Essentials Stages of Merger and Acquisitions

Introduction A company is a legal entity formed by a group of individuals to get indulged in business. Companies in order to gain profits and reduce competition from the market often involve in activities like mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions are a type of reconstruction that helps in expanding the business. Reconstruction is theRead More

Mob Lynching

INTRODUCTION The English word “mob” refers to an unruly or chaotic crowd. Lynching, which imposes the death penalty without trial, is a term with American and Latin roots. This is known as mob lynching and occurs when an unruly mob kills or otherwise harms a criminal suspect. Such incidents have recently become commonplace in India,Read More

Challenge to the Constitution (One Hundred and Third Amendment) Act, 2019

Background The Constitution has been modified multiple times in order to keep up with societal changes. The Constitution was written to build an equitable society in which social, economic, and political justice are preserved, as well as equality of position and opportunity for all. Amendments to the Constitution are also made with the same goalRead More

Government Control over Religious and Charitable Endowments

INTRODUCTION Worshippers can unleash a temple’s full potential by liberating it. Temples can be elegantly and superbly maintained if they are left in the care of the worshipers. There are many different ways and modules that a temple can run. The gurudwaras provide the community with free meals in the form of langars, which helpsRead More

Critically examining the matter of skin to skin contact in POCSO cases

Introduction The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its judgment Attorney General for India v. Satish and another put away the judgment of Bombay H.C. which held that skin-to-skin contact is an essential facet for a crime of sexual assault to be made out under the POCSO Act, 2012. The case emerged out of requestsRead More

Sex Education and India: With Reference to POCSO

Introduction When I explored this topic, a video appeared in the search results. It was a satirical video1. But I am more concerned with the letters on the blackboard in that video at 06:49. The phrase which was displayed was: “Sex is not a stigma, Ignorance is.” The phrase is eminently true of the situationRead More

Dissolving Marriage on Irretrievable Breakdown

INTRODUCTION In India, marriage is considered a sacred union between two bodies of opposite sexes. Sharing a common room, their life, and the commitment to live with each other makes it unbreakable bondage not only for one life but for seven lives. It is believed that when two souls will unite in every sense thatRead More

Right to get Water – The Recent Development and Constitutional Framework

INTRODUCTION Water is indispensable to life. Human beings can survive for 3 weeks without food, but only three days without water. Moreover, there may be no food cultivation without water. Conceptually, therefore, the right to life, considered the foremost basic and fundamental of all rights, must include within it a right to water. The rightRead More

Rights of Indian sex workers- Analyzing Budhadev Karmaskar v State of WB

Introduction A prostitute is a person who engages in sexual activity with customers in exchange for financial gain. Different countries and even different parts of the same country have different views on prostitution, which can range from being illegal to be legalized and even regulated in some cases. The rules apply the same to businessRead More