DNLU’s Centre for Research and Studies in Human Rights (CRaSH) is inviting submissions for its Blog, on ‘International Conflict & Human Rights’.
The Centre for Research and Studies in Human Rights (CRaSH), Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur, is an endeavour of the University to respond to the emerging regime of Human Rights. The Centre seeks to undertake interdisciplinary studies involving legal academia and other stakeholders and contribute in the best possible manner to the global pool of knowledge on the subject.
World is currently experiencing turmoil as ‘International Conflict’. Deviating from the original meaning of the term, increasingly, it also applies to inter-group conflicts within a country when one group is fighting for independence or increased social, political, or economic power such as noticed in Sudan/South Sudan, Iraq and Syria. In recent decades, armed conflict has plighted the lives of millions of civilians. Serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law are common in many armed conflicts. Some of these violations have been seen to constitute genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity.
The theme International Conflict and Human Rights is aimed at providing a platform to explore the causes, courses, and consequences of international conflict (including but not limited to war, revolution, political disputes, terrorism, and genocide).
As per new policy for Blog, effective from November 2022, the Centre calls for submissions on a monthly rolling basis. The submissions will be accepted from 15th of the month till 15th of the next month, for publication in the following month of the submission cycle.
The blog will run an overarching theme inviting submissions on the same. The broader theme will be effective for a period of 6 months. The general submissions will not impliedly be barred; however, acceptance of the general submissions will be at the discretion of the Editors.
- Word Limit: The word-limit for the manuscripts is between 1000-1500 words.
- Font: All submissions must be made in the font Times New Roman or Georgia with heading size 14, text size 12 and spacing 1.5.
- Co-authorship: Up to a maximum of 2 authors is permitted.
- Citation Format: · Bluebook 20th edition.
- Format: All the entries should be submitted in (.doc) or (.docx) format.
- Originality: The entries must be original, unpublished, and an outcome of the author(s’) own efforts. The Blog follows a limited plagiarism policy and plagiarism beyond that limit will lead to disqualification for publication on the Blog.
- Title: The title should be brief and one that clearly communicates the topic and conveys the essence of the piece to the reader.
- The submission should be emailed at crash@mpdnlu.ac.in
- The submission email should accompany a cover letter/email with the relevant details.
- Note: The subject of the mail for submission should read ‘Submission for CRaSH Blog: Month & Year’.
- The Blogs are invited on a monthly rolling basis. The last date for each submission period is the last day as notified above, till 11:59 PM.
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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