The growth of science and technology has witnessed various levels of impact including the impact on the human body, impact on the human environment and the impact on the human society. One major breakthrough in science and technology in the past century can be attributed to the developments which took place in medical science and the related technologies. As the years pass, medical science, pharmaceuticals and allied technologies will continue to improve. Today, people are living longer and fewer diseases are deemed incurable. Saving millions of lives around the world, preventing the spread of diseases, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and enabling better patient care are just some of the contributions made by the advancements in medical science and related technologies.
It is true that advances in biomedical science can have a major impact on the wellbeing of society, but, at the same time it is not free from legal, ethical and human rights concerns. Presently, populations, governments and healthcare systems across the world are facing an unprecedented situation, in the form of a pandemic that has stretched healthcare resources and personnel to its maximum possible limit. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the entire globe is witnessing a wide range of ethical and legal questions which have a direct impact on the medical science, pharmaceuticals and allied technologies. This is one simple example which throws light to the significance of law and ethics in medicine and biomedical research and the enormous impact it can create on the populations as a whole. Therefore, in these extraordinary times, we are reminded of our common humanity and the need to work together as a global community, and be prepared to face global health emergencies like this in the future.
Ethical aspects of biomedicine (where human beings are directly involved), referred to as bioethics, is a new and increasingly developing interdisciplinary field where the ethical, legal and social implications of biomedicine is to be discussed and studied with seriousness. The Centre aims to bring multidisciplinary perspectives to bear on the legal and ethical issues of the day arising out of the biomedical research and practice.
The Centre proposes to take up research projects to explore the ethical and legal aspects related to, but not limited to:
- Human organ and tissue transplantation.
- Assisted reproduction.
- End-of-life issues and advanced directives.
- Human genome studies and genetic engineering.
- Stem cell research and other regenerative medicines.
- Human reproductive cloning, and so on.
The Centre proposes to work collaboratively with legal academia, the key stakeholders in the healthcare sector and biomedical science and the policy makers.
The focal area of the proposed Research Centre are the areas where biomedical research and practice intersects with the law and ethics. Advances in medical research, reproductive science, genetic research, etc. give rise to ethical and legal issues that are well known. The Centre proposes to be a platform for learning, teaching and research relating to ethical and legal aspects of healthcare and biomedical practices.
The Centre proposes to conduct its activities to cover the following academic responsibilities:
- Initiate research projects in areas where biomedicine, law and ethics intersects.
- Foster collaborative links across institutions and fields related to biomedicine and biomedical research.
- Learning the existing legislative and policy frameworks in the field of biomedicine and to suggest modifications at the policy drafting level.
- Dissemination of the information and knowledge to the stakeholders. The centre will try to translate the research expertise and experience into valuable contributions to the medical, ethical and legal dialogue on an interpersonal, institutional, and societal level.
- The Centre’s mission is to support the healthcare policymakers in decision-making and of advancing scholarship around the legal issues pertaining to the biomedical practice and research.
- Organize training programmes for the stakeholders.
- Respond to the needs of people by structuring legal framework and by analyzing impact of the new policies which will have an impact on human health.
- Organize conferences, seminars, workshops, lectures and other similar activities on the ethical and legal issues pertaining to the application of biomedicine.
- Publish journal, papers, and initiate other academic writings, as well as supporting other means of dissemination of scholarly publications.
CENTRE DIRECTOR : Dr. Veena Roshan Jose (Assistant Professor), DNLU Jabalpur
Email :
Phone : +91 9846673785
ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION : Centre for Law, Ethics and Biomedicine (CLEB), BRBRAIIT, Ridge Road, South Civil Lines, Jabalpur, M.P. Pin- 482001
Email :
The growth of science and technology has witnessed various levels of impact including the impact on the human body, impact on the human environment and the impact on the human society. One major breakthrough in science and technology in the past century can be attributed to the developments which took place in medical science and the related technologies. As the years pass, medical science, pharmaceuticals and allied technologies will continue to improve. Today, people are living longer and fewer diseases are deemed incurable. Saving millions of lives around the world, preventing the spread of diseases, allowing for more accurate diagnosis and enabling better patient care are just some of the contributions made by the advancements in medical science and related technologies.
It is true that advances in biomedical science can have a major impact on the wellbeing of society, but, at the same time it is not free from legal, ethical and human rights concerns. Presently, populations, governments and healthcare systems across the world are facing an unprecedented situation, in the form of a pandemic that has stretched healthcare resources and personnel to its maximum possible limit. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the entire globe is witnessing a wide range of ethical and legal questions which have a direct impact on the medical science, pharmaceuticals and allied technologies. This is one simple example which throws light to the significance of law and ethics in medicine and biomedical research and the enormous impact it can create on the populations as a whole. Therefore, in these extraordinary times, we are reminded of our common humanity and the need to work together as a global community, and be prepared to face global health emergencies like this in the future.
Ethical aspects of biomedicine (where human beings are directly involved), referred to as bioethics, is a new and increasingly developing interdisciplinary field where the ethical, legal and social implications of biomedicine is to be discussed and studied with seriousness. The Centre aims to bring multidisciplinary perspectives to bear on the legal and ethical issues of the day arising out of biomedical research and practice.
The Centre proposes to take up research projects to explore the ethical and legal aspects related to, but not limited to:
- Human organ and tissue transplantation.
- Assisted reproduction.
- End-of-life issues and advanced directives.
- Human genome studies and genetic engineering.
- Stem cell research and other regenerative medicines.
- Human reproductive cloning, and so on.
The Centre proposes to work collaboratively with legal academia, the key stakeholders in the healthcare sector and biomedical science and the policy makers.
The focal area of the proposed Research Centre are the areas where biomedical research and practice intersects with the law and ethics. Advances in medical research, reproductive science, genetic research, etc. give rise to ethical and legal issues that are well known. The Centre proposes to be a platform for learning, teaching and research relating to ethical and legal aspects of healthcare and biomedical practices.
The Centre proposes to conduct its activities to cover the following academic responsibilities:
- Initiate research projects in areas where biomedicine, law and ethics intersects.
- Foster collaborative links across institutions and fields related to biomedicine and biomedical research.
- Learning the existing legislative and policy frameworks in the field of biomedicine and to suggest modifications at the policy drafting level.
- Dissemination of the information and knowledge to the stakeholders. The centre will try to translate the research expertise and experience into valuable contributions to the medical, ethical and legal dialogue on an interpersonal, institutional, and societal level.
- The Centre’s mission is to support the healthcare policymakers in decision-making and of advancing scholarship around the legal issues pertaining to the biomedical practice and research.
- Organize training programmes for the stakeholders.
- Respond to the needs of people by structuring legal framework and by analyzing impact of the new policies which will have an impact on human health.
- Organize conferences, seminars, workshops, lectures and other similar activities on the ethical and legal issues pertaining to the application of biomedicine.
- Publish journal, papers, and initiate other academic writings, as well as supporting other means of dissemination of scholarly publications.
CENTRE DIRECTOR : Dr. Veena Roshan Jose (Assistant Professor), DNLU Jabalpur
Email :
Phone : +91 9846673785
ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION: Centre for Law, Ethics and Biomedicine (CLEB), BRBRAIIT, Ridge Road, South Civil
Lines, Jabalpur, M.P. Pin- 482001
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