About JLEL

The NLIU-JLEL is a peer-reviewed annual labour and employment law journal which aims to create meaningful debate and discourse to build a fair and equitable regime of workspace laws and to study the dynamic confluence of the academic and the human resource represented by such laws.


JLEL welcome original, genuine and unpublished contributions from students, academicians and practitioners for the Journal. The Journal is accepting submissions under the broad theme of “Labour and Employment Laws” including inter alia industrial disputes, discrimination, gig economy, exploitation, minimum wage, restraint of trade, and whistleblowing. However, the submissions must be of contemporary relevance.

Categories of Submissions

The submission can be made under any of the following categories:

  • Articles (4000 to 8000 words) The article must be a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the problem(s) or idea(s) dealt with by the author and should include references to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
  • Essays (2000 to 4000 words) The essay must be an analysis of the problem(s) or idea(s) dealt with by the author and should include references to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
  • Case Comment (2000 to 5000 words) The comment must be a critical analysis of a recent judgement, bringing out its relevance in light of development of laws, views expressed in the judgement and views of the author(s). The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
  • Book Review (1000 to 3000 words) The review must be a crisp account of a recently published book including the issues explored and the related arguments of the author. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
  • Legislative Comment (2000 to 4000 words) The comment must analyse a recent legislative enactment. It must examine the objective of the legislation and the legal impact the same is expected to have. The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
  • (NOTE: Submissions in the categories of Book Review(s), Case Comment(s) and Legislative Comment(s) will be highly appreciated.)

Submission Guidelines

  • All original submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words which is exclusive of the word limit and should be included within the document of the manuscript. A separate document containing only the Abstract must also be submitted. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the submission, beyond the existing available literature, the practical utility of their recommendation. The abstract must also contain 5 keywords at the end.
  • All submissions must be in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx), with Times New Roman font (body: size 12, line spacing: 1.50; footnotes: size 10, line spacing: 1.00).
  • The Journal uses only footnotes (and not endnotes) as a method of citation. The footnotes must conform to the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA, 4th Edition). Non-compliance with this may lead to disqualification.
  • The submissions made should not be plagiarised. Any submission in contravention of this rule shall be summarily rejected.
  • The manuscript itself must not contain any information as to the name(s) of the author(s), the institution, address or any other information that may reveal or indicate their identity.
  • Co-authorship is permitted for up to 2 authors. However, co-authorship is not allowed in case of Case Comment, Book Review and Legislative Comment.
  • Submissions are accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe the copyright or any other rights of any third parties. If the submission is found to be violative of any of the rights of the other party, the author(s) shall be solely responsible for such violation.
  • Submissions made should be on an exclusive basis i.e., submission should be unpublished and should not be under any concurrent consideration.
  • The editorial board reserves its rights to suggest changes/make amends/request to add or delete any portion in the submitted manuscript, based upon the discretion of the editor. The author(s) are supposed to incorporate the suggested changes within the specified time limit.
  • All submissions must be made on this form only, before 23:59 hours, 31st October 2021.
  • If the manuscript is selected for publication, the Centre for Labour Laws will have the copyright over the same, and the authors will be granted the moral rights for the same.

Any doubts relating to the submissions for NLIU-Journal for Labour and Employment Law must be addressed to jlel@nliu.ac.in with a subject line “Query Journal for Labour & Employment Law”.

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Indian National Bar Association (INBA) invites applications for participation in its 1st edition of Research Paper Writing Competition. 

CALL FOR PAPERS: In pursuance of this year’s Constitution Day, research papers are invited on the following themes: 

  • Whether it is necessary to have a new post of separate specialized investigator in Police; 
  • Perception of police in the mind of ordinary people, and whether reform in the force is essential along with Reformation in Police governing laws. 

The themes provided are directory in nature; therefore authors are free to select any related topic based on the above-mentioned themes.

Two Best Papers shall be selected, winners of which will be awarded on the evening of 9th Annual International Conference scheduled on Law Day, 2020.


Submissions to be sent on inba.paperconference@gmail.com 

The Last Date for the Submission of Research paper is 20th November, 2020.

For more details or any query:

1. Send an email on inba.paperconference@gmail.com or 

2. Visit the official website


3. Call/ WhatsApp 

Tanishka Grover +91-9999799463

Avni Agarwal +91-9910744488

For more such opportunities visit: www.lexpeeps.in

Blogs published by Lexpeeps: For understanding purpose:http://lexpeeps.in/category/our-blog/

About the Magazine

The Student Research Development Council [SRDC] ADR Magazine is a quarterly publication which invites submissions from experts, working professionals, academics and students in the field of Alternate Dispute Resolution.

The ADR Student Research Group launched its first edition of the ADR Magazine in May, 2020. This flagship publication of the ADR SRG witnessed several articles pertaining to the recent developments, judicial decisions and practices of ADR in Indian and several foreign jurisdictions.

The second issue of the Magazine witnessed articles written by leading practitioners well versed in the field of ADR. An additional highlight of the issue is the interview given by Mr. Sitesh Mukherjee, a former Dispute Resolution head and Partner at Trilegal, who recently began his independent practice.

The SRG collaborated with several experts and practitioners in the field of ADR who supervised the process of the publication, thereby adding to the scholastic appeal of the Magazine.


Authors may make submissions on topics pertaining to any one of the following:

  • Domestic Arbitration
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • Investment Arbitration
  • Negotiation
  • Mediation
  • Conciliation

Please note that the above list is not exhaustive and authors are free to write on issues falling broadly within the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

The magazine permits Articles, Case Comments, Legislative Comments and Book Reviews falling within the scope of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Submission & Formatting Guidelines

  • Co-Authorship: Co-authorship is permissible only up to a maximum of two authors.
  • Word Limit: 2000-2500 words (exclusive of citations).
  • Body: The body of the manuscript should be in Garamond, Font Size 12 and line spacing 1.5.
  • Footnotes: The footnotes should be in Garamond, Font Size 10 and line spacing 1.
  • The citations must conform to the OSCOLA style of citations, 4th edition.
  • No hyperlinks are allowed.
  • The piece should not contain any reference to the author, including their names and institutional affiliations.
  • Any failure to adhere to submission guidelines may result in rejection of the submission. 

Cover Letter

The submission should be accompanied by a Cover Letter, within the manuscript attached and must contain the following details:

  • Name of the Author(s)
  • Contact Details: Address and Mobile Number
  • Name and Address of the Institution of the Author(s)
  • Academic Qualifications (year of studying)/Affiliations of the Author(s)
  • Title of the Manuscript

Mode of Submission

  • The Magazine accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Should the submission be made after the editorial process of an issue, the articles shall be considered for subsequent issues.
  • The submissions can be made via email to the SRDC ADR editorial team on the following email ID: srdcadr[at]gnlu.ac.in
  • The email should contain the manuscript in .doc or .docx format accompanied by the cover letter as per the aforementioned specification.
  • Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts before 11:59 PM on 10th November 2020. The submissions can be made via email to the SRDC ADR editorial team on the following email ID: srdcadr[at]gnlu.ac.in.

Copyright and Editorial Policy

  • Submissions made to the SRDC are on an exclusive basis.
  • The submissions must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The contribution presented to and accepted for publication along with the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the SRDC and vests with it.
  • SRDC strives to promote originality and commits itself to strict requirements of integrity. Plagiarized works shall be ineligible for publication.
  • The author(s) are to cite their sources and acknowledge the sources for the content which is not original. SRDC ADR editorial team reserves its right to reject and/or discontinue further collaboration on non-fulfilment of the academic integrity criterion.

Contact Details

E-mail ID: srdc[at]gnlu.ac.in

Rahul Kanoujia: Editor-in-Chief: +918451084791

Raghav Bhargava, Senior Editor: +919838164641

Important Links

The link for the first and second issues are here and here, respectively.

An articles related to the topic published by lexpeeps: For understanding purpose.

About Jurisperitus

Jurisperitus: The Law Journal (ISSN 2581-6349) (Indexed) is a non-annual peer-reviewed journal initiated with an aim to provide a platform to the masses of our country and re-iterate the importance and multi-disciplinary approach of law.

This journal is an initiative by Legal Education and Awareness Foundation, a registered Non-Governmental Organization, which aims at providing legal education and awareness to all parts of the country beyond any social and economic barriers.

Jurisperitus is indexed with Scientific Indexing Service, Scientific Journal Impact Fact, IJIFactor, RsearchBib and International Institute of Organized Research. It has A++ Impact Factor Rating.

About the Event

Jurisperitus is calling for unique and unpublished research papers, Short Notes, Book Reviews & Case Comments for its Volume 3, Issue 1.

How to Submit?

To submit, click here or email your manuscript at editor@jurisperitus.co.in.

  1. The manuscript should be in MS Word format.
  2. The title of the manuscript should be appropriate.
  3. The manuscript shall be original and unpublished.
  4. The submission should not be plagiarized, and free from grammatical, spelling and other errors.
  5. Full names of all the author(s) must be given.
  6. Any uniform method for citation may be followed.
  7. The body of the manuscript shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing.
  8. Normal/Default Margins shall be used.
  9. New Roman, size 10 single line spacing
  10. Page borders shall not be used.

Last Date of Submission of Full Manuscript: 5th November 2020


Selected papers will be provided with the following:

  • Soft copy of their certificate of publication within a week of acceptance of their paper and completing all the formalities
  • Soft copy of the journal available on the website, here.
  • One best paper selected will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/-
  • The publication will be released on 15th November 2020 and authors will be able to download it from the website.

Word Limit

  1. Articles: 3000-5000 words including footnotes
  2. Short Notes: 2000-3000 words including footnotes
  3. Book Reviews: 1000-2000 words including footnotes
  4. Case Commentaries: 1000-3000 words including footnotes

Fee Details

The fee is to be paid after acceptance of Manuscript.

  • Rs. 600/- for Single Authored manuscript
  • Rs. 900/- for Co-authored manuscript
  • Rs. 1200/- for Triple Authored manuscript

Mode of Payment

Paytm: 9013078358

UPI (Bhim/Tez/Phonepe): 9013078358@upi

Account Details

  • Account Holder’s Name: MR SIDDHARTH DHAWAN
  • Account Number: 104210100028711
  • IFSC Code: ANDB0001042
  • Bank & Branch: Andhra Bank, Rajadani Enclave Branch

Contact Details

Mr. Siddharth Dhawan

Phone/WhatsApp: 9013078358

Email ID: editor [at] jurisperitus.co.in

                    The website link of Jurisperitus: The Law Journal is here.

About Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun

Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun is a multi-domain university offering various professional programs to over 10000 on-campus students from all states of India and various countries of the world.

About the School of Law

School of Law, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun is running two full time five years fully residential i.e. B.B.A-LL.B. & B.A.-LL.B. approved by Bar Council of India, has an industry-oriented curriculum and trains students through rigorous research, moot courts, classroom discussion of case laws and a variety of internships with Supreme Court Judges, top law firms and senior advocates.

About the Call for Papers

The Journal Committee of School of Law, Graphic Era Hill University hereby invites articles/research papers, case studies, and book reviews on law and allied areas for publication in the GEHU’s Law Review (January 2021 Issue). The journal is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed publication from School of Law, Graphic Era Hill University.

It show-cases contemporary issues and challenges specific to law, with an interdisciplinary approach towards assimilating knowledge. It is an endeavor of the Institute to become the beacon of legal education by encouraging synthesis of knowledge and best practices cutting across the academia and research fraternity.

Broad theme

The journal invites submission on any board area which could be related to contemporary Legal issues and advancements with national and international significance.

The authors are free to write on any topic that they wish to contextualize on the broader theme.

Submission Guidelines

  • The manuscript should be in MS Word format
  • The manuscript shall be original and unpublished.
  • Authorship: Maximum of two authors per entry.
  • The author(s) must follow the uniform method of citation either Journal of Indian Law Institute (JILI) or Bluebook 19th edition.
  • The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing.

Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed

  • Research papers (4,000- 6,000 words)
  • Short notes (2000-3000 words)
  • Book reviews (1000-2000 words)
  • Case studies/commentaries (1000-3000 words)

Important Dates

  • Call for papers: 3rd September 2020
  • Submission of full paper: 30th  November 2020
  • Completion & Intimation of Reviewed papers: 05th  January 2021
  • Publication of Journal: 31st January 2021

Contact Details

Dr. Navtika Singh Nautiyal The Editor, GEHU’s Law Review

E-mail ID: chiefeditorglr@gehu.ac.in, glr@gehu.ac.in

About CCI, India

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body established under the Competition Act, 2002 with the objective of preventing practices having an adverse effect on competition, to promote and sustain competition in markets, to protect the interest of consumers, and to ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets in India.

CCI is also mandated to take suitable measures for the promotion of competition law by organizing various advocacy programs for the stakeholders.

The Commission brings out its annual Journal on Competition Law and Policy in both print and online versions.

About the Opportunity

The Commission invites original high-quality research papers, articles, case law, and book reviews on competition law, the economics of competition law, and contemporary antitrust issues for publication in its aforesaid journal.

However, research papers/ articles/book reviews on the following themes, in the Indian context and based on empirical research, would be encouraged:

  • Cartel
  • Vertical restraints and competition
  • Market definition, measuring market power and abuse of dominance
  • Merger and acquisition
  • New age economy, platform markets and challenges for antitrust enforcement
  • Intellectual property rights and competition law
  • Recent development in competition law and policy
  • Any other issues related to competition law and policy

Process of Selection

Initial stage: The Joint editors will carry out a blind review to determine the eligibility of the paper for further review. On clearing the initial stage: The paper will be sent to the editorial board.

A double-blind review process will be followed at both stages.

Based on the editorial board recommendations, the paper will be rejected or accepted or sent.

Submission Guidelines

View the detailed submission guidelines.


How to Submit

Full papers along with a CV of the author(s) and duly signed certificate of originality sent to journals@cci.gov.in

Contact Information

Requests for further information or any other queries may be sent to the abovementioned email ID.

Please Note: There is no specific deadline for the submission of papers. Papers cleared by the Editorial board will be published in the next available issue of the Journal. 



Journal for Law Students and Researchers [JLSR]  is an Online Journal with ISSN[O]: 2582-306X and 8 indexings, which is quarterly, Peer-Reviewed, published online and JLSR seeks to provide an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Reviews, Case Comments, Research Papers, Essays in the field of Law.

JLSR welcomes contributions from all legal branches, as long as the work is original, unpublished, unplagiarized and is in consonance with the submission guidelines.


  • Articles: An article must conduct a complete analysis of the area of law, which the author seeks to highlight. It must contain a comprehensive study of the existing law with the suggestions and conclusions of the Author. Word Limit being 1,100 to 4,000 words.
  • Notes: A note is a relatively concise form of an argument advanced by the author. The focus of a note should be on a relatively new debate or controversy regarding the interpretation or implementation in the law. Notes shall primarily highlight contemporary issues, which need to be addressed, and the authors are expected to offer a solution. The maximum word limit for a manuscript in the form of note is 1,500-2,500 words.
  • Comments: A comment is where the author may decide to critique any recent/landmark judicial pronouncement or any recent legislation or bill before the Parliament or State Legislature. The word limit for a comment is 2,000-3,000 words.
  • Book Review: A Book Review is where the author identifies the central idea of the book, gives the reader indication of the author’s style, approach, or premises, and then offers an overall evaluation adding suggestions and latest amendments to the given laws in the book. The word limit is from 2,000-3,000 words.


  • Last date for full paper submission: 1st Septembern, 2020 (Submissions should be made in Word Doc.)
  • Intimation of the selection of Full Paper: Within 2 days of submission.


  1. Citation Format: The citation format to be followed is The Bluebook (19th Ed.)/Any Standard Format.
  2. Abstract: Every submission should be accompanied by an abstract of 250-300 words describing the relevant conclusions drawn in the manuscript.
  3. Biographical Information of Authors: Details with biographical information of the authors must be given in the footnote of Author’s Name including the following details: Post, Email address, Name of Institution, Course (if applicable), Academic Year.
  4. Papers with plagiarism less than 25% are only eligible for publication.
  5. Font Style: Times New Roman and font size 12.


Single Authored: 800/-

Co-Authored: 1000/-


Submission of the full article/paper along shall be made by sending an e-mail at editor.jlsr@gmail.com.



E-mail: jflsrjournal@gmail.com

The website link is here.

RegardsJOURNAL FOR LAW STUDENS & RESEARCHERS [JLSR] Team FB : https://www.facebook.com/JLSR2019/ 

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/jlsr/

 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jlsrjournal/

Website : jlsrjournal.in


Himachal Pradesh National Law University  (HPNLU Shimla) is a National Law University located at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. It is the 20th National Law University established in India. National Law University, is set up with the vision to provide affordable quality legal education with an aim to educate and cater to the needs of students. NLU Shimla is governed by the High Court of Himachal Pradesh


Call for paper


The Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, is launching the Third Volume of its annual publication, Shimla Law Review (SLR) (ISSN: 2582-1903). The volume is scheduled to be out in the month of December 2020. In this connection, submissions, under different categories, are invited form interested faculty members, research scholars, judges, and professionals. The volume is not restricted to any particular theme and manuscripts with an interdisciplinary perspective on contemporary socio-legal issues, theories, and developments awaiting scholarly treatment are encouraged. The last date for submission of contributions is September 01, 2020. Selection of entries are based on double-blind peer review. Queries about the submission of papers and related matters may be directed to: editorslr@hpnlu.ac.in.


01 September 2020


There is no specific or particular theme(s) or topic(s) for the Volume. All submissions, relating to law, directly or otherwise, are welcome.


  1. The manuscripts should be well researched/ documented following uniform citation method for footnotes given above.
  2. The manuscripts should be the original work of the contributor and not a compilation of pre-existing works on the subject. It should not amount to the violation of others’ copyright. The contributor has to give a declaration as to the originality of the work.
  3. The copyright in all articles, published in the Volume, shall vest in the owner of the Shimla Law Review i.e. HPNLU, Shimla.
  4. The views adopted from other sources and others’ work must be quoted and sufficiently acknowledged.
  5. Paraphrasing another author’s work shall not be considered as original work. The source has to be acknowledged.
  6. The Contributor has to cover the risk of being sued for copyright, defamation or contempt and shall be liable to suffer the losses if caused by violating copyright.


  • All submission in Electronic form: All contributions have to be submitted in electronic form. The manuscript should be typed in MS Office double spaced, with a left margin of one and a half inches, and send to: editorslr@hpnlu.ac.in.
  • Abstract: Abstract of the paper in 250-300 words should be sent along with the electronic submissions.
  • Covering Letter: Author(s) must send a covering letter mentioning the title of the paper, name, designation and details of the author(s) and institutional affiliation. The author(s) are compulsorily required to make a solemn declaration about the originality of the manuscript and that the same has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • Communication of Acceptance: The decision on the acceptance of the paper for publication will be that of the Editorial Board (Shimla Law Review), which shall be final. The decision of acceptance will be communicated to the contributor in eight weeks of receiving the submission.



Ph. 0177-2779802, 0177-2779803, Fax:0177-2779802. Email: editorslr@hpnlu.ac.in; Website: CLICK HERE

EVENT: Call for Blogs
ORGANISER: National Law University,Odisha
TOPIC: contemporary constitutional Issue

For further any query please contact on the given email I’d and Number
Udipto sarmarah ( Editor-in-chief):+ 91-6290503564
Yashvardhan Singh( Editorial -board -member):+91-7905007036

Email: clssubmission@gmail.com

Click on the link below for submission guidelines:


EVENT: call for papers
ORGANISER: Nirma University

Call for paper 25th April 2020
Submission of abstract 30th May 2020
Submission of full paper 30st June 2020
Publication of journal 1 August 2020
TOPIC: Legal education and pedagogy in contemporary era
CONTACTS: For further any query please contact on the given email id and Number
Shubham Vijay Mob :95718 78165

Click on the link below for details