Through a request for papers, the Ideal Journal of Legal Studies (ISSN No.: 2231-0983) is soliciting contributions by November 5, 2022.


Through the writings of the specialists in the various legal professions, the Journal hopes to identify the current, emerging legal concerns. The Journal aims to promote the synthesis of knowledge and best practises throughout the academic and research communities.

In the legal profession, research is given a high priority, which raises people’s levels of understanding and leads to discussion that can make a significant contribution by enhancing the secondary sources of information used in the legal research that will come after.


  1. Research Papers and Articles: 4,000 to 6,000 words
  2. Case Laws and Book Reviews: 2,000 to 3,000 words
  3. Legal Expressions: 1,500 to 2,000 words
  4. No other Journal has previously published the submission.
  5. The document must also contain a plagiarism report and a declaration from the author(s) stating unequivocally that the submission is their original work. Additionally, it must specify that the opinions expressed in the document are solely the authors’ own and that they accept full responsibility for any resulting mistakes or losses to people or property.
  6. In the event that the submitted manuscript includes a book review, the following information must be included in the specific sequence stated:
    1. Name of the author
    2. Title
    3. Place
    4. Year
  7. Along with the text, a 250–300 word abstract must be included. Following the same phrase must be at least 5 to 6 keywords.
  8. The primary content must be typed in a Word document with Times New Roman set to Font-12 and 1.5 linespacing.
  9. The only citation style allowed is footnotes. To do this, the citation guidelines of the Indian Law Institute must be used. It must be written in Times New Roman, single-spaced, with a size 10 font.
  10. If a table or figure with statistics is included to the text, the author(s) must correctly cite the information.
  11. Emails with submission materials should be sent to
  12. The relevant information must be uploaded or registered at the link provided at the conclusion of the post.


  1. Submission of Abstract – November 5, 2022
  2. Acceptance of Abstract – November 15, 2022
  3. Submission of Full Paper – December 10, 2022
  4. Acceptance of Full Paper – December 20, 2022–ZW3M7i94UVzW53QFtQZbsq4Bg6Bu80HPVIhaVvvU2HTAw/viewform

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