Case Number

158 Ind Cas 554

Equivalent Citation

(1935) 37 BOMLR 461


The Bombay High Court

Decided On


Relevant Act / Section

  • The Indian Contract Act, 1872
  • The Insurance Act, 1938

Brief Facts and Procedural History


This legal case centres around a minor named Madanlal Sonulal, who initiated legal proceedings against The Great American Insurance Co. Ltd. for failing to fulfil a contractual promise. The agreement was made between the minor’s guardian and the insurance company and was deemed valid. Madanlal was the only surviving son of a joint Hindu family that operated a business in Devalgaum. The family had taken out a fire insurance policy with the defendant company to cover their cotton bales. However, when the cotton bales were destroyed in a fire, the plaintiff sued the defendant company for the recovery of their loss. The defendant company, which was incorporated in New York, USA, was conducting business in Bombay, India. To represent him in the case, Madanlal was aided by his next friend, Goverdhandas Mohanlal, who was the husband of the plaintiff’s sister and with whom the plaintiff was living.

The case raises several legal issues, including the enforceability of contracts entered into by minors, the obligations of an insurance company under a fire insurance policy, and the jurisdiction of foreign companies operating in India. The court had to determine whether the contract was binding on the minor, whether the insurance company had fulfilled its obligations, and whether the court had jurisdiction to hear the case. The case has significant implications for Indian contract law, particularly in relation to minors and the obligations of insurance companies. Ultimately, the court’s ruling would have a profound impact on the rights of Indian citizens in similar legal disputes.


This is an appeal case regarding a point of law arising from Mr Justice Kania’s decision. The plaintiff, Madanlal Sonulal, is represented by Goverdhandas Mohanlal, his next friend, and has filed a lawsuit against The Great American Insurance Co., Ltd. This company is based in New York, USA, but operates in Bombay at Apollo Street within the Fort of Bombay. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff is the only surviving coparcener of a joint Hindu family that carries on a joint family business in Devalgaum under the name Surajmal Sonulal. The plaintiff lives with his sister’s husband, Goverdhandas Mohanlal, who oversees the firm’s operations. The plaintiff had effected an insurance policy against fire with the defendant company on certain cotton bales Nevertheless, at the precise moment when the ultimate insurance was granted to the plaintiff’s company, the bales were set on fire, prompting the plaintiff to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for the resulting loss through the insurance policy. The defence raised in the written statement is that there was collusion between the agent of the defendant company and the persons who affected the insurance and that the insurance was affected after the fire. The defendants did not plead that the plaintiff was a minor and that the insurance policy was void. However, during the proceedings, the defendant’s counsel drew the attention of the learned Judge to the fact that the plaintiff was a minor and invited the Court to raise an issue as to whether the contract was void on the ground of a minority of the plaintiff. The learned Judge raised such an issue, but at the trial, he came to the conclusion that it was not necessary to answer the issue since the minority had not been pleaded.

The defendants have appealed the judgment of the learned Judge. They have not challenged the findings of fact. However, they contend that the insurance policy is void because the plaintiff is a minor, relying on the well-known decision of the Privy Council in Mohori Bibee v. Dhurmodas Ghose[1]. The Privy Council held that any contract by a minor is wholly void under the Indian Contract Act since the Act requires that parties to a contract should be persons competent to contract, and if one of the parties is a minor, he is not competent to contract, and therefore, no contract results.

The learned Judge had found that the contract was valid and negatived the case of fraud and collusion set up by the defendant company, and gave judgment for the plaintiff. The only answer raised by the defendants is that the insurance is void because the plaintiff is a minor. This contention is alarming since it means that the property of minors cannot be insured 

In numerous joint family enterprises, minors inherit ownership rights, and typically an adult member of the family manages the business under the minor’s name. However, if this family member is unable to secure insurance on behalf of the minor, it can create a highly precarious situation. Nonetheless, the evidence indicates that the agreement was actually established by Goverdhandas, who acted as a representative through his agent Trimbaksha. In other words, the minor who entered into the contract did so through the agent Trimbaksha, who was serving as the minor’s guardian. The Court need not delve into the principles of the previous cases since the answer to the defendants’ contention is a simple one. The contract was made by the guardian of the minor, and not by the minor himself. Thus, the insurance policy is not void.

Before this case, in Mohori Bibee and Ors. Vs. Dharmodas Gosh (1903), the Privy Council had held that a contract by a minor is void-ab-initio. Yet, the Privy Council ruled in Sri Kakulam Subrahmanyam Vs. Kurra Subba Rao (1948)[2] that an agreement made by a guardian on behalf of a minor for their advantage is considered legally binding. In Suraj Narain Dube v. Sukhu Aheer and Anr (1928)[3], the Allahabad High Court held that the old consideration by the minor is not valid consideration for a fresh contract. In the case of Kunwarlal Daryavsingh vs Surajmal Makhanlal And Ors. (1963)[4], the Madhya Pradesh High Court held that a minor is liable to pay rent for the property given to him on rent due to necessities for living and continuing study.

The case of General American Insurance Co v/s Madanlal Sonulal[5] thus stands in line with the legal precedents established by the above cases, where the validity of a contract made on behalf of a minor or involving a minor was challenged and resolved.

Issues Of The Case

  • Validity of the insurance made by the minor: An important matter to be addressed in this case pertains to the validity of the insurance policy made by the minor. As the minor is not legally competent to enter into a contract, the enforceability of the policy is uncertain. Thus, the court must decide whether the policy is binding or whether it should be rendered void on account of the minor’s legal incapacity.
  • Liability of the insurance company to pay losses under the policy: A second matter for the court to consider is whether the insurance company is responsible for covering the losses under the policy. In the event that the policy is deemed valid, the court must then decide whether the insurance company is legally required to fulfil the terms and conditions outlined in the contract. In making this determination, the court may need to evaluate various factors such as the nature of the loss, the degree of damage incurred, as well as any provisions or restrictions included in the policy.

The case of Madanlal Sonulal v. The Great American Insurance Co. Ltd. dealt with several legal issues, including:

  1. Whether a policy of insurance is void if entered into on behalf of a minor by an adult member of their family.
  2. Whether the defendant could raise the defence that the contract was void on the ground of the minority of the plaintiff, citing the well-known decision of the Privy Council in Mohori Bibee v. Dhurmodas Ghose.
  3. Whether the contract was actually made by the minor’s guardian acting through an agent, or whether it was made directly by an adult member of the minor’s family.
  4. Whether the defendant could use technical defences to policies, especially in cases involving minors and joint family businesses.
  5. Whether the law strikes an appropriate balance between protecting the rights of minors and ensuring the smooth functioning of businesses and transactions involving minors.

Decision Of The Court

In the case at hand, Defendant had raised a claim in their written statement that there was collusion between Plaintiff and the agent of Defendant’s company. According to Defendant, the insurance came into effect after the occurrence of the fire, and therefore, they were not liable for the damages. The Plaintiff’s minority was not pleaded, and as a result, the learned judge concluded that since the issue of the minority was not raised, it was not necessary to address it. The judge further held that the insurance was valid and ruled in favour of the Plaintiff in the case of collusion and fraud.

However, Defendant appealed this decision on the grounds that Plaintiff was a minor at the time the insurance was taken out, and therefore, the insurance should be considered void ab initio. The court analyzed the circumstances surrounding the insurance policy and found that it had been entered into by Goverdhandas on behalf of the minor through the agent Trimbaksha with Puranmal on behalf of the Defendant’s company. The court further noted that Puranmal had knowledge of the Plaintiff’s minority, which made the Defendant’s company aware of the Plaintiff’s status as a minor.

The court then considered whether Goverdhandas could be considered a guardian within the meaning of the relevant Act. The Act defines a guardian as a person who has the care of the person of a minor or of their property, or both. In this case, the insurance was made for the benefit of the minor and their property, and Goverdhandas had acted on behalf of the minor in entering into the insurance agreement. Therefore, the court held that the insurance was valid and dismissed the Defendant’s appeal with costs.

In light of the court’s decision, the parties agreed that the insurance company would pay Rs. 7000 to the Plaintiff. This decision reflects the court’s careful consideration of the legal issues at play, including the definition of a guardian under the relevant Act and the circumstances surrounding the insurance policy in question.


The case of Madanlal Sonulal v. The Great American Insurance Co. Ltd. serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding the legal implications of contracts entered into on behalf of minors and the role of guardians in such transactions. In this case, the defendant raised the defence that the contract was void on the grounds of the plaintiff’s minority, citing the decision of the Privy Council in Mohori Bibee v. Dhurmodas Ghose (1903).

However, the court ultimately ruled that the contract was not made by the minor but by Goverdhandas, acting through his agent Trimbaksha. Thus, it was the person acting as the guardian for the minor who entered into the contract through the agent. This ruling underscores the importance of understanding who the contracting parties are and whether the person entering into the contract has the legal authority to do so on behalf of the minor.

Furthermore, this case highlights the need for insurance companies to carefully consider technical defences to policies, especially in cases involving minors and joint family businesses. Insurance companies must be diligent in their review of the policy and ensure that the person who enters into the contract on behalf of the minor has the legal authority to do so.

In conclusion, while the law seeks to protect minors from entering into contracts that may be detrimental to their interests, it is essential to balance the need to protect their rights with the smooth functioning of businesses and transactions involving minors. It is important to take into account the role of guardians in such transactions and to ensure that all parties understand the legal implications of the contract before entering into it. Overall, this case serves as a valuable reminder to all parties involved in contractual relationships to be aware of the legal implications of their actions and to seek legal advice where necessary.


  1. Mohori Bibee v. Dhurmodas Ghose, (1903) 30 Cal. 539 (India).
  2. Sri Kakulam Subrahmanyam v. Kurra Subba Rao, AIR 1948 Mad 207 (India).
  3. Suraj Narain Dube v. Sukhu Aheer and Anr, AIR 1929 All 210 (India).
  4. Kunwarlal Daryavsingh v. Surajmal Makhanlal and Ors., AIR 1964 SC 193 (India).
  5. Madanlal Sonulal v. The Great American Insurance Co. Ltd., AIR 1962 SC 439 (India).

This case is analysed by Sohini Chakraborty, a first-year law student at RGNUL Patiala.

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