World Cyber Security Forum’s Online Acuity Youth Parliament 2020

World Cyber Security Forum World Cyber ​​Security Forum (WCSF) is an internationally renowned cyber consultancy and web community that improves cybersecurity awareness and acts as a source of techno-legal information for professionals, students and adolescents around the world. We are sharing Cybersecurity expert guidance and insight, in-depth analysis, and news. Online Acuity Youth Parliament AcuityRead More


About the Quizzards (Quiz Competition) LEGAL VIEWS introduces Quizzards a Quiz series competition so as the people can compete with quizzers from across the nation. The basis of Law is awareness, so are you aware enough to participate in the Online Legal Quiz Competition to be organized by LEGAL VIEWS. Unlocking knowledge with the speedRead More

National Online Quiz Competition: Attorneylex

About Us Team Attorneylex is a newly developed organization that is devoted to the law students of the country. Our primary purpose is to guide the law students in their legal research, content writing, analyze the case, read or understand the courts’ judgments, etc. because we believe that these things are an essential part ofRead More


ABOUT LAW LITIGATORS Law Litigators is a platform where legal students can participate in various competitions, quizzes, write and submit their articles/blogs and also be updated with all the academic opportunities coming their way, in order to boost their career and promote much wider information dissemination. GUIDELINES OF THE COMPETITION  About the Moot PropositionRead More

1st Jus Imperator International blogging competition 2020: Jus Imperator

About the Organisation Jus imperator is a Double Blinded Peer Review E-Journal with ISSN: 2456-9666 that provide platform to professors, scholars, academicians, professionals and students, for publishing paper in the field of law and management. We uses technology to enhance and cultivate the writers and their talents with a mission to develop writing as ARead More

The Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series: 1st National Online Quiz Competition on Constitutional Law and Criminal Law by Kanooniyat: Register by 20th August 2020

About Kanooniyat  Kanooniyat is a legal website providing daily legal updates to its user base comprising law students, law aspirants, lawyers and legal professionals, in the form of articles, opportunities and legal news.  View our Instagram profile –  Visit our website –   About Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz Series  The Kanooniyat Kuriosity Kuiz SeriesRead More

Article Writing Competition by Home of Youth for Development and Rendering Awareness: No Registration Fee

About  H.Y.D.R.A. Home of Youth for Development and Rendering Awareness (H.Y.D.R.A) is a trust created by young and energetic  Under Graduate students from different colleges, created to increase political and social awareness among youth by organizing various events like Mock Parliament, Debates, Exhibitions, Symposiums, etc. It is a non-profit , non-political and secular organization. ItsRead More

Statement of Purpose Writing Competition by Jus Commune: Register by 31st August

About the Organization  Jus Commune is an online forum that promotes and seeks to maintain various legal competitions. The contests’ platter shall consist of quizzes, article writing, judgment writing, online debates etc. We strive to stimulate your abilities and encourage you to sharpen your skills. We would showcase the best compositions with pride on JusRead More