Citation of the case

AIR 2018 SC 4321; W. P. (Crl.) No. 76 of 2016; D. No. 14961/2016.

Date of the case

6 September 2018


Navtej Singh Johar & Ors.


Union of India & Ors.


Dipak Misra, R. F. Nariman, D. Y. Chandrachud, and Indu Malhotra.

Statutes Involved

The Constitution of India, The Indian Penal Code.

Important Sections/Articles

Art. 14, 15, 19, 21, 25 of the Constitution of India, Right to Privacy under Fundamental Rights, S. 377 of the Indian Penal Code.


Navtej Singh Johar V/s Union of India1 was one of the most critical cases, which changed our Indian laws and conveyed us with a superior understanding of those laws. Right to Life under Art. 21 of The Indian Constitution isn’t just with regards to allowing an individual to live, yet permitting everybody to live they need to live, in any means not harming those of others. Neither The Indian Constitution discusses the Right to Equality on a separate premise. Each living being is to partake in those freedoms with practically no segregation or imbalance.

An individual’s Natural Identity is to be treated as fundamental. What an individual is brought into the world with is normal, the same way the character an individual is brought into the world with is regular and is to be regarded and acknowledged as opposed to being scorned or peered downward on. Crumbling or deterring an individual’s character and personality would be something like pounding the upsides of Privacy, Choice, Freedom of Speech, and different Expressions. For long, the transsexual local area has been peered downward on, to which once Radhakrishnan, J. expressed, Gender character alludes to every individual’s profoundly felt inside and individual experience of orientation, which could compare with the sex relegated upon entering the world, including the individual feeling of the body which might include an openly picked, adjustment of real appearance or capacities by clinical, careful, or different means and different articulations of orientation, including dress, discourse, and peculiarities. Orientation personality, along these lines, alludes to a singular’s self-distinguishing proof as a man, lady, transsexual, or other recognized class. Numerous strict bodies have gone against the Carnal intercourse against the Order of nature and some remember it as a demonstration disparaging the protected idea of Dignity. The Navtej Singh Johar V/s Union of India was the milestone case which prompted the struck down of S. 377 of The Indian Penal Code, as it expressed – Whoever deliberately has licentious inter­course against the request for nature with any man, lady or creature, will be rebuffed with 1[imprisonment for life], or with impris­onment of one or the other depiction for a term which might stretch out to a decade, and will likewise be responsible to fine.


Writ Petition (Crl) No. 76 of 2016 was petitioned for proclaiming the right to sexuality, right to sexual independence, and right to the decision of a sexual accomplice to be essential for the right to life ensured under A. 21 of the Constitution of India and to pronounce S. 377 of the Indian Penal Code to be unlawful. Mr. Arvind Datar learned senior guidance showing up for the writ applicants presented that the two-Judge Bench in Suresh Kumar Koushal and another v. Naz Foundation had been directed by friendly ethical quality in light of majoritarian discernment while the issue, in reality, should have been bantered upon in the setting of sacred ethical quality. Likewise in a Nine-Judge Bench choice in K.S. Puttaswamy and another v. Association of India and Ors., have thought that sexual direction is a fundamental part of freedoms ensured under the Constitution which are not formed on majoritarian discernment. Mr. Arvind Datar expressed that he doesn’t expect to challenge the piece of S. 377 that connects with licentious intercourse with creatures, he limits consenting demonstrations between two grown-ups. The assent between two grown-ups must be the essential pre-condition. If not, the kids would become prey, and insurance of the youngsters in all circles must be monitored and ensured.


Navtej Singh Johar, an artist alongside Sunil Mehra a columnist, a culinary specialist Ritu Dalmia, hoteliers Keshav, Aman Nath, and a Businesswoman Ayesha Kapur, all in all, documented a writ request in the Supreme Court looking for a presentation of the right to sexuality, right to sexual independence and right to the decision of a sexual accomplice to be important for the right to life ensured under A. 21 of the Constitution of India and to pronounce S. 377 of the Indian Penal Code to be unlawful, as it was impeding the privileges of the LGBT people group. It was expressed that this segment not just abused A. 21 yet in addition A. 15, 19 alongside the Right to Privacy under the Fundamental Rights in The Indian Constitution. There had likewise been a few cases in the past like the Naz Foundation v. Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi2 and Suresh Kumar Koushal v. Naz Foundation3, which were likewise kept in thought during this case.


  1. Whether the rationale adopted in the Suresh Kaushal judgment was proper or not?
  2. Whether S. 377 violates A. 14 and 15 of the constitution?
  3. Whether S. 377 infringes the right to privacy under A. 21?
  4. Whether S. 377 has a ‘chilling effect’ on A. 19 (1) (a) by criminalizing gender expression by the LGBT community?


  • The Petitioner had lamented that the individuals from the LGBT people group were denied the right to life ensured by Art. 21 of the Constitution of India.
  • The S. 377 of The Indian Penal Code conflicted with the A. 14, 15 of the Indian Constitution as they, as an individual were dealt with inconsistent to other people and segregated on the premise of sex of an individual’s sexual accomplice, and they, had to not to pick an accomplice of their enjoying.
  • 19 of The Indian Constitution out of totally was the most cut off, as the local area was denied to communicate their sexual personality through discourse and decision of an accomplice of their enjoying.
  • Right to protection under the Fundamental Duties was being impacted as they were evaded by society on finding their specific decision of living.
  • It was encouraged to the statement of the S. 377 of The Indian Penal Code, illegal and perceiving the right to sexuality, right to sexual independence, and right to the decision of the sexual accomplice to be essential for A. 21 of the Indian Constitution.


  • The Union of India, taking a nonpartisan side passed on the make a difference to the Hon’ble Court by commenting “It left the topic of the sacred legitimacy of Section 377 to the insight of the Court”. Furthermore, found out if the law set down in Suresh Kumar Koushal v. Naz Foundation, is right or not.
  • Shri K. Radhakrishnan, senior guidance, for the benefit of intervenor-NGO, Trust God Ministries contended, there is no private freedom to mishandle one’s organs and that the hostile demonstrations prohibited by S. 377 are submitted by manhandling the organs. Such demonstrations, according to the intervenor, are undignified and overly critical to the protected idea of nobility and on the off chance that any infraction is caused to the idea of poise, it would add up to established off-base and sacred shamelessness.
  • The people enjoying unnatural sexual demonstrations which have been made culpable under S. 377 are more helpless and defenseless against contracting HIV/AIDS, additionally, the level of commonness of AIDS in gay people is a lot more prominent than heteros, and the right to protection may not be stretched out to empower individuals to enjoy unnatural offenses and in this way contact AIDS.
  • Mr. Suresh Kumar Koushal, intervenor, by a composed accommodation contended in that that the contention of the candidates that consensual demonstrations of grown-ups in private have been decriminalized in many regions of the planet and, hence, it should be decriminalized in India.
  • On the occasion consenting demonstrations between two same-sex grown-ups are barred from the ambit of S. 377, then, at that point, a wedded lady would be delivered remediless under the IPC against her bi-sexual spouse and his consenting male accomplice enjoying any sexual demonstrations.
  • For the benefit of Raza Academy, the intervenor, through its learned direction Mr. R.R Kishore, it was contended that homosexuality is against the nature request and S. 377 properly precludes it.


  1. S. 377 of The Indian Penal Code, to the extent that it applied to the consensual sexual direct between the grown-ups in private was announced Unconstitutional.
  2. The choice in the Suresh Kumar Koushal v. Naz Foundation (1) was overruled.
  3. Basic privileges are accessible to the LGBT people group even though they comprise a minority.
  4. S. 377 is violative of A. 14 being entirely discretionary, unclear, and has an unlawful goal.
  5. S. 377 punishes an individual in light of their sexual direction and is consequently oppressive under A. 15.
  6. S. 377 ignores the right to life and freedom provided by A. 21 which includes all parts of the option to live with poise, the right to protection, and the right to independence and self-assurance concerning the coziest choices of an individual.


The judgment for the situation was notable as it struck down the S. 377 of The Indian Penal Code and it allowed them to the Homosexuals and every one of the individuals from the LGBT people group to unreservedly put themselves out there and to stroll with a head high in the general public. They don’t need to fear being evaded by society and their right to security being pulverized and pronounced as hoodlums because they communicated their friendship and affections for their sexual accomplice.

This judgment was an overjoy for each individual from the LGBT people group and different Heterosexuals. The choice was valued even abroad by different NGOs and gatherings named The Human Rights Watch, in this manner acquiring global acknowledgment. Different translations were made to clarify what laws said and that they are to cling to and everybody in the general public is to be dealt with similarly.


  1. Navtej Singh Johar vs Union Of India Ministry Of Law And … on 8 January, 2018.[Online]
  2. Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi. [Online]
  3. Suresh Kumar Koushal and another v. Naz Foundation and Others. [Online]

Written by Sara Agrawal student at Sinhgad Law College, Pune.

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