Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy (IJLPP) is a blind peer-reviewed, bi – annual, law and public policy publication. It is a student reviewed and edited Journal based and operated from New Delhi and comes out with two editions i.e. Summer and Winter in each of its volume every year.
Guidelines for submissions
The Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy is now accepting submissions for Volume 8 Issue 1. The journal will invite papers on the wide theme of Law & Public Policy in Contemporary India for this issue.
The authors, on the other hand, are required to point out flaws in previous laws and policies and to fix them with well-researched and logically sound policy alternatives.
General guidelines
- Original and previously unpublished work must be submitted.
- The journal will not accept manuscripts that are plagiarised by more than 20% or 7 times (each involving 32 words), whichever is lower.
- A maximum of two writers can co-author a paper;
- Citation style: Harvard Blue Book, 20th Edition should be followed for citations. Footnotes and endnotes that speak are discouraged.
- Once the article has been selected and the writer (s) have been notified, the Editorial Board retains the copyright to the entry in the Journal.
- The Editorial Board has the final say on whether or not manuscripts are accepted.
- The body of the document should be written in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, and the footnotes should be written in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Line Spacing 1.
How to submit?
- Articles, short articles, and case commentary for the Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy should be emailed to journal@ijlpp.com.
- There must be no sign of the author’s identity in the paper.
- The document should be in either.doc or.docx format.
- A cover letter in either.doc or.docx format, containing the author’s name, contact information, institution’s name, and university’s name, should be attached SEPARATELY to the article in the same email.
- “Submission for Volume 8 Issue I” should be the topic of the email.
- An e-mail will be issued to confirm receipt of the entry and to notify the author(s) of the selected works.
Submit before: 5:00 PM, November 15th, 2021.
Website address
Click on – https://ijlpp.com/ for more details

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