.


  1. First Prize: INR 10,000 + Opportunity to intern with the dispute resolution practice at Khaitan & Co. + certificate of merit
  2. Second Prize: INR 7,000 + certificate of merit
  3. Third Prize: INR 5,000 + certificate of merit
  4. Fourth – Fifth / Tenth Prize (depending on the number of submissions): Certificate of merit
  5. Prize winning articles will also be published on the IRCCL blog!

Note: Month and duration of the internship will be decided at the sole discretion of Khaitan & Co.

Important Dates

  1. Last Date of Submission: 31 January 2022
  2. Declaration of Results: 14 March 2022 (tentative)

Contact Details

Mail to: Queries, if any, may be directed to our dedicated e-mail address for the competition, i.e. competitions@irccl.in, with the subject ‘Query – IRCCL Competition’.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the University 

Established in 2001, University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University is located in Dwarka, New Delhi, India. It is the first University to be in the vicinity of the Supreme Court, Delhi High Court, various subordinate courts, commissions, tribunals and various monitoring offices of national and international voluntary organizations.

About the Blog

The USLLS ADR Blog is an initiative of the University School of Law of Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. The team at USLLS ADR Blog believes that sustained academic deliberation is required to ensure that the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution Law grows continuously, and becomes the mainstream solution to disputes.

The objective of this blog is to provide a conducive platform that fosters discussions and deliberations pertaining to the field of ADR by academicians, researchers, law students and legal practitioners.

The Advisory Board of the Blog consists of extremely accomplished individuals in the field of ADR so as to enable the Blog to ensure that the viewpoints of the various stakeholders are addressed through the holistic functioning of the Blog.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions pertaining to the field of ADR, subject to the following guidelines are welcome:

  1. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed. Refrain from mentioning the name, institutional affiliation, or any other detail of the author(s) in the document to facilitate the double-blind review process.
  2. Submissions should be original and unpublished work of the author(s). Any form of plagiarism will result in an automatic rejection. Moreover, if the Turnitin similarity index reports over 20% similarity (after making the relevant exclusions such as bibliography, quotes, small matches etc.), then the submission shall be rejected. 
  3. Submissions should be concise. They should range between 1000-2000 words. Longer posts may be published in parts subject to editorial board’s discretion. The word limit is exclusive of endnotes.

General Formatting Guidelines

  1. Formatting Typescript
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Text Alignment: Justified
  1. Citation Style
  • Method of Citation: Endnotes
  • Format of Citation: BlueBook 20th Edition
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 10
  • Line Spacing: 1.0
  • Text Alignment: Justified

Review Process

  • All submissions are put through a rigorous double-blind review process where they are evaluated by two editors on different parameters.
  • The review process usually concludes within 14 days from the date of receipt of the acknowledgement of the submission.
  • Once the review is complete, the decision of acceptance (conditional or unconditional) or rejection is communicated to the author.
  • The authors will be provided 10 days to make the necessary changes that may be suggested by the editorial board. It is expected that the authors will make all changes in good faith. 

Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication by the editorial board, the copyright over the manuscript shall vest in the Blog. However, the moral rights over the manuscript shall vest in the author(s).

The Blog only accepts exclusive publications. Once a manuscript is accepted, the same can not be published elsewhere. 

Submission Procedure

  • Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
  • All submissions must be made to: submissions@usllsadrblog.com
  • The file must be a word document (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’).
  • An abstract of not more than 100 words must accompany the submission. The abstract is exclusive of the word limit for the article.
  • The author(s) are also requested to submit a short biography detailing their current designation and institutional affiliations. 

Contact Details

Mail to: operations@usllsadrblog.com or to submissions@usllsadrblog.com

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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