About IIL:
Indore Institute of Law (IIL) was founded in 2003 with the aim of encouraging intellectual consciousness and overall growth in our country using legal education. Institute has redesigned the fundamental qualities for achieving excellence appropriately, we still believe that the core value of our programme is holistic in spirit that not only helps the students to develop a soulful mind-body connection but also making them aware that there is much more to the world than just gaining a materialistic purpose towards life.
About the Event:
Indore Institute of Law is organising its 3rd Edition International Conference on “Self- Reliant India-A Pathway to Developed India Mission 2030” from 17th to 18th July 2021. The conference is moderated and designed to facilitate an intellectual discourse in the form of deliberation between participants and practitioners in the field of the global and homegrown front through a trade of their encounters and contemplations on numerous disciples that are relevant to ponder upon to defeat the difficulties presented by the Global Pandemic and how to make different businesses Self Dependent and Self Sufficient in case of immediate need.
Any interested researcher, academician or policymaker affiliated to any recognised Indian university or government institution can participate. The gathering looks to have a helpful discourse, giving a chance to understudies, academicians, experts and any remaining partners from numerous fields to advance their perspectives through their exploration and offer their information on a wide scope of points identifying with different disciplines and their different angles.
Team Composition:
Co-authorship is permitted, subject to a limit of maximum two authors per submission.During the Conference Participants should have good internet service so that there is a minimum chance for network problems.
Theme and Sub-Theme:
Theme : “Self- Reliant India-A Pathway to Developed India Mission 2030”
Sub theme:
1. Self Reliant India & Growth ofEconomy.
2. Empowering Education:Requisitioning the Teaching Learning.
3. Digitalisation & InformationTechnology.
4. Indigenous Tourism: Looking beyond
5. Health Sector: Surging Ahead
6. Legal Shifting from Traditional to Modern Approach-Boost Self Reliant India.
- Best researcher will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 1100
- Selected papers will get published in an ISSN numbered E-Journal.
- E-certificated will be provided to all the participants.
Registration Details:
- The authors are required to send an abstract of their paper on conference@indoreinstituteoflaw.org, upon selection of which they will be required to send their papers.
- Authors will be required to fill the online registration only after the selection of the abstract.
- Registration link for online registration.
- Category 1: Attendees Fee: INR 300(Participation in way of Paper submission only)
- Category 2: PresenterFees: INR 600 (Participation in a way of paper submission and presentation is allowed)
Late Entry (After 15th of June, 2021)
- Category 1: AttendeesFee: INR 450 (Participation in way of Paper submission only)
- Category 2: PresenterFee: INR 750 (Participation in way of paper submission and presentation is allowed)
Last date of Abstract Submission (Extended) :
30th june 2021
Registration Link:
Guidelines for Submission:
- The language of the paper, working language of the seminar and the presentations shall be done in English only.
- Co-authorship is permitted, subject to a limit of maximum two authors per submission.
- The author(s) are required to send an abstract of their papers, upon selection of which they will be required to send their papers.
- The abstract must contain the highlights of the full paper and should not exceed 500 words. The soft copy of the abstract shall be submitted along with a cover page.
- Author(s) name(s), University/ Organization, Paper title, E-mail, Correspondence addressand Mobile number to be stated clearly on the cover page of the letter.
- No part of the paper should have been published earlier nor should it be underconsideration for publication.
- Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
- Author(s) will be required to fill the online registration form after selection of their abstract.
- One person may submit a maximum of only 1 article.
- All the students/delegates will get an E-Certificate of participation/publication.
- The institution reserves the discretion of the selection of the paper and the same will be binding.
- 12. The paper will be published in the E-journal within the next 15 days of the Conference.
Important Dates:
- Last Date for Abstract Submission (Extended): 30th June 2021
- The Last date of online registration:
- Last date of full paper submission: 4th July 2021
Payment Info:
Participants and Attendees are required to wire-transfer the registration fee/amount to the details mentioned below:
- Name: Indore Institute of Law
- Account Number: 53001040267
- IFSC Code: SBIN0030450
- Bank: State Bank of India
- Branch: Sch. No. 54, AB Road Indore
Contact Info:
Student Coordinators
- Mr. Shreyanshu Choudhary (Convenor): 8602335256
- Ms. Kishita Sharma (Co-Convenor): 9755553512
- e-Mail ID: conference@indoreinstituteoflaw.org
Official Brochure:

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