A petition was filed by Amazon India and Flipkart owned by Walmart in the High Court of Karnataka which sought to overturn the Competitive Commission India (CCI)’s inspection order to investigate the business affairs of these two corporations.

The high court rejected the petition paving the way for antitrust regulators to execute the inspection against both of the companies business affairs and to investigate the commercial operations of e-commerce businesses. It is the responsibility of the CCI to eliminate operations and practices of business that harm competition in Indian markets and to protect the interests of consumers to ensure free trade practices in the Indian market.

The Court also rejected Flipkart’s petition seeking to extend the suspension of the investigation for few weeks but the court could not be satisfied by the reasons put forth. in addition, they have 30 days to appeal to the court. The commission had ordered a probe against Flipkart and Amazon India in January 2021 to initiate an inspection and inquiry under article 26 (1) because it has preliminary evidence against the two corporations allegedly these corporations also offer substantial discounts to predatory consumers all these allegations made it necessary to begin the inspection against the corporations.

-Report by Muskan Chanda

About CCI, India

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body established under the Competition Act, 2002 with the objective of preventing practices having an adverse effect on competition, to promote and sustain competition in markets, to protect the interest of consumers, and to ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets in India.

CCI is also mandated to take suitable measures for the promotion of competition law by organizing various advocacy programs for the stakeholders.

The Commission brings out its annual Journal on Competition Law and Policy in both print and online versions.

About the Opportunity

The Commission invites original high-quality research papers, articles, case law, and book reviews on competition law, the economics of competition law, and contemporary antitrust issues for publication in its aforesaid journal.

However, research papers/ articles/book reviews on the following themes, in the Indian context and based on empirical research, would be encouraged:

  • Cartel
  • Vertical restraints and competition
  • Market definition, measuring market power and abuse of dominance
  • Merger and acquisition
  • New age economy, platform markets and challenges for antitrust enforcement
  • Intellectual property rights and competition law
  • Recent development in competition law and policy
  • Any other issues related to competition law and policy

Process of Selection

Initial stage: The Joint editors will carry out a blind review to determine the eligibility of the paper for further review. On clearing the initial stage: The paper will be sent to the editorial board.

A double-blind review process will be followed at both stages.

Based on the editorial board recommendations, the paper will be rejected or accepted or sent.

Submission Guidelines

View the detailed submission guidelines.


How to Submit

Full papers along with a CV of the author(s) and duly signed certificate of originality sent to journals@cci.gov.in

Contact Information

Requests for further information or any other queries may be sent to the abovementioned email ID.

Please Note: There is no specific deadline for the submission of papers. Papers cleared by the Editorial board will be published in the next available issue of the Journal.