INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW is organizing an essay competition online.


International Plastic Bag Free Day, celebrated on July 3, is a global initiative that aims to eliminate the use of plastic
bags. Plastic bags may seem like a grocery shopping convenience, but they are also a huge strain on the environment. It can take up to 500 years for plastic bags to disintegrate, so they make up a large portion of what stays in our landfills and pollutes our waterways. International Plastic Bag Free Day looks for safer alternatives to demonstrate that a world without the use of so much plastic is possible. It is part of the Break Free from Plastic Movement, which began in September 2016, and has been joined by nearly 1,500 different organizations. The movement is looking for solutions to
the plastic pollution crisis, to make the planet safer for humans, the environment, and wildlife.


(a) How can one say No to Plastic?
(b) Do we need a Plastic Bag Law?
(c) Are plastic Bag Bans making a Difference?
(d) Why is plastic dangerous for marine life?
(e) Where Are Plastic Bags Already Banned?
(f) Will Plastic Bag Bans Increase or Decrease the Use
of Other Plastic Products?


Language of the essay should be English Word Limit: The essay should be within 2000 words, minimum word limit of 1500, a maximum word limit of 2000. It should not exceed the word limit or else, would lead to disqualification.


Theme Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 (14 in headings)
Line spacing: 1.5

(Note: Essays must be submitted in either MS WORD (DOC/DOCX) or PDF format. All entries must be submitted to


  1. The competition is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students of India only.
  2. Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarised entries will be rejected.
  3. Essay must be written by two persons only. Co-authored essays are accepted.
  4. Mention the author’s name, etc. anywhere in the body of the essay will lead to disqualification.
  5. At any stage of evaluation, if an entry is found to violate the guidelines, the entry will be removed from the evaluation process without giving any intimation.
  6. All entries must be submitted to
  7. Participants shall be provided Codes and that should only be mentioned clearly at the bottom right corner of the page. (Note: Mention of names, etc. anywhere will lead to disqualification.)


  • The winner will be awarded Certificate+ Medal + Rs.1,000/- Cash reward
  • 1st Runner-up will be awarded a Certificate + Medal + Rs. 700/- Cash reward
  • 2nd Runner-up will be awarded Certificate + Medal + Rs. 500/- Cash reward

    (Online certificates will be awarded to all the participants)

Google form link –
Fee: Rs. 100


Last date of registration: July 31, 2022
Last date of Submission: August 10, 2022
Announcement of Result: August 15, 2022


(88086 95153)

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY is organizing the 4th V.S. Mani Memorial National Essay Competition.


The V.S. Mani Centre for Air and Space Law (VSMCASL), Gujarat National Law University along with the support of the generous grant from Prof. Stephan Hobe, Institute of Air Law, Space Law and Cyber Law, University of Cologne, Germany launches the 4th Prof. V.S. Mani Memorial National Essay Competition 2022. The Essay Competition is an endeavor to commemorate the inspiring contribution of Prof. (Dr.) V.S. Mani in the field of international law, particularly air and space law.


The essay should focus on any contemporary issue of ‘Air and Space Law’.


To encourage and provide an opportunity for research to the students having a passion for Air and Space Law.


The competition is open to students pursuing UG/PG (Law) in India. The students shall register by filling the online form.


  1. Submission shall be made in the online mode only.
  2. Submission shall be in English.
  3. Submission needs to be original. Plagiarism shall result in disqualification.
  4. Submission shall not be under consideration for any publication.
  5. Topic once registered shall not be changed. Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of two authors.
  6. A cover page with title of the Essay, name and affiliation of author/co-authors shall be attached.
  7. Any identification mark (in any form) in the essay shall lead to disqualification.
  8. Multiple or incomplete submissions shall not be considered.
  9. Word limit: 4000 – 6000 words (excluding references).
  10. Submission below or above the word limit shall not be considered.
  11. Citation style: OSCOLA (4 th Edition).
  12. Font: Times New Roman; Font size-12; Spacing- 1.5.
  13. Any contribution received after the last date shall not be considered.
  14. Submit text as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).
  15. Selection will be done through two-tier blind review.
  16. The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final.
  17. Essays will be evaluated on the following criteria: depth of analysis, cogency of arguments, structure, feasibility of suggestions, language and references in support.
  18. By way of submission, authors of the essays which are awarded prize money and certificates of merit, agree that Copyright therein shall vest in VSMCASL.


  1. 1st Prize: ₹11,000/-
  2. 2nd Prize: ₹10,000/-
  3. 3rd Prize: ₹9,000/-
  4. 1st Consolation Prize: ₹3,000/-
  5. 2nd Consolation Prize: ₹2,000/-


Electronically mailed only to-


31st July 2022

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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Each year, young people are asked to write on a theme that explores the Commonwealth’s values and principles, fostering an empathetic and open-minded worldview in the next generation of Commonwealth leaders. Recent themes have focused on the environment, inclusion, the role of youth leadership, and gender equality. Annually, winners are invited to travel to the United Kingdom for a week of educational and cultural activities, which culminates in a special Awards Ceremony, usually held at Buckingham Palace, that is hosted by the Society’s Vice-Patron, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall. Past winners have gone on to become prominent leaders, including the Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mei Fong, and the renowned author, Elspeth Huxley.

Despite the significant interruption to children’s education caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 competition saw a record level of participation and we look forward to even more young people around the Commonwealth entering the competition in 2022!



Senior category (Born between 1 July 2003 and 30 June 2008 (14-18 years of age), maximum word count: 1500 words

  1. Imagine you are a Head of Government delivering a speech to your counterparts at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Rwanda. Write a speech that highlights what you believe should be a priority for collective action within the Commonwealth.
  2. Committed to the Commonwealth.
  3. Her Majesty The Queen was born in the twentieth century, a period that saw enormous social change driven by visionary and committed leaders. Reflect on an inspirational leader from this period.
  4. “Whilst experiences of the last year have been different across the Commonwealth, stirring examples of courage, commitment and selfless dedication to duty have been demonstrated in every Commonwealth nation and territory, notably by those working on the frontline who have been delivering healthcare and other public services in their communities.” – Her Majesty The Queen, Commonwealth Day Message 2021.  Imagine you are working on the frontline. Write about your experience, explaining why you serve your community and why your service matters.



The competition is open to nationals or residents of all Commonwealth countries and territories, as well as residents of Hong Kong, Ireland, and Zimbabwe. Residents of non-Commonwealth countries where there is an operating RCS branch or affiliated/partner organization are also eligible; however, entries must be submitted via the local RCS branch or affiliated/partner organization.


  1. Participants are expected to show originality and flair, linked to sound academic standards and competent use of English as a written language. This includes a good standard of spelling and punctuation, neat presentation, and clear hand-writing or word processing.
  2. Entries must respond to the topic. Each year a number of good entrants must be disregarded because they do not fully answer/reflect on what the topic has asked them to do.
  3. Entrants are encouraged to be creative in their response to a topic. Entries can be submitted in a number of different formats: for example, a poem, letter, article, story, essay, or a short play/script.
  4. Illustrations are welcomed, particularly in Junior entries, but they must enhance the written text and add to the overall quality of the entry.


One Winner and Runner Up will be chosen from each category. Winners and Runners Up (accompanied by one adult/guardian) will be brought to London for a week of educational and cultural events, culminating in a special Awards Ceremony. A number of Gold Finalist, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards will be given in both the Senior and Junior categories, rewarding excellence in writing. All successful entries will receive a Certificate of Participation. Local RCS branches often hold local and regional ceremonies or offer prizes so if you were made aware of the competition by your local RCS branch, please contact them after the competition closes on 30th June to inquire about any activities they might have planned.


JUNE 30, 2022


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About NLUO

National Law University Odisha (NLUO) was established in the year 2009 by Act IV of 2008 of the State of Odisha. NLUO is an unparalleled addition to the Indian national law universities. Located in Cuttack, a city dating back to over a thousand years, it boasts a rich legal heritage with the seat of Orissa High Court situated here.

About the Centre for Public Health Law, NLUO

To advance focused research in the specific domains of law, National Law University Odisha, Cuttack has come out with dedicated research centres including on public health.

The Centre for Public Health Law has been established with an aim to inquire into the paradigm of legal entitlements of people under the right to health and strategize the use of law to promote health equity.

The Centre provides guidance to government and non-government organizations on matters of health policy and ensures its compatibility with the fundamental rights regime under the Indian Constitution.

The Centre regularly hosts guest lectures inviting scholars and academicians working in the area of Public Health Law. The Centre also organizes a National Moot Court Competition on Public Health Law annually.

About the Essay Writing Competition

The Centre for Public Health Law, National Law University Odisha is pleased to announce its 1st Essay Writing Competition on Public Health Law, 2022, to celebrate the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, an initiative of the Government of India. We are organizing this competition in observance of the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” to showcase “Resolve@75” with the objective of creating a healthy India.

This essay competition seeks to further the discourse on contemporary topics related to the field of Public Health Law, its increased importance in the midst of a Global Pandemic and at the same time, its correlation with Fundamental Rights & other areas of law. Participants of this Essay competition will get the opportunity to win cash prizes, publications, and merit certificates from the Centre.

Theme and Sub-themes

Theme: Fundamental Rights and Public Health Law

Under this some of the suggestive sub-themes that the students can explore include:

  •  Diseases, Discrimination and Public employment in India
  •  Privacy and Health Data sharing: Emerging concerns
  •  Legality of Population Control measures
  •  Compulsory Vaccination in India
  •  Duty of the State vis-à-vis Mental Health
  •  Right to Health as a Fundamental Right
  •  Interface between Public Health and Religious Freedom / Freedom of Trade, Commerce & Profession
  • Right to smoke-free public places: A Critical evaluation of Tobacco Control in India

Note: The sub-themes are only a suggestion, and the students are free to choose any other sub-theme that falls within the scope of the main theme.

Awards and Prizes

  • 1st Prize: Rs. 5,000
  • 2nd Prize: Rs. 3,000
  • 3rd Prize: Rs. 2,000
  • Top 3 Essays will be published on the official website of NLU Odisha
  • Top 10 essays will be awarded a certificate of merit
  • Certificate of Participation to all the participants

Submission Guidelines

  • Language: All essays have to be in English and submissions shall be made in both MS Word format (.doc/docx) and PDF Format.
  • Formatting Guidelines:
    • Font and Size of Main Text and Footnotes- Times New Roman, Size 12 for main text, and Times New Roman, Size 10 for footnotes.
    • Size and Alignment- A4 Size with 1 Inch Margin on all sides; all text except headings justified.  
    • Footnoting- The footnoting style that should be followed will be OSCOLA (4th Edition). 
    • Spacing- Submission should be 1.5 spaced (except footnotes which must be single spaced).
  • Word Limit: Word limit of the submission is 3000-4000 words (excluding Abstract and footnotes. Kindly avoid using speaking footnotes).
  • Abstract Word Limit: Abstract should not be more than 300 words.
  • Plagiarism: The plagiarism limit should be less than 20% and any submission that is found to be plagiarized beyond the limit shall be disqualified from the competition.
  • Anonymity: Participant shall not include his/her name in the submission’s text in any form. Participants should ensure that they delete his/her/their name(s) from the head “Author” of their Word document while sending their final transcript.
  • Co-Authorship: Allowed up to 2 co-authors.
  • Certificate of Originality must be submitted by the authors along with their signatures.
  • All submissions will undergo strict online plagiarism checks and will be evaluated by independent experts. They will be subjected to double-blind peer review by the Screening Committee constituted for this purpose.
  • The selected essays will be published on the NLU Odisha website. Essays will be assessed on the basis of originality, identification of issues, legal analysis, clarity in language, expression of arguments and formatting as per the guidelines.
  • Do not include any pictures or other illustrations in the essay.
  • Copyright of the submission shall remain with CPHL. Once the article has been submitted to the committee, the author(s) forfeits their right of ownership. Articles already published or are in consideration with other organizers would be rejected at once.
  • In case of any conflicts, CPHL shall be the final authority on the guidelines.
  • No registration fee is required to participate in the competition.
  • Any sort of malpractices, similarity of texts without proper due acknowledgments and any signs of name/university’s name that might display author’s identification by any means shall be dealt with strict disciplinary actions.
  • All the articles must strictly adhere to the guidelines. Any article not following the same shall be outrightly rejected.
  • Submission of the Essays will take place ONLY via the Google form the link of which has been given at the end of this post.
  • It is the responsibility of each author(s) to ensure that the “.docx” copy of the submission can be opened legibly with Microsoft Office 2010 or Microsoft Office 2007. This form will collect some details, which should be filed correctly by the Author(s).

Eligibility and Submission Procedure

There will be no registration fees and Students/Research Scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/Ph.D. course from any recognized Indian University is eligible to participate in the competition. 

The Author(s) shall submit the essay through the following Google Form link by March 27, 2022 (11:59 P.M. IST)

Link to make the submission:

Important Dates

  • Date of Release of Notification: 23rd February, 2022
  • Date of Submission: 27th March, 2022


Contact details

Mail at:

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