Panel Discussion: DME

EVENT: Panel Discussion HOST: Delhi Metropolitan (GGSIPU) DATES & TIME: Saturday 4th July 2020 between 11:00 am to 12.30 pm. TOPIC: Macroeconomic Implications of COVID- 19 and the way a REGISTRATION PROCESS: Participation is on the base of first come and first served basis. They will also share the YouTube link of the recordingRead More


ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION Jus Commune is an online forum that promotes and seeks to maintain various legal competitions. The contests’ platter shall consist of quizzes, article writing, judgment writing, online debates, etc. We strive to stimulate your abilities and encourage you to sharpen your skills. We would showcase the best compositions with pride on JusRead More


ABOUT THE ORGANISER Rayat College of Law, Railmajra(Affiliated to Panjab University, Chandigarh) under the guidance of Dr Monika Sharma(Principal-Rayat College of Law) are geared up to organize yet another illuminating and enriching virtual session for augmenting legal and practical knowledge of Mechanism of Alternative Dispute Resolution on the aspect of ” Mediation–A Progressive Path TowardsRead More

1st All India Vimarsh Speech Competition: GGSIPU

ABOUT THE EVENT In pursuance of this quest to grow, University School of Law & Legal Studies is conducting the ‘1st All India Online Vimarsh Competition’, an online elocution competition to further the prospect of public speaking among students. TOPIC New World order in wake of COVID – 19, Opportunities and encumbrances/कोविड – १९ के उपरांत नयी विश्व-व्यवस्था,Read More

Creative Abstract Writing Competition by Jus Commune: Register by 24th June 2020

About the Organization  Jus Commune is an online forum that promotes and seeks to maintain various legal competitions. The contests’ platter shall consist of quizzes, article writing, judgment writing, online debates etc. We strive to stimulate your abilities and encourage you to sharpen your skills. We would showcase the best compositions with pride on JusRead More

1st Online Quiz Competition: Lexstructor

ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION Lexstructor is an online, open access legal news, journals publication and education imparting platform, which is dedicated to express views on varied legal issues, thereby generating diversified research emerging areas ABOUT THE COMPETITION Lexstructor Legal News & Publication is organizing ‘1st National Online Quiz Competition on Constitutional Law’ on June 5, 2020.Read More