About Path Lexis
Path Lexis is a Youth Organization Specializing in Organizing Moot Courts, Debates, Seminars and Other Legal Competitions for a much better learning experience than What is Offered to The Law Students. Driven by a sense of Excellence and Talent in the young minds, a Variety of mediums are provided to help Students Achieve perfectionism in every
the domain of the Legal Field. The Vision at Path Lexis is based around equality of opportunity in the field of Law. By creating a Community of Law Students, all Students are delivered an equal shot at growing
and learning. Every person is a manifestation of their past experiences, upbringing and the socioeconomic backgrounds and Path Lexis transcends such barriers.
About Legal Fumes
Legal Fumes is a team of budding Lawyers that created this platform to gather legal luminaries all around the country under one roof to discuss and analyse the happenings of the world. Through this platform, we strive to provide information to all in the simplest form of language. Legal Fumes is focused on bringing upon the opportunities close to students and the legal academicians. Legal Fumes is one such platform which saw huge growth in a short span of time and is inclined towards the benefits of the students and the legal Academicians.
About Virtual Workshop
This virtual workshop is organized to facilitate the students of legal education across the nation to develop their skill. In the modern era, most of the law graduates are moving towards the corporate field and vacillate to enter the legal clan due to the absence of advocacy skill. we planned to conduct a two-day virtual workshop on the art of advocacy.
This virtual workshop will provide the basic structure of advocacy, presentation, communication, personality development and drafting skills.
The eminent speakers of the virtual workshop include Advocates of Supreme Court of India and High Court of Rajasthan who will impart their valuable knowledge on the theme of the workshop.
The main objective of this virtual workshop is to inculcate to the law students about the various tinge of advocacy.
Details of the Programme
Topic Name: Art of Advocacy- Changing Dimensions in the Contemporary Era
Topic Cover
professional ethics
Cross-Examination and Examination In Chief
The Art of Defending, Convincing
Negotiation Skills and much more.
About Speaker
Mr Mudit Singhvi (Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur):- Trial and
Appellate Advocacy on 10 October 2020 ( 4 PM – 6 PM)
Mr Aditya Singh (AOR Supreme Court of India):- Cross
Examination and Examination in Chief On 11 October 2020 ( 11 AM – 1 PM)
Mr Vikas Kabra (Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur) :- Art of
Defending, Convincing and Negotiation Skills on 11 October 2020 ( 4 PM – 6 PM)
Payment Details and Registration Fee:-
Registration Fee:- 150/-
9078473139 (Paytm, Google pay, Phone Pay)
For NEFT/RTGS Drop a WhatsApp Message at 9078473139
Registration Link :-
Contact :– 7688879430, 9078473139