Development of the Law of Torts and the Role in Shaping Indian Judiciary

Introduction The law of torts is a significant part of the Indian legal system, providing remedies to individuals who have suffered harm due to the wrongful acts of others. Over the years, the law of torts in India has witnessed significant growth and development, thanks to the active role played by the judiciary. The courtsRead More

Defamation as a Specific Tort

As the definition of the word says, defamation is hurt to a person’s reputation caused by a false statement. A man’s reputation is recognized as his property, and anyone who causes property damage is liable under the law; similarly, anyone who harms a person’s reputation is equally liable under the law. According to Black’s LawRead More

Bolam Test

INTRODUCTION What makes India a great nation and also a hub which attracts different medical start-ups and outside people with different diseases to get medical treatment here? If cheap treatment and much more skilled, experts are your answer then it is completely justified. Pursuing the profession of doctor has always been a dream of topRead More

Tort – Recent Developments and Faults

Introduction Tort is a civil wrong, meaning it is a wrong committed against a person. Tort comes from the Latin word “tortum,” which means “crooked” or “twisted.” It is equivalent to the English term ‘wrong’ in this sense. There are two kinds of law: civil and criminal. Tort and contract law are two subsets ofRead More


Whenever one’s right is wronged, it is imperative that there is always some way to remedy that sufferance or injury caused to that person, to bring back the conviction of being just in a just society. It is done to bring about that same level of equilibrium prior to the right being wronged, the damageRead More

Tortious Liability for Defamation

What is defamation? Defamation can be explained as damaging someone’s good reputation. Therefore any person who commits an act that may damage the reputation of a person can be said to have committed defamation. Reputation can be termed as the opinions that others hold towards a person. Reputation is a legal right according to ArticleRead More

Case Analysis: Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company v. Secretary of State for India

Name of the case Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company v. Secretary of State for India. Equivalent Citation (1861) 5 Bom. H.C.R. App. I,p.1 Bench Peacock C.J, Jackson J, Wells J Relevant Section Section 65 of the Government of India Act, 1858   Relevant Act Government of India Act, 1858. Facts of the Case In theRead More

Res Ipsa Loquitor

The present article is written by Sanjana Suman from Amity Law School, Amity University Jharkhand Ranchi. Introduction The legal term Res Ipsa Loquitor means “the item speaks for itself.” It is a well-known notion in tort law; it is circumstantial or indirect evidence that infers negligence from the nature of the event that occurred whenRead More