About Adamas University
Adamas University is a private university located in Barrackpore-Barasat road near Barasat, West Bengal, India. It is the second private university to be established in West Bengal and came into existence via an official gazette notification in 2014.
All Indian legal students representing their different law schools.
Online. All the links will be shared with the participants.
Registration link
Registration deadline
20th November 2021
The registered teams shall submit soft copies of their memorials for both sides based on the Moot Problem by e-mail to solj.mootcourt@adamasuniversity.ac.in by 23.59 hours of 26th November 2021.
Registration fee
The registration fee is Rs. 1500/- which must be paid through online mode and in favour of Adamas University. The fee payment must be made in the following bank account:
- Account Name: Adamas University
- Type of account: Current
- Account Number: 415620110000035
- IFSC Code: BKID0004156
- Name of Bank: Bank of India
- Branch Name: AIT Campus Branch
Important Dates
- Raising clarifications regarding Moot Problem by participants: 14.11.2021
- Final Clarifications regarding Moot Problem by organisers: 18.11.2021
- Registration of the teams: 20.11.2021
- Submission of memorials: 26.11.2021 Draw of lots for the AUSOLJ NMCC 01.12.2021
- Preliminary Round: 03.12.2021
- Quarter-Final Round: 03.12.2021
- Semi-Final Round: 04.12.2021
- Final Round: 04.12.2021
For more details
Contact details
Shivam Pandey, Faculty Convenor: 7667429372
Shubhi Mack, Faculty Co-Convenor: 7003650171

WhatsApp Group: