Lexpeeps Pvt. Ltd. and Justice Law Firm and Arbitration Centre in collaboration bring a Live Session on the topic, “The Sexual Harassment of Women At Workplace”.
About Lexpeeps Pvt. Ltd.
Lexpeeps Pvt. ltd. is an organization that works to assist and help law schools in organizing and managing their events. Lexpeeps also provide you with the recent happening in the legal world in the form of news, opportunities, articles to explore your interests, and many more. The sole purpose of Lexpeeps Pvt. Ltd. is to provide law students and law schools quality and to create value for the legal fraternity.
About JUSTICE Law Firm
Justice Law Firm, based in Gujarat firm provides services from legal advisory to legal drafting. The firm areas of practice are Industrial Law, Company Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Family Laws. The firm provides support in developing proper contract agreements and protects its clients from any monetary losses. Justice Law Firm has a huge presence from Subordinate Courts to the Supreme Court of India.
Speakers of the Session
Advocate Sonali Satpathy (Justice Law Firm & Arbitration Centre)
Madhur Rathaur (Lexpeeps Pvt Ltd.)
Date and Time
The session will be live on 16th July 2022 from 4:00-5:00 PM IST.
For registering, fill out the form provided: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScUOe0PRlu1hpANseDA6puw8uvciyD7hgFoa1SGa89pQ6Ltfg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
For more details, please visit @lexpeeps.in and @justice.lawandarbitration on Instagram.