Each year, young people are asked to write on a theme that explores the Commonwealth’s values and principles, fostering an empathetic and open-minded worldview in the next generation of Commonwealth leaders. Recent themes have focused on the environment, inclusion, the role of youth leadership, and gender equality. Annually, winners are invited to travel to the United Kingdom for a week of educational and cultural activities, which culminates in a special Awards Ceremony, usually held at Buckingham Palace, that is hosted by the Society’s Vice-Patron, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall. Past winners have gone on to become prominent leaders, including the Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mei Fong, and the renowned author, Elspeth Huxley.

Despite the significant interruption to children’s education caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 competition saw a record level of participation and we look forward to even more young people around the Commonwealth entering the competition in 2022!




Senior category (Born between 1 July 2003 and 30 June 2008 (14-18 years of age), maximum word count: 1500 words

  1. Imagine you are a Head of Government delivering a speech to your counterparts at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Rwanda. Write a speech that highlights what you believe should be a priority for collective action within the Commonwealth.
  2. Committed to the Commonwealth.
  3. Her Majesty The Queen was born in the twentieth century, a period that saw enormous social change driven by visionary and committed leaders. Reflect on an inspirational leader from this period.
  4. “Whilst experiences of the last year have been different across the Commonwealth, stirring examples of courage, commitment and selfless dedication to duty have been demonstrated in every Commonwealth nation and territory, notably by those working on the frontline who have been delivering healthcare and other public services in their communities.” – Her Majesty The Queen, Commonwealth Day Message 2021.  Imagine you are working on the frontline. Write about your experience, explaining why you serve your community and why your service matters.




The competition is open to nationals or residents of all Commonwealth countries and territories, as well as residents of Hong Kong, Ireland, and Zimbabwe. Residents of non-Commonwealth countries where there is an operating RCS branch or affiliated/partner organization are also eligible; however, entries must be submitted via the local RCS branch or affiliated/partner organization.


  1. Participants are expected to show originality and flair, linked to sound academic standards and competent use of English as a written language. This includes a good standard of spelling and punctuation, neat presentation, and clear hand-writing or word processing.
  2. Entries must respond to the topic. Each year a number of good entrants must be disregarded because they do not fully answer/reflect on what the topic has asked them to do.
  3. Entrants are encouraged to be creative in their response to a topic. Entries can be submitted in a number of different formats: for example, a poem, letter, article, story, essay, or a short play/script.
  4. Illustrations are welcomed, particularly in Junior entries, but they must enhance the written text and add to the overall quality of the entry.


One Winner and Runner Up will be chosen from each category. Winners and Runners Up (accompanied by one adult/guardian) will be brought to London for a week of educational and cultural events, culminating in a special Awards Ceremony. A number of Gold Finalist, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards will be given in both the Senior and Junior categories, rewarding excellence in writing. All successful entries will receive a Certificate of Participation. Local RCS branches often hold local and regional ceremonies or offer prizes so if you were made aware of the competition by your local RCS branch, please contact them after the competition closes on 30th June to inquire about any activities they might have planned.


JUNE 30, 2022



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Kerala Law Academy Law College is inviting submissions for its 14th International Seminar on Exploring New Frontiers In Space- Law, Policy and Property Rights scheduled on August 20th, 2022.


The Organizing Committee is calling for Research Articles from Law Students, Academicians, Lawyers, Social Workers, Policy Makers, and Officials from various Departments- Representatives from Institutions and Professionals; NGOs, Social Activists, Social Science Researchers, and Faculty and Research Scholars. 

As humans extend their reach in outer space, laws regulating human activities in that area are becoming more and more applicable and significant for both states and the commercial sector. The previous year has seen historic advances in spaceflight and space policy, even in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Property rights form a legal and economic basis to support investment and provide a structure for the allocation and management of resources. 

As space technology and its implementations evolve, property rights to external space resources will rise in relevance. With a view to ensuring organized and systematic space exploitation and exploration, it increases the need for certain international regulatory and legislative changes. It is necessary to enact and harmonize domestic space laws in order to create a safe environment for space exploration in the sense of the legislative structure and it should be acknowledged that there is a clear need to find a balance between the need for treaties to be amended and reformed and the protection of issues that are evidently safe at present. 

The Seminar will attempt to explore the different aspects of Space Law. The purpose of the seminar is to serve as a medium that enlightens the outcome, and unsolved questions and further explores new directions in this field of law. 


The Seminar is conducted through the online platform ZOOM. All the participants should have good access to the internet and be able to access the above said online platform. 


  1. Space legislation in India.
  2. Exploration and utilization of space resources.
  3. The mounting problem of space debris.
  4. Understanding principles governing space law.
  5. Laws relating to the mining of the Moon and other celestial bodies.
  6. International Treaties governing Space.
  7. The Moon Agreement & India.
  8. State vs Non-State Actors in Space.
  9. Outer Space Security.
  10. Space Insurance- legal framework for insurance, liability and coverage.
  11. Space Arbitration- Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Outer Space.
  12. Space Policies in Emerging Countries.

Note: These Themes are not exhaustive; Authors are open to working on any topic related to the above-mentioned theme. 


Kindly send the abstract on or before 31st July 2022 by e-mail to:  klainternationalseminar14@gmail.com  


The Research Articles received would be published in Proceedings with ISBN. 


• Kindly confine yourself to the areas identifiable with the title of the seminar. 

• The papers must be in Times New Roman, Font Size: Heading-14, Text-12 in A4 format, single line spacing, in justifying not exceeding 2500 words including Title, details of the Author/s and Footnotes. 

• Authors are encouraged to use The Bluebook (21st ed.) citation format for footnoting and it should be in Times New Roman Font 10 size. Further, speaking footnotes are discouraged. 

• An Abstract not exceeding 250 words shall be submitted for consideration. 

• The Abstract shall contain the Synopsis of the Paper, Subtitles, Reference materials, and a conclusion indicating the author’s perspective. 

• The Abstract must be mailed to klainternationalseminar14@gmail.com on or before July 31st, 2022. It must be accompanied by a cover page, stating the following: Title of the paper; Sub-Theme; Name of Author(s); Name of Institute/Organization; Official Designation; E-mail Address; Postal Address, Contact Number

• The Submission should be in WORD FORMAT

• All footnotes must adhere to the 21st edition of Bluebook standards and must be styled using the footnote option in word. Borders underlines or other design objects must not be included in the paper. 

• References need not be mentioned at the end of a paper and must be included within footnotes. 

• Precedents may be in Italics but not bold. 

• All subheadings must be left-aligned, in bold. 

• The Papers shall be screened by a Committee. The Full Papers (2500 words) approved by the Committee shall be accepted for presentation in the Seminar. The intimation of selection will be made through E-mail. 

• The final paper should contain a cover page that includes Name, Designation, Relevant Discipline and Year of Study, Address, E-mail id, and Contact number. The authors are to give details in the Full Paper. 

• Abstracts and papers should be written in English, the working language of the Seminar will be English, and presentations shall be done in English. 

• Submissions should be made by the author who will attend the Seminar. 

• Co-Authorship is allowed but limited to one Co-Author only. 

• Only one paper per participant will be permitted. Multiple submissions will lead to disqualification. 

• No part of the paper should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication. Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification. 

• The Organizers will take an earnest effort to publish the best articles selected from among those received, subject to their acceptance by reputed journals as per their criteria. 

• Publishing Charges if any demand for the journal is to be paid by the author. 


  • Submission of Abstracts: 31st July 2022.
  • Communication of Abstract Acceptance: 2nd August 2022.
  • Submission of Full paper: 14th of August 2022.
  • Intimation of Full paper Acceptance: 16th August 2022.
  • Date of payment of Registration fee: 18th August 2022.
  • International SeminarAugust 20th 2022


There is a registration fee of INR 750 per Author (An additional fee of INR 250 should be paid in the case of a maximum of one Co-Author). 

For Seminar Participation only: INR 200.

The payment can be made through the online link provided in the Kerala Law Academy website. 


All the Participants registered for Presentation and Participation will be awarded a respective E-certificate.


Smt. Serin Elza John (Assistant Professor, Kerala Law Academy Law College):- +91  9995599669


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Stanford Byers Center for BIODESIGN INNOVATION FELLOWSHIP 2023-24.


Ready to take your career in health technology innovation to the next level? The Biodesign Innovation Fellowship is a 10-month experience that equips aspiring innovators with a proven, repeatable process to identify important health-related needs, invent novel health technologies to address them (including medical devices, diagnostics, digital health, drug delivery, and biotechnology solutions), and prepare to implement those products into patient care through start-up, corporations, or other channels. In addition, the Innovation Fellows become part of the Stanford Biodesign community, which is a life-long, worldwide network of innovators passionate about improving healthcare.


Individuals with advanced degrees and/or substantial work experience in the engineering, life sciences, computer science, business, product design, law, medical, or nursing fields are encouraged to apply. Fellows will be selected based on their experience, passion, and drive, as well as their potential to become leading innovators in the health tech field. Applicants are welcome from any country.


Stanford Biodesign Fellows become members of the Stanford Biodesign team at the James H. Clark Center on the Stanford University campus. Clinical immersion is completed at Stanford Health Care, as well as in a variety of other settings across the continuum of care.


The fellowship is a full-time, intensive experience that runs from the beginning of August through early June each year. Stanford Biodesign Innovation Fellows receive a monthly stipend and health benefits during their fellowship period.


$95 non-refundable application fee


Friday, August 12, 2022





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