NLIU Bhopal and ICFAI Dehradun are organizing an e-Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law on November 17 and 18, 2022.
The e-conference aims to garner a strong academic response to address the legal issues associated with AI applications.
This e-conference shall invite panel discussions from eminent speakers and shall have sessions revolving around the various aspects of AI in the litigation industry to discuss the opportunities and regulatory issues with respect to AI.
Academicians, Researchers, Students, Cyber Professionals, Cyber Stakeholders, Cyber Forensic Experts, Advocates, and Information Technology Professionals.
- AI and Human Rights
- AI and Ethics
- AI and Legal Personality
- AI as Sentient
- AI and Sustainable Development
- AI in Health and Medicine
- AI in Economic Growth and Decent Work
- AI and Environment Protection
- AI and Quality Education
- AI, Peace and Justice
- AI and Constitutional Law
- AI and Privacy
- AI and Fundamental Rights
- AI and Regulatory Framework
- AI and International Law
- AI and Indian Legal System
- AI and Cybercrimes
- AI and Civil Liability
- AI and Intellectual Property Rights
- AI and Copyright
- AI and Patent
- AI and Other Intellectual Properties
- AI and its Applications
- AI and Governance
- AI and Digital Forensics
- AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- The authors are required to identify the broad theme for their proposed research paper to help us allocate the subject expert for the review of their research paper.
- An author may write the research paper with a maximum of two co-authors.
- The submitted research papers will be evaluated based on relevance to the theme and broad topics of the Conference, originality of the research paper, policy significance and engagement with the broader research area of Artificial Intelligence and Law. The papers may be theoretical, applied, or policy-oriented.
- The presented papers will be published in the form of a book with ISBN after the author incorporates the suggestions/changes suggested during the discussion/questions session.
- Other than paper presenters, any other research scholar or working professionals, who wish to participate in the seminar, are welcome to register and attend the e-Conference.
- Abstract and full papers should be sent to aiandlaw[at]
- Abstract: 500 Words; Full Paper: 3000 to 5000 Words.
- Abstract/ Full Paper should have a cover page containing: Full name and Designation along with Institution/Organization/University and Professional/Educational details; Email address and telephone number.
- The submission should be in MS word, i.e., doc/Docx format, with the following specification:
- Font: Times New Roman; Line Spacing: 1.5 Points; Font Size: Title: 16 Points; Sub-Title : 14 Points; Text: 12 Points
- OSCOLA Citation method should be followed.
- Interested candidates may register for the seminar through the link provided at the end of this post.
- A minimum of two subject experts will review the abstract, and the selected presenters will be notified.
- The accepted presenters should send their full papers.
- Indian Participants: Rs. 300/-.
- Indian Paper Presenter (Single Author): Rs. 500/-.
- Indian Paper Presenter (Co-Authors): Rs. 800/-.
- Foreign Participants: USD 5
- Foreign Paper Presenter (Single Author): USD 10
- Foreign Paper Presenter (Co-Authors): USD 15
The three best research papers and three best paper presenters in the e-Conference will be awarded:
- First – Rs. 8,000/- [USD 100]
- Second – Rs. 6,000/- [USD 75]
- Third – Rs. 4,000/- [USD 50]
- Abstract Submission: 10 October 2022
- Notification of Selected Papers: 17 October 2022
- Submission of Full Paper: 7 November 2022
- Last Date of Registration: 15 November 2022
- e-Conference Date: 17-18 November 2022
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.