Each time a wrongdoer covertly passes on India to take shelter in another country, the Government of India starts from the very beginning again with its procedure of taking him back to the country to make him remain in a preliminary and rebuff him for his offence. The greatest inquiry that springs up in such a circumstance is that of removal and regardless of whether such a relationship exists between India and the country where the wrongdoer has taken shelter. As of late, many instances of bank extortion and middle-class violations have carried the concentration to this theme.


Britannica describes “Extradition” as the interaction by which one state, upon the proposal of another, influence the arrival of an individual for preliminary for an offence which deserves the laws of the mentioning state and perpetrated external the condition of shelter.”A removal arrangement is restricting and the two nations are obliged to act as per the arrangement of the settlement. A removal plan implies that the guilty party’s detainment is still up in the air by the nearby removal laws of the country where he has taken asylum and he can be removed according to global guidelines and arrangements came between the concerned States.1

Extraditable people might include:

  • People accused of wrongdoing yet not attempted.
  • People who have been attempted and indicted yet have gotten away from care.
  • People indicted in absentia.


In India, extradition is governed under The Extradition Act, 1962 (the Act).
Extradition Treaty – The Act gives the description of “extradition treaty” under section 2(d) as “treaty, arrangement or agreement made by India with a foreign State relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals, and includes any treaty, agreement or arrangement relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals made before the 15th day of August 1947, which extends to, and is binding on, India“1.
Extradition Offence – Section 2(c) of the act, reads “extradition offence” as concerning a State with which an extradition treaty has been signed, extradition offence is an offence provided for in the extradition treaty with that State.
Concerning a State with which a repatriation convention has not been inked, a repatriation offence is an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term that isn’t lower than one time directed by the laws of India or a foreign State. This also includes a composite offence.
Composite Offence – Compound offence, under section 2 (a), is an offence from an act or conduct, which has passed wholly or incompletely in India or a foreign State, but when its goods or intended goods are taken as a whole, they constitute a repatriation offence in India or in that foreign State.
In situations where no removal arrangement exists with an unfamiliar country, the Central Government might consider any worldwide show to which India and that nation are normal gatherings as a removal deal for the offences indicated in that show. For instance, India is involved with the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its three conventions, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Thusly, India can remove a wrongdoer taking shelter in a country that is involved with any of these shows 1.


India does not respect an extradition demand in the following cases:

  • Assuming the extradition demand is made by a country that doesn’t impart a typical global show to India.
  • Where the demand for extradition is made by a country that imparts a typical worldwide show to India yet the demand is connected with an offence that isn’t set out in that worldwide show

As per Section 31 of the Extradition Act a wrongdoer isn’t returned or given up to an unfamiliar State under the accompanying conditions:

  • The offence for which extradition has been mentioned by the foreign State is political.
  • The offence for which extradition has been mentioned is banned by time as indicated by the laws of the mentioning foreign state.
  • The guilty party has been blamed for an offence in India, other than the first extradition offence.
  • The wrongdoer is as of now carrying out a jail punishment in India.


The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in the interest of the Government of India goes about as the focal authority concerning removal settlements, courses of action and demands. According to area 3 of the Extradition Act, the Central Government might give the warning to broaden the arrangements of the Act to the nation or nations told. As per the MEA, India has marked removal settlements with 47 countries and has removal plans with 11 countries1.


The standard of double guiltiness is the quintessence of removal. It infers that wrongdoing for which removal is being looked for should be wrongdoing in both the mentioning and the mentioned country. Any removal arrangement being gone into among India and any unfamiliar State requires the guideline of twofold culpability to be fulfilled before giving removal demands. In particular, the substance and components of the offence are of the most extreme significance when a removal deal must be agreed upon.


Notwithstanding the broad legal system and working apparatus set up to remove people from abroad into India, just 65 criminals have been removed to India since the year 20022 and it is obvious that the acquiescence cycle is very bulky and dreary, frequently requiring a long time to finish and, sometimes, they even stay fruitless. It empowers the outlaw crooks blamed for offenses in India, to avoid capture and indictment for a long time. The Ordinance is a positive development yet the drawn-out advantages of the Ordinance and its capacity to urge the unfamiliar States to stretch out participation to India to assist the removal cycle stays to be seen3. Wrongdoing at the global level is expanding step by step. Removal law helps in forestalling the individual who has carried out the wrongdoing outside the condition of outcast and is from getting away from the preliminary. Every nation has its extraction laws and has been referenced in global laws as well. These laws are important to make discourage and keep up with laws and orders all through the world.


  1. Extradition law in India. [Online]
  2. [Online]
  3. India: Indian Extradition Law – Process For Seeking Extradition Of Persons From Foreign States.

This article is written by Sara Agrawal student at Sinhgad Law College, Pune.