The PIL regarding the restrain and rehabilitation of the beggars in the wake of this pandemic situation was brought before the court by the petitioner Kush Karla on 27.07.2021, before the bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and MR Shah.

“We can’t restrain beggars. Nobody wants to beg it’s all the situation leading the human to do so. And this restraining them cannot miss out of our eyes but it is an economic crisis of the society that brought them to this situation even it’s their own will to do so”, said the bench.

Senior advocate Chinmoy Sharma, who appeared as the petitioner’s counsel, responded to the bench that our plea is not regarding the restrain of beggars but to provide rehabilitation for them after being vaccinated, And all the people in this country mandatory to be vaccinated but why not the beggars. In light of this, the court sent notice to the national capital territory of Delhi also to the union of India on the prayer regarding the vaccination and rehabilitation of the beggars.

The court ordered that in regards to the plea every citizen in the country means to be safe and secured, irrespective of the rich nor poor. Also, the court highlighted that it is the socio-economic crisis that leads people in the streets to beg, it is not anyone’s choice to opt for such a decision. Restraining them is not a way to decrease this socio-economic crisis, People do beg due to poverty and unemployment. Also, the mentioned that there are many societies to help and protect the homeless people, though the court issued an order to protect them from the spreading of COVID 19 in the traffics and streets due to the act of begging, And directed the union and Delhi to give response for such human situations, and the court asked the Solicitor General to assist the court.

The hearing would be continued two weeks later.

-Report by AJISHA

Dr. Justice D. Y. Chandrachud, Judge and Chairman, e-committee of the Supreme Court of India, addressed some crucial statements at the live streaming of Gujarat High Court proceedings event, underlining the importance of the Live Streaming Court’s activities.

He emphasized that live streaming has become essential and that it increases clarity. “Even when the pandemic is over, live streaming will help to exemplify court proceedings and spread the message that courts are for the people. “Learners recognize that judges are doing their jobs properly.” He added. He also addressed the widespread misunderstandings about how judges work. “We are targeted for the vacations we take,” he added,” Judges, on the other hand, work 24 hours a day; but people don’t comprehend the magnitude of the job that judges perform even while they are on vacation.”

N.V. Ramana, India’s Chief Justice, has stated that live-streaming of Supreme Court hearings may begin shortly, and that practicalities are being worked out to make this possible.

According to India’s Chief Justice, people currently acquire information about court proceedings through the media, “In effect, information from the courts is filtered by agents. Due to the lack of context, there is occasionally a communication loss during the proceeding, resulting in misinterpretation of questions asked and observations made by the bench. “Vested interests can exaggerate these misunderstandings to mock or defame the institution,” he said. It is this lack of direct access that allows for misconceptions to grow. The best treatment for the aforementioned issue is the formalization of live streaming of court sessions. Live-streaming of proceedings is crucial for information dissemination, which is a core component of Article 19.” People can acquire first-hand information about the entire proceedings and the judges’ judgments with such direct access, he said, “leaving little opportunity for any wrongdoing.”

The Supreme Court had previously stated that the court’s proceedings should be live-streamed in cases of constitutional significance. Gujarat High Court Chief Justice Vikram Nath remarked during the virtual inauguration, “Going live requires bravery, confidence, and, most importantly, conviction. The live-streaming guidelines are unanimously approved by all of my brother and sister judges.”