State Of Rajasthan v. Vidyawati (1962) Supp. 2 SCR 989

This case analysis has been prepared by Deepika, pursuing BA-LLB from IIMT & School of Law, GGSIPU, Delhi. In this case analysis, she has dealt with State Of Rajasthan v. Vidyawati case, a landmark case based on the doctrine of sovereign immunity in the post-constitutional era. Introduction This was one of the earliest cases of Post-ConstitutionalRead More

Bhim Singh v. State of J. & K., AIR 1986 S.C. 494

This article has been written by Deepika, pursuing BA-LLB at IIMT & School of Law, GGSIPU, Delhi. In this article, she has analyzed Bhim Singh v. State of J&K, a famous case of the legal maxim ‘injuria sine damno’. Introduction In order to be successful in an action for tort, the plaintiff has to proveRead More

Rylands vs. Fletcher (1868) L. R. 3 H.L. 330.

This case analysis prepared by Deepika pursuing BA-LLB from IIMT & School of Law, GGSIPU, Delhi. In this case analysis, a landmark case of tort law Rylands v. Fletcher has been discussed. This is a very significant case, as the rule of ‘Strict Liability’ originated from this case. Introduction Rylands vs. Fletcher (1868) L.R. 3Read More


 Pardeep Kumar v. Union Administration, Chandigarh, (2006) 10 SCC 608 FACTS OF THE CASE The prosecutrix was a girl living in Chandigarh in House no 3359 sector 19D with her mother and brother. There were five accused in the present case namely Lalit Gupta, Ashok Kumar, Pardeep Kumar, Karam Chand and Inderjit Singh. Lalit GuptaRead More