Indian Journal of Jurisprudential Studies is open access and peer-reviewed online journal seeking to publish original research articles or any other form of scholarly writing dealing with the research topics of Law and Politics and allied issues.

It aims to publish innovative and original papers that make a remarkable contribution to the wide field of law. Authors are always welcome to submit their research work on any contemporary legal issue, be it National or International.


Indian Journal of Jurisprudential Studies aims to publish innovative and original research papers that make a remarkable contribution to the wide field of law. IJJS welcomes the participation of professors, experts, lawyers, research scholars, and students.


Any contemporary legal issue (Domestic/International) is acceptable.

Submission categories:

1.) Long Articles (4000-6000 words)

2.) Short Articles (2000-4000 words)

3.) Case comments (1000-3000 words)

4.) Legislative Comments (1000-3000 words)

5.) Book Reviews (1000-3000 words)

Note: The above mentioned word limits are exclusive of footnotes.

General Submission guidelines:

1.) The manuscript should be previously unpublished, original and should not be under simultaneous consideration anywhere.

2.) All the manuscripts must be accompanied with a cover letter which should include: the Name(s) of the author(s), institution/organization, the title of the manuscript and contact information(email id & phone number).

3.) Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not be written by more than 2 authors.

4.) The submission should not be plagiarized, and free from grammatical, spelling and any other errors.

5.) The Submissions must be made to ijjs.editorial@gmail.com before 23:59 hours, (LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION)

6.) The manuscript itself should not contain any information that can be used to identify the author. These details must only be mentioned in the covering letter.

7.) The Manuscripts must include an abstract of 250-300 words (inclusive of the overall word limit). The abstract must highlight the structure and the essence of the manuscript.

8.) All submissions must be in (.docx) format. PDF files shall be straight away rejected.

Style Guidelines:

1.) Font Style: Times New Roman Font (Main text: size 12 and 1.5 spaced, footnotes: size 10 and single-spaced).

2.) A margin of 1-inch shall be left on all sides of the paper.

3.) Using of page border is not allowed.

4.) Any sort of decorations including coloured text, designer page backgrounds etc. shall not be used.

5.) Images, diagrams, charts, tables, etc. (if any) should be properly labelled below the figure.

Citation Standards:

1.) Citations must strictly conform to the standards laid down in OSCOLA 4th edition (The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities).

2.) Submissions must use only footnotes as a form of citation. [End notes are not allowed].

3.) References must be provided at the end of the manuscript.

4.) Speaking/substantive footnotes are discouraged, though not prohibited.

Plagiarism Policy:

1.) Plagiarism check is the first level of scrutiny every manuscript shall go through. The organization can use any software for checking plagiarism.

2.) Manuscripts with overall percentage of plagiarism exceeding 15% shall be straight-away rejected.

3.) Paraphrasing as well as verbatim usage of content without appropriate citation of authorities shall qualify as plagiarism.

If anyone has any query then send it to ijjs.editorial@gmail.com with ‘Query’ in the subject line of the email.

Visit here for more information https://www.ijjslawjournal.com/

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