Madras High Court Sets Aside Order by the District Court Against Lawyer using Unparliamentary Words During Court Proceedings

The High Court of Madras has recently granted relief to a lawyer by setting aside the order of a Principal District and Sessions Judge who had found him guilty of the usage of unparliamentary words in the virtual proceedings of the court. (G Samwell Rajendran v. The Principal District and Sessions Judge, Thoothukudi). Facts ofRead More

Supreme Court: If the Common Intention is proved then Section 149 IPC can now be switched to a charge under section 34 IPC

The Supreme Court in its judgement recently held that it had now been made permissible to switch a charge that was under Section 149 of the Indian Penal Code into a charge that was under Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code if the facts prove that the crime was actually committed in the furtheranceRead More


An interesting dauntless move made by the Principal Sessions Judge Abdul Rashid Malik in  Sheikh Salman v. JKUT through SHO P/S Saddar, Srinagar He stated that he gets a mobile call at 9:51 in the morning from the Secretary to Justice Javed Iqbal Wani of the Jammu and Kashmir high court when the bail plea movedRead More

Some condom TV ads look like porn films that are affecting the minds of youngsters

The High Court has observed that all satellite TV channels telecast advertisements that contain nudity for promoting condom sales that are ruining young mind. Such advertisements are intentionally breaking the Cable Television Network Rules, 1994 and the Cable Television Network Act, 1995. The HC said that such content affects younger minds. The court had orderedRead More