Pacta exists to support philanthropic & not-for-profit initiatives by providing legal and policy support. We advise Foundations that do phenomenal work in education, public health, poverty alleviation, WASH and gender across the global south. Pacta provides legal support for set-up, operations, compliance, policy, research, advocacy and measurement & evaluation verticals. Pacta provides bespoke solutions for institutional fundraising for non-profits. They are familiar with philanthropic fundraising and the varied funding structures in the spectrum of grant-making and receiving and supporting clients in formalising funding arrangements- for social impact and research outcomes. Specific areas of expertise are – Laws and policies across K-12 education, higher education, teacher education, and education for children with disability.


Pacta is looking for the following interns for the period September 22- December 22 to assist with exciting research at the intersection of technology, philanthropy, urban development, labour and disability.

  1. Policy Interns for quantitative research and field data collection
  2. Legal Interns (4th/5th-year law students only) for law and policy research
  3. Internships can be based out of our Bangalore office or remote.


Interested candidates can send their applications to hello@pacta.in with a sample of your writing/work, why the internship interests you and your availability.

Disclaimer: All information posted on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catch up at-

WhatsApp Group:






About The Centre for Policy Research

The Centre for Policy Research is a non-profit, non-partisan independent institution dedicated to conducting research that contributes to the production of high-quality scholarship, better policies, and a more robust public discourse about the structures and processes that shape life in India. The Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment at the Centre for Policy Research produces research, informs public opinion and generates debate on climate, energy and environment policy at international, national and sub-national levels. Their goal is to enhance policy outcomes through informed research and policy dialogue within India and internationally.

Job Description

Position: Assistant Professor/Fellow, Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment, Centre for Policy Research (Full-time)

  • The role of an Assistant Professor/Fellow is to identify topical areas of research and policy, conduct research and publish outputs, build partnerships and engage policymakers, and obtain funding to support this work.
  • This position requires the capacity to work independently and autonomously on a number of research and policy projects simultaneously.
  • Applicants must have research interests related to climate policy and governance in India and internationally, though there is flexibility in the candidate’s specific research areas within these broad fields. They understand climate policy in broad terms to include, for example, related economic policy, sectoral transitions, sub-national action, emissions and energy modelling, and institutional arrangements.
  • The candidate will develop his or her independent policy research agenda and will simultaneously work in collaboration with other ICEE faculty.
  • In addition, the candidate will be expected to contribute and participate in broader research discussions within the Initiative and CPR.

Qualifications and Skills Required

  • Applicants must have a PhD in a relevant social science discipline or applied sciences with demonstrated policy engagement. MA/MS candidates will only be considered if the candidate brings considerable policy experience.
  • At least 3 publications in refereed journals(highly desirable).
  • 2 years of work experience with a demonstrated interest in climate policy and governance is highly desirable.
  • Good research and writing skills are essential.
  • Ability to communicate and work with a team that draws from diverse disciplines.
  • Ability to participate in the Centre for Policy Research’s broader intellectual agenda.


  1. Develop and undertake policy-relevant high-quality research:
    o Explore research opportunities, develop research proposals, and design implementation
    o Undertake and oversee quantitative and/or qualitative data collection using different
    research tools
    o Prepare clearly written academic publications, analytical reports, public outreach and
    other forms of dissemination of research

2. Undertake research-backed policy engagement:
o Communicate with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, present research
ideas and engage in discussion
o Build networks that enable engagement in policy debate
o Inform public debate and discussion on the basis of research

3. Contribute to intellectual life and administrative functioning of CPR
o Mentor and assist staff and early-stage researchers in the organization
o Engage in appropriate training and professional development opportunities as required
by the organization
o Provide oversight of administrative functioning through committee roles
o Any other related assignments may be entrusted by the reporting authority


Competitive think tank salary commensurate to candidate’s experience.

How to Apply?

Please send in your application to climate.initiative.cpr@gmail.com, with the subject line “Application:
Fellow, ICEE”. Applications should include:
(i) A cover letter explaining your suitability for the position
(ii) A one-page statement of research interests highlighting topics of interest in the area of climate
(iii) A CV
All applications will be reviewed starting July 2022 and the position will remain open until filled.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:




