About the Department
The Department of Social Security and Development of Women & Children, Punjab started functioning in the year 1955. From 1955-89, the Department worked for the welfare of Widows & Destitute women; Old Age Persons; Blind and Mentally Retarded and Orphaned & Dependent children along with steps to curb immoral trafficking. For this period, the Department was a part of the bigger Department of Social Welfare.
In 1989, the Department of Social Welfare was bifurcated into the Department of Social Security and Department of Welfare of SCs and BCs.
Number of Vacancies
- Centre Administrative: 1 (One)
- Paralegal Personnel/Lawyer: 1 (One)
- Case Worker: 2 (1 General) 1 SC)
Centre Administrative
- Degree in Law/Social Work/Women’s studies/Sociology/ Psychology and Human Rights etc.
- At least 3 years experience of working on violence against women issues, in the field of gender studies, women’s rights. as an administrator, regular research on women’s issues and working with woman helpline etc.
- Age: 30-45 Years on the first of January 2021.
- 5 Year experience of working on violence against women issues in an administrative set-up with a Government or Non-Government project/programme.
- 1 Year experience of counseling either within or outside the same set-up with a Government or NonGovernment project/ programme.
- She should be a resident of the local community so that local human resource and expertise is utilized for effective functioning of the Centre.
Paralegal Personnel/Lawyer
- Degree in Law or Masters in Social Science Subject
- Age: 18-45 year on the on the first of January 2021.
- Para legal training or Knowledge of laws with at least 3 years experience of working within a Government or Non-Government project/programme on Violence Against Women VAW at the District.
- Candidates with experience of working with in District Legal Service Authority (DLSA) will be Preferred.
Case Worker
- Degree in Law/Social Work/Women’s studies/Sociology/ Psychology and Human Rights etc.
- At least 2 years experience of working on violence against women issues, in the field of gender studies, women’s rights. as an
administrator, regular research on women’s issues and working with woman helpline etc. - Age: 18-45 years as on the on the first of January 2021.
- 3 Year experience of working within a Government or Non-Government project/programme on violence against women (VAW) in the District
- She should be a resident of the local community so that local human resource and expertise is utilized for effective functioning of the centre.
- Centre Administrative: Rs. 25,000 per month
- Paralegal Personnel/Lawyer: Rs. 16,000 per month
- Case Worker: Rs. 12,000 per month
Procedure to Apply
- Applications from candidates can be submitted to the Office of the District Program Officer, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), DAC Complex, Sector-76, 4th Floor, Room No. 537, Pin Code-160071 by Registered Post
or by hand. - The applications may be sent only in the specific proforma (Annexed to the official notification).
- Applications may be received at this office on or before November 19, 2021, latest by 5 PM.
- Applications sent through any other mode except registered post or by hand will not be entertained.
- Age relaxation of 10 years over and above the upper age limit will be given to SC candidates for the posts reserved for them.
Work Location
SAS Nagar, Mohali
For more details and link to apply, visit-

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