About VS Mani Centre for Air and Space Law

VSMCASL was established in 2019 to engage in various ways in shaping the emerging discourse in the field of Air and Space Law. The Centre’s vision is to improve the existing legal and policy framework for the facilitation and regulation of safe, secure, affordable, and sustainable aviation and to contribute to the shaping of a legal foundation for the future of humanity that lies in space. The Centre was established to provide a platform for the students to develop their research skills in the field of Air and Space Law and encourage trans-disciplinary research on issues concerning it.

About the GNLU Air and Space Law Conference

The International Conference aims to provide a platform for deliberations amongst Air and Space Law enthusiasts, thereby contributing to the emerging discourse on the challenges posed to Air and Space Law in the future. The first edition of the Conference was successfully conducted in 2022. Encouraged by the same, VSMCASL is pleased to present the 2nd Edition of GNLU Air and Space Law Conference 2023, to be organised on 8 July 2023.

Important Dates

  • Last Date for Abstract Submission: Friday, 31 March 2023
  • Abstract Selection and Intimation – Monday, 10 April 2023.
  • Last Date for Registration – Saturday, 15 April 2023.
  • Last Date for Full Paper Submission – Wednesday, 10 May 2023.

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract: 300-500 words
  • Paper: 3000 – 5000 words (excluding references; submission below or above the word limit shall not be considered).
  • Citation style: OSCOLA. (4th Edition)
  • Font: Times New Roman; Font size-12; Spacing- 1.5.
  • A cover page with the title of the Essay, name and affiliation of the author/co-authors shall be attached.
  • Submit text as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx). Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of two authors.
  • Submissions need to be original.
  • Plagiarism shall result in disqualification.
  • Submissions shall be made online only.
  • Submissions shall be in English.
  • The topic, once registered, shall not be changed.
  • Any identification mark (in any form) in the paper shall lead to disqualification.
  • Multiple or incomplete submissions shall not be considered.
  • Any manuscript received after the last date shall not be considered.


  • Management and regulation of airports
  • Anti-competitive issues in aviation
  • Protection of consumer rights in aviation
  • Aviation financing
  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy issues in the Aviation industry
  • Aviation-related crimes and aerial terrorism
  • Air accidents/incident investigation
  • Search and rescue Environmental aspects of the aviation industry
  • Commercial space mining
  • Space tourism
  • Space debris
  • Space communications
  • Space exploration
  • Space Insurance Environmental harm due to human activities in space International liability for incidents/accidents in space
  • National space law and policies

(List of sub-themes is indicative. Accordingly, a research paper on any other area relating to the theme of the Conference may be considered.)


  • GNLU Students – INR 590/-
  • Students – INR 1180/-
  • Others – INR 1770/-

The registration fee is the same for participation and presentation. The fee mentioned above is exclusive of accommodation and is non-refundable.

Details about Abstract Submission and Fees Payment: https://gnlu.ac.in//Document/content-docs/f0be8a74-e549-4542-b858-77e7c70ce896.pdf


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Magazine

The Student Research Development Council [SRDC] ADR Magazine is a quarterly publication which invites submissions from experts, working professionals, academics and students in the field of Alternate Dispute Resolution.

The ADR Student Research Group launched its first edition of the ADR Magazine in May, 2020. This flagship publication of the ADR SRG witnessed several articles pertaining to the recent developments, judicial decisions and practices of ADR in Indian and several foreign jurisdictions.

The second issue of the Magazine witnessed articles written by leading practitioners well versed in the field of ADR. An additional highlight of the issue is the interview given by Mr. Sitesh Mukherjee, a former Dispute Resolution head and Partner at Trilegal, who recently began his independent practice.

The SRG collaborated with several experts and practitioners in the field of ADR who supervised the process of the publication, thereby adding to the scholastic appeal of the Magazine.


Authors may make submissions on topics pertaining to any one of the following:

  • Domestic Arbitration
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • Investment Arbitration
  • Negotiation
  • Mediation
  • Conciliation

Please note that the above list is not exhaustive and authors are free to write on issues falling broadly within the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

The magazine permits Articles, Case Comments, Legislative Comments and Book Reviews falling within the scope of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Submission & Formatting Guidelines

  • Co-Authorship: Co-authorship is permissible only up to a maximum of two authors.
  • Word Limit: 2000-2500 words (exclusive of citations).
  • Body: The body of the manuscript should be in Garamond, Font Size 12 and line spacing 1.5.
  • Footnotes: The footnotes should be in Garamond, Font Size 10 and line spacing 1.
  • The citations must conform to the OSCOLA style of citations, 4th edition.
  • No hyperlinks are allowed.
  • The piece should not contain any reference to the author, including their names and institutional affiliations.
  • Any failure to adhere to submission guidelines may result in rejection of the submission. 

Cover Letter

The submission should be accompanied by a Cover Letter, within the manuscript attached and must contain the following details:

  • Name of the Author(s)
  • Contact Details: Address and Mobile Number
  • Name and Address of the Institution of the Author(s)
  • Academic Qualifications (year of studying)/Affiliations of the Author(s)
  • Title of the Manuscript

Mode of Submission

  • The Magazine accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Should the submission be made after the editorial process of an issue, the articles shall be considered for subsequent issues.
  • The submissions can be made via email to the SRDC ADR editorial team on the following email ID: srdcadr[at]gnlu.ac.in
  • The email should contain the manuscript in .doc or .docx format accompanied by the cover letter as per the aforementioned specification.
  • Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts before 11:59 PM on 10th November 2020. The submissions can be made via email to the SRDC ADR editorial team on the following email ID: srdcadr[at]gnlu.ac.in.

Copyright and Editorial Policy

  • Submissions made to the SRDC are on an exclusive basis.
  • The submissions must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The contribution presented to and accepted for publication along with the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the SRDC and vests with it.
  • SRDC strives to promote originality and commits itself to strict requirements of integrity. Plagiarized works shall be ineligible for publication.
  • The author(s) are to cite their sources and acknowledge the sources for the content which is not original. SRDC ADR editorial team reserves its right to reject and/or discontinue further collaboration on non-fulfilment of the academic integrity criterion.

Contact Details

E-mail ID: srdc[at]gnlu.ac.in

Rahul Kanoujia: Editor-in-Chief: +918451084791

Raghav Bhargava, Senior Editor: +919838164641

Important Links

The link for the first and second issues are here and here, respectively.

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