Sociological perspective on Immigration policies in India

The article below endeavours to explain the legal framework of immigration in India and touches upon the sociological perspectives affecting immigrants.  Introduction: Migration is a cross-cultural phenomenon that contributes to human livelihood. The concept of immigration and migration is not a recent development. Since the olden days, people have been travelling from one location toRead More

White Collar Crimes in India and its Societal Impact

Introduction and Historical Evolution Offences, in general, and crimes, in particular, are characterized into various subgroups (under different chapters) by the Indian Penal Code, 1860, based on the nature of the offence, such as offences affecting the human body, offences against property, offences affecting public health and safety, and so on. Moreover, persons from variedRead More

Indian Telecommunication (Draft) Bill, 2022

The Department of Telecommunications at the Ministry of Communications, on 21 September 2022, published the Draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022. The Act, according to its Preamble, seeks to consolidate and amend the laws governing the telecommunication sector in India: the provision of services, management of networks, and the assignment of spectrum. Telecommunication governance in IndiaRead More

Indian Draft Space Activities Bill, 2017

INTRODUCTION Numerous legal challenges, from intellectual property protection to space finance, are raised by cross-border investment in private space activities as well as the dynamically shifting nature of space firms. These issues call for legal clarity. As a result of these concerns, states have passed national space laws to handle a variety of problems relatingRead More

Change in FPI registration Process

Introduction Foreign Portfolio Investment is holding financial assets in a country other than in the investor’s own country. It is an investment in mutual funds, bonds and securities (stocks, American Depositary Receipts, or Global Depository Receipts) of companies headquartered outside the investor’s nation. The transaction of foreign securities occurs at an organized formal securities exchangeRead More

The Need for Government Control of Religious and Charitable Institutions

India is a land of religions and temples. The country is said to be a live example of Unity in Diversity. It has so many religions, faiths, and sects that the country may be termed as the confluence of the religions of the world. The Indian constitution protects the right to religion as a fundamentalRead More

Kerala Education

Introduction The significance and relic of schooling in Kerala are highlighted by the state’s positioning as among the most educated in the country. The instructive change of Kerala was set off by the endeavors of the Congregation Mission Society ministers, who advanced mass training in Kerala, in the early many years of the nineteenth hundredRead More

Emerging Economic Frauds in the Banking Sector

Introduction Money is a major factor in people’s lives in the modern world. With the transition from cash to banknotes to credit-rated playing cards, there is a clear rise in financial fraud. It has become necessary for third parties to help with transaction processing, buyer-seller mediation, storage of products and cash, money transportation, and evenRead More

Social Media Impact on Judges

Introduction The advancement in the mode of communication has made human life very easy. Earlier the modes of communication available were very time-consuming and less efficient. In today’s world with the advancement of technology, communication has become very easy and a speedy process. The whole world is now turned into a small village considering theRead More

Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act, 2019

INTRODUCTION On August 2, the Parliament passed the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act, 2019. On August 8th, 2019, it was quickly approved by the President. The Amendment Act, which was passed by Parliament, resulted in a number of revisions to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act of 1967. The primary modification was done to Section 35 ofRead More