The Centre for Competition Law and Policy (CCLP), National Law University Jodhpur is inviting submissions for the Competition Law Observer Blog.
CCLP was established as an initiative to promote interdisciplinary research in the field of competition law and policy making. As a part of this initiative, CCLP publishes its flagship journal, the Indian Competition Law Review (“ICLR”).
ICLR serves as a platform for understanding existing trends as well as setting out new ideas. The website of the journal can be accessed here.
- Submissions: Submissions must be in a Word format (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’). All submissions are to be sent via email to
- The subject of the email should be titled – “Submission for Blogs_Name of the Author(s)”.
- While submitting to the Blog, the author(s) are required to submit an undertaking that:
- They warrant that the manuscript is their original work, and has not been
simultaneously been submitted to any other platform for consideration; - They consent to the publication of the submitted piece on the Blog provided that they
are fully acknowledged as the author(s).
- They warrant that the manuscript is their original work, and has not been
- Authorship: Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed. Refrain from mentioning the name, institutional affiliation, or any other detail of the author(s) in the document to facilitate the double-blind review process.
- Deadline: There is no deadline for the submission of Blog posts. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.
- Originality: All works must be original and unpublished. The plagiarism limit is 15%.
- Length: The word limit for the submission is 1000- 1500 words. This word limit is exclusive of the endnotes (if any). Longer posts may be accepted should the topic require an extensive discussion, and, if required, they may be published in parts, subject to the discretion of the editors.
- Headings: Authors are encouraged to use headings to break up long posts. Headings should not be of more than one level and should be in bold.
- Font and spacing: The title of the post must be formatted to Times New Roman font size 14, all Caps, and in bold. The main body of the text must be formatted to Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing with a single line space between paragraphs; and the end notes must be formatted to Times New Roman font size 10 with single line spacing.
- Referencing: All references must be in the form of hyperlinks in the body of the submission. In case no hyperlink is available for any reference, use of endnotes is recommended. The endnotes must be in conformity with the 4th edition of the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) style of citation. The author(s) are advised to give specific details, such as the Page or the Paragraph number of the reference, either in the body of the text itself or in the endnotes. No speaking endnotes or footnotes are allowed
- For further details, contribution guidelines, and editorial policy, click here.
- For further details regarding CCLP, click here.
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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