Kerala Law Academy’s The Academy Law Review, A Peer-Reviewed Journal is inviting submissions through a call for papers by December 4, 2022.
The Academy Law Review is a Peer-reviewed research law journal which is published by the Academy in association with the Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and Research (CALSAR).
Research articles, which are approved as original, critical, substantive, thorough and in-depth, by the panel of referees consisting of the Chairman of the Editorial Board and Editorial Committee, alone are selected for publication.
- Information Technology Act 2000 and Protection of Privacy in India.
- Sensitive personal information, legal validity and protection – global approach.
- The judicial approach in Protection of Privacy.
- Present and future challenges faced by enforcement authorities in safeguarding the right to privacy in cyberspace.
- Rise of Artificial intelligence and digital data analytics as a threat or boon for mankind.
- Paradigms of right to privacy vis-a-vis constitutionalism. Regulatory regimes & emerging trends in right to privacy in India.
- Critical analysis of data protection bill & data localisation.
- AI and its interplay with data privacy, data protection & allied existing regime.
- The proportionality test: treading the line between national security and the individual right to privacy
- International Human Rights Paradigm and Privacy
- Criminal Investigations and Privacy
- Cyber Space and Privacy
- Health Care System and Privacy Interface
- Legislative Approach to Privacy and Data Protection
- Telecommunication service providers and data protection
- Online banking and cyber security laws
- Articles – which deal with issues of interest and relevance and must demonstrate a high level of analysis. Articles of a purely descriptive nature, unless about a development in a country or a region which may necessarily be of a descriptive nature, are not preferred. The word length of such Articles should fall within the range of 8,000-10,000 words.
- Notes – which cover a recent development or are issue-specific. The word limit of such Notes will be 8,000 words.
- Comments – which entail a critical analysis of an issue of relevance, including case laws and policy developments. The Word limit of such Comments will be 8,000 words.
- Book Reviews (only solicited by the Editors). The editors however welcome any suggestions from academicians, scholars or publishers for Book Reviews.
- All manuscripts submitted which are to be considered for publication in The Academy Law Review [AcLR] must be original works and should not have been published elsewhere.
- Authors, upon submission, communicate their acceptance of the following conditions:
- The work, upon publication, becomes the property of AcLR;
- Permissions for subsequent publication/reprint and/or derivative works must be obtained from the Editors of AcLR.
- In the case of submission of an unsolicited manuscript, the submission itself does not secure a right of publication in AcLR. Subsequently, if the manuscript is found suitable for publication, as per AcLR’s standards of quality scholarship, the author(s) will receive a notification of acceptance from the Editors.
- Submission of solicited manuscripts, on invitation from the editors of AcLR, guarantees publication of the same. However, in the event that such solicited manuscript does not meet AcLR’s standards of quality scholarship, final discretion to publish the solicited manuscript vests with the Editors of AcLR.
- The Editors reserve the right to send contributions, whether solicited or unsolicited, to referee(s) for evaluation of content and quality, in which case the identities of both the Author and the Referee shall remain confidential (i.e. Double-Blind Peer Review).
- All articles to AcLR should have a socio-legal aspect.
- The Editors reserve the right to request for copies of any resources or authorities cited in the submitted manuscript. The publication of the manuscript remains subject to the Authors providing such copies.
- The articles to be published are at the discretion of the editorial board.
- Once the article is selected for publication a formal mail intimating the same shall be sent. Contacting otherwise is not entertained.
- An “Abstract” containing at most 250 words must precede the body of the manuscript, except in the case of a Book Review. It must also contain the keywords used.
- The Editors follow the system of citation as prescribed in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition), and while it is not imperative, prospective authors are requested to follow the same.
- As a convention, British English shall be followed.
- To facilitate our anonymous review process, please confine your name, affiliation, biographical information, and acknowledgements to a separate cover page. Please include the manuscript’s title on the first text page.
- If contributing Authors would like to request an expedited review of their submission then, such authors are supposed to make a separate request to the same effect to the Executive Editor. Please be prepared to provide us with the following information while making the request: (1) the manuscript’s title; (2) the date by which the Author needs an answer; (3) the author’s phone number and e-mail address.
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: 1.5
- Citations- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 10; Line Spacing: 1
- Authors are requested to send the electronic version of their manuscripts to klainternationalseminar15[at] The subject of the mail should be “Submission”.
- The manuscripts should be in either “.doc” or “.docx” format.
- In case the editors feel necessary, they may ask the authors to submit a hard copy of their manuscript, in addition to the electronic copy.
- Submission of Abstracts: 4th December 2022.
- Communication of Abstract Acceptance: 6th December 2022.
- Submission of Full Paper: 13th of December 2022.
- Intimation of Full Paper Acceptance: 14th December 2022.
- Date of payment of Registration fee: 15th December 2022.
- International Seminar: December 17th 2022
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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