Winding up is a process through which a company dissolves itself, ceasing to exist as a legal entity thereby. The aforementioned process involves selling off stock, paying back creditors and after resolving all debts, the remaining monetary or non-monetary funds are paid back to the members, as per their contribution to the company’s capital. According to Section 2(94A) of the Companies Act, winding up also means “liquidation” in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.

Divorces and Lockdown – A direct relationship

This article has been written by Mansi Tyagi, a student at Symbiosis Law School, Pune. How spending almost all the time together now, is inversely proportional to the happy endings of marital couples is what the current lockdown has been portraying. Thus, in the article here she has tried to bring up the factors leadingRead More


This article has been authored by Ritesha Das, pursuing BBA LLB from Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad. It outlines the essential remedies for the breach of contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. INTRODUCTION It’s rightly said that there is a remedy of everything except death. The remedies for breach of contract are elucidated under sectionRead More

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Meaning, Nature and Origin

This post is written by Anushree Tadge, 3rd-year law student of ILS Law College, Pune, she tries to explain briefly what the concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution is? Its meaning, nature and genesis. Introduction Indian judiciary is one of the few very old judiciaries throughout the globe and is a carefully designated one under theRead More

Murder and Attempt to Murder

This article is written by Pranit Bhagat. He’s currently pursuing his bachelor in laws from ILS, Pune. In this article, he has discussed the terms ‘Murder’ and ‘Attempt to Murder’, and along with this, he has also tried to distinguish between these two terms. Introduction to ‘Murder’ and ‘Attempt to Murder’ The term ‘Murder’ hasRead More


Mansi Tyagi, is a student of Symbiosis Law School, Pune. In this article, she has discussed the rules and principles concerning the Incoming and Outgoing partners in a firm. Also, she has tried explaining in the conclusion, the status of partnership firms after such changes in the constitution of partners. Who is a Partner? SectionRead More

Standard Forms Of Contract

This article is written by Deepika Prashar. She is currently pursuing BA-LLB from IIMT &School of Law, GGSIPU, Delhi. In this article, she has discussed term Contract, with respecting to this term she has also tried to explain the concept of ‘Standard forms of contract.’ Introduction In the modern global world, millions of contract areRead More