About DNLU
Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur is a National Law University located at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. It was established by the Madhya Pradesh Dharmashastra National Law University Ordinance in 2018.
About the Quiz
On the auspicious day of Human Rights Day, i.e., December 10, 2021, Centre For Research and Human Rights, DNLU is organizing National Quiz Competition on Human Rights in association with Jigyasa – The Quiz Club of DNLU.
The Centre for Research and Studies of Human Rights (CRaSH) under the Dharmashastra National Law University (DNLU), Jabalpur, is an endeavour of the University to respond to the emerging regime of universal laws of Human Rights. With a commitment of novel contributions to the Human Rights regime, the Centre endeavours to undertake interdisciplinary studies involving legal academia and the other stakeholders and contribute in the best possible manner to the global pool of knowledge on the subject.
The Centre aspires to be an incubator of new approaches of law and best practices to better address the complex issues related to the problems faced by human beings while disregarding any form of irrelevant and unreasonable classification of the same. The Centre also seeks to address the critical need for evolution and systematic development of prevalent legal techniques and structures and aims to better address the challenges presented by issues that emerge with the interaction of human beings with law, society and governance.
General Details
- Date: December 9-10, 2021
- Mode: Online
- Platform: Google Forms and Google Meet
Structure of the Quiz
- The Competition will be a two-day event, i.e., December 9th to 10th, 2021
- The Competition will consist of three rounds.
- The First round will be held through Google Form.
- The Second and the Third Rounds on Google Meet.
- Schedules and other details to be disclosed soon.
- First Position: Book amounting to Rs 1,500
- Second Position: Book amounting to Rs 1,000
- Third Position: Book amounting to Rs 500
Registration is free for all the participants. The last date to register is December 8, 2021.
Contact Details
Mail to: crash@mpdnlu.ac.in

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