Environmental law can be viewed according to two viewpoints human-centric and ecocentric, previous is human-driven, while the latter is nature-driven. Ecocentrism is a part of the thought that tracks down inherent worth in every single living organic entity. It takes a comprehensive perspective on the Earth, rather than the smaller methodology embraced by anthropocentrism.


The Indian legal executive prior was leaned towards anthropocentrism. However, continuously, it has moved more towards ecocentrism. Isa Upanishad expounds on the antiquated Indian underlying foundations of ecocentrism. It plainly says that every one of the living and non-living life forms in this universe has a place with God alone. There ought to be an agreement between various species with nobody over the other. Individuals, in a similar way, are not better than any species. Hence, neither people nor some other species have an authentic right to infringe upon the privileges of some other species.
This way of thinking has been treated as the base for some significant worldwide shows and arrangements, similar to Convention for Conservation of Antarctic Living Resources, 1980, The Berne-Convention on Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats,1982, The Protocol to Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection, 1998, and so on India is a signatory to this multitude of arrangements and thus regards them. These settlements give significance to various types of verdure for their inherent worth.


It is obvious that in the changing occasions’ ecocentric approach has acquired help. Different reasons can be attributed to something very similar. The preeminent being, the information that the conservation of vegetation is the main key to the protection of humankind. All things considered, without the previous, the last option can’t exist. Besides, it has been understood that the enactments that ensure widely varied vegetation are generally conventional. A few animals groups are nearly terminated, as because of their expanding request, they have been abused. Consequently, these particular species require explicit consideration.
The legal executive of India, similar to that of most different nations, was at first more leaned towards Anthropocentrism than Ecocentrism. The Indian legal executive has after some time made an extreme shift to ecocentrism1. The prominent change has been produced using accompanying milestone decisions:

  • T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad, 2012
    On account of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad, the creature is referred to as Asiatic wild Buffalo, which are found only in the western and easter ghats of India. The court while clarifying the ecocentric approach, expounded on the need for utilization of the equivalent.
  • Godavarman Thirumulpad v. Association of India, 2012
    The topic of Godavarman Thirumulpad v. Association of India was the safeguarding of the imperiled types of ‘Red Sandalwood’, which is found in Andhra Pradesh. For this situation, similar to the past one, the court explained the significance of an ecocentric approach.
  • A community for Environment Law, WWFI v. Association of India, 2013
    In Center for Environment Law, WWFI v. Association of India, the court stated the judgment with the use of the ecocentric standard. The court illuminated the inborn worth of every living being, albeit the case was petitioned for saving the Asiatic wild lion. This judgment was established in ecocentric standards since it gave significance to all types of creatures, particularly the individuals who were imperiled, regardless of the way that they were instrumental for human endurance or not. Putting together its judgment concerning the reports of specialists, the court held that Asiatic white lions establish an imperiled species. Keeping this into thought, the development of a second home for them to guarantee their endurance becomes vital.

Likewise, the court prescribed separate enactment be made by the parliament of India for the insurance and tirelessness of jeopardized species. It likewise requested the safeguarding of Asiatic wild lions of the Gir timberland situated in Gujarat. Headings were additionally given for the insurance of other imperiled species. This would be founded on a nature-driven and life-driven methodology, rather than a human-driven methodology. The “Species Best Standard” was to be applied from that point on. Explanations in regards to the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 were made. It was explained that untamed life involves a wide range of vegetation, be it wild or tamed. It was likewise featured that all potential endeavors ought to be made to carry out this demonstration in letter and soul. It was additionally noticed that “Logical thinking” needs to outperform whatever other components with regards to redistribution or some other government assistance conspire for these jeopardized species.
These cases are considered achievements because these cases mean a significant change in the Indian ecological statute. Presently, the Indian legal executive gave significance to the inborn worth of all living life forms like people as crucial parts of nature. In this manner building up ecocentrism in India2.


Humanity must ensure and protect nature, particularly while expanding ecological exhaustion. Subsequently, rather than regarding ourselves as unrivaled and childishly taking advantage of normal assets, we should invest in our amounts of energy to serve the climate3.


  1. Are Indian Courts Eco-centric? [Online]
  2. Anthropocentric v. ecocentric approach to the environment. [Online]
  3. The Ecosystem Approach betweenEcocentrism and Anthropocentrism. [Online]

This article is written by Sara Agrawal student at Sinhgad Law College, Pune.