Al-Ameen College of Law, Bangalore is organizing its 2nd National Seminar on Protection of Human Rights in the Globalised Era.
Al-Ameen College of Law announces its Second National Seminar on the“Protection of Human Rights in Globalised Era” to be held on August 20, 2022.
The proposed seminar would be of multidisciplinary nature where there would be a great opportunity for all stakeholders of the Human Rights Law domain i.e., lawyers, academicians, activists, students and researchers as well to present their views and exchange their experiences from their respective field saving a co-relation with the core “national and international perspectives of the protection of human rights in the globalised world.”
This seminar welcomes lawyers, academicians, activists, NGOs, Research Scholars and students to present their views and exchange their experiences in the form of original research papers from respective fields sharing a co-relation with the core “national and international perspectives of the protection of human rights in the globalised world.”
- Labour and Employment Rights
- Implications of Child labour
- Agricultural labour
- Unemployment
- Inter-State Migrant Workers
- Human Rights of Women
- Women and Property rights
- Domestic Violence
- Sexual harassment of women at work place
- Surrogacy
- Medical termination of Pregnancy
- International Humanitarian Laws
- Rights of Indigenous people towards self-determination
- Democratic Socialism vis-a- vis Economic liberalization
- Law and ethics of human rights
- Effects of ecological imbalance on human life
- Rights of refugees
- Emerging Trends and Human Rights
- The world during and after the pandemic
- Sports and Human Rights
- Global governance of human rights
- Scientific inventions and human rights
- Protection of people in times of armed conflict
- Human Rights Perspectives under Penology & Victimology
- Euthanasia
- Victim compensation
- Capital punishment
- Human trafficking
- After math of Acid attack
- Original research papers are welcome on the above-mentioned or any other related theme.
- The paper can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per entry is allowed.
- An author is permitted to present a maximum of 1 paper only.
- The author(s) shall specify on the first page of the abstract and the full paper the below-mentioned details: Title of the Seminar, Title of the Paper with theme, Name (s) of Author (s), Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution, Email address, Contact number.
- It is mandatory to mention your E-mail address, as all future correspondence will be through it only.
- The main text should be in A4 size, Times New Roman Font on MS-Word, dully typed in 12pt Font size with 1.5 Line Spacing.
- Citation: Any uniform method of citation may be followed.
- Submission of Abstract: The Abstract containing full details of the Author(s) as mentioned above should be submitted through Email only.
- The Email id for seminar-related queries and submissions is
- After receiving confirmation from the organizing committee the participant shall mail their full paper containing full details of the Author(s) as mentioned above.
- The Abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- All submissions should be within the range of 3000-5000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
- All submissions should be the original work of the author, and should not have been submitted for publication or published elsewhere in any form.
- For Professionals: Single- INR 1000/-; Co-authors – INR 1500/-
- For Research scholars: Single – INR 700/-; Co-authors – INR 900/-
- For Students: Single- INR 500/-; Co-authors – INR 700/-
- For Accompanying persons- INR 300/-
- Last date for submission of abstract: July 27, 2022
- Notification for acceptance of abstract: July 30, 2022.
- Last date of Registration: August 2, 2022
- Last date for submission of full paper: August 13, 2022
- Date of Seminar: August 20, 2022
+91 98455 62629
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