In a petition filed before the Orissa High Court regarding the circulation of offensive videos on social media websites or applications. The Habeas Corpus petition was filed by the father of the girl. The girl (the petitioner here) who was being harassed by one of the respondents circulating some of her offensive videos on social media had been rescued. 

The petitioner has mentioned in her application that she had filed an FIR before the inspector at the Jagatpur Police Station, Cuttak, but it still was not registered and neither any action was taken against the accused. In a similar case adjudged by the single bench of Justice SK Panigarhi, the court noted that the petitioner was on the receiving end of abuse and unabated mental torture, and thus rejected the bail application of the accused. 

The court directed the police to take cognizance of the matter as soon as possible and examine the FIR. And look if the case has not already been registered. If it is, then take up further investigations and raid the house of the accused is required. 

The court in its observations also noted that young people especially women are usually on the receiving end of the of harmful abuses and torture and any accused would secretively outrage the modesty of the woman concerned if the right to be forgotten is not recognised sooner. 

Report By- Tanuj

JUNE 19th 2020

It takes me immense pleasure to invite all the esteemed members of the Legal Fraternity on behalf of lexpeeps to write blogs with us which we will publish in our “guest blog section”. After the huge success of the “our blogs” section which was dedicated to law students of different law schools and publishing more than 250 well-researched articles,

We are now starting with a section where the Lawyers of the Nation and the Academician connected with the Legal Fraternity will get an opportunity to put up their views more loudly and in front of a larger number of audience.

With Love and Respect

Madhur Rathaur

Founder, Director, CEO