Guarantee under Contract Law

This article is written by Nazar Nawaz Abbasi pursuing LLB from Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. INTRODUCTION GUARANTEE AS PER DEFINED IN INDIAN CONTRACT ACT,1872 Contract of Guarantee is defined in Indian Contract Act in Section 126 which says-A “contract of guarantee” is a contract to perform the promise or discharge the liability ofRead More

Vicarious Liability in Case of Independent Contractor

This article has been written by Shivani Kumari, a first-year law student of Lloyd law college. In this article, the author has researched an important field of tort- “Is the employer vicariously liable for the acts of the independent contractor” INTRODUCTION Whenever a person does or omits to do any act and if this actRead More

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act: Overview

This article is written by Pooja Lakshmi, a student of Bennett University. ABSTRACT Domestic Violence is often described as misusing of power by an adult during a relationship to regulate another. It is the establishment of control and fear during a relationship through violence and other sorts of abuse. The question raised in this articleRead More

“Contract of Indemnity” Compensate for the loss

Author Mansi Malik a fourth-year law student at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, she is currently interning with “The article parlance about the compensation, loss or reparation by the Indemnifier INTRODUCTION The contract of indemnity is one of the forms of commercial contract, certain industries like a partnership, insurance co., principal-agent relationship, etc rely on suchRead More

Difference between Promise, Agreement and Contract

The article, written by Akshit Gupta, a second-year law student at Bharti Vidyapeeth, New Law College, Pune, explains the definitions, characteristics and differences between various components of a valid contract ie. Promise, agreement and contract. INTRODUCTION A promise to do something between two parties, or not, is said to form a sort of mutual understandingRead More

Ex Turpi Causa Non- Oritur Actio

Author Mansi Malik a fourth-year law student at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, she is currently interning with “The article traverses about the illegality defences in tort, contract and English Trust laws”. INTRODUCTION Generally, when the person does an illegal, immoral act and due to it, if the person suffers a loss or damage heRead More

Sources of Tort Law

This article is written by Gaurav Lall pursuing BBA LL.B. (Hons.) at United World School of Law. The article speaks about a brief introduction about tort and the origin of tort with different cases. INTRODUCTION A tort is a civil wrong, other than a breach of contract, for which a remedy may be obtained, usuallyRead More

Initial Concept of Corporate liability

In this article, Sagnik Chatterjee who is currently in IInd Year pursuing BA.LL.B, from Symbiosis Law School, Pune, discusses about the Corporate Criminal Liability in India. INTRODUCTION While determining Corporate Criminal Liabilities the Latin maxim played a huge part which is Actus non facit reum mens sit rea which means that to make a person or anyRead More