Women all across the world have demonstrated that they are vibrant, talented, truthful, and diligent in a variety of disciplines. Their ongoing efforts and contributions to the country’s progress have demonstrated that women are not inferior. Women who are educated and contemporary have let go of their inhibitions and concerns. Females have demonstrated to the world that they can be successful as mothers as well as professionals, academics, bureaucrats, and politicians. However, in previous ages, women could not be so tough and furious. In reality, they were exposed to numerous difficulties and were denied their human rights. Although numerous places in the world still reflect no changes, there has been some progress in the condition of women, and governments and other organisations are also realising the need of preserving women’s human rights.

While India struggled to break free from the constraints of the British Raj, women stepped forward to share the burden. Rani Laxmibai represents the zenith of female strength and courage. Several freedom fighters, including Sarojini Naidu, Sucheta Kriplani, and Vijay Laxmi Pandit, were pivotal in the Indian independence struggle. The woman’s astonishing display of bravery and persistence hinted at her hidden abilities. Mary Kom, Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal, and Sumitra Mahajan have all made significant contributions to their sports. Modern Indian women have honed their talents and launched a life-long battle against societal restraints, emotional attachments, religious obstacles, and conventional clutches.

Despite these accomplishments, many obstacles remain: harsh laws and societal norms persist, women continue to be underreported at all levels of political leadership, and one in every five women and girls aged 15 to 49 report sexual and physical assault by an intimate partner within a year.


Women’s feminist groups have worked tirelessly for many years to address these societal injustices, organising support for legislative reform or protesting in the streets to demand that their rights be honoured. New movements have blossomed in the internet era, including the #MeToo campaign, which also emphasises the prevalence of sexual identity abuse and assault. Here are a handful of the many women’s rights abuses that she faces daily:

1. Inequality of Gender

2. Violence against women

3. Sexual Harassment and Violence

4. Discrimination at work

5. Over 500,000 women die each year as a consequence of pregnancy and maternity care-related causes.

6. HIV infection rates among women are increasing at an alarming rate. Because of their financial and social vulnerabilities, young women now make up the bulk of newly infected people aged 15 to 24.

7. Sexual identity abuse kills and disables as many women between the ages of 15 and 44 as cancer. Perpetrators are often unpunished.

8. Globally, women are twice as likely as males to be illiterate.

9. As a result of their working circumstances and characteristics, a disproportionately significant percentage of women are destitute in both developing and affluent countries.


UN Women is a United Nations organisation committed to gender equality and women’s empowerment. UN Women was established to accelerate progress in meeting the needs of women and girls worldwide. It works internationally to make the Sustainable Development Goals vision a reality for women and girls, and it advocates for women’s equitable involvement in all aspects of life via four key goals.:

• Women lead, participate in and benefit from governance systems on an equal footing.

• Women and girls participate in, and have a greater impact on, creating long-term peace and resilience, and they benefit equally from natural disaster and conflict prevention, as well as humanitarian assistance.

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (1979) is a landmark international treaty that tackles gender discrimination and offers particular protections for women’s rights. The agreement established a global charter of women’s and girls’ rights, as well as governments’ responsibilities to guarantee that women may enjoy those rights.

UN Women has devised a rapid and focused response centred on five priorities to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 disaster on women and girls while also ensuring long-term recovery benefits them:

1. Gender-based violence, particularly domestic abuse, is minimised and decreased.

2. Social security and economic stimulation programmes assist women and girls.

3. People believe in and practise equal sharing of caring responsibilities.

4. COVID-19 contingency planning and decision-making are led by women and girls.

5. Gender perspectives are incorporated into data and coordination approaches.

In 1946, the United Nations Economic and Social Council formed the Commission on the Status of Women to produce recommendations and reports to the Council on strengthening women’s rights in politics, economics, social order, and education.


In the post-independence era, political authorities recognised the importance of women’s liberation in the country’s growth. They recognised that a country’s prosperity cannot occur until women are given equal rights. Unfortunately, the target has yet to be met. Men continue to fail to give women the credit they deserve. It is past time for society to change its perspective on women. Professionally, they must be regarded as equals with their male counterparts.

Because coordinated and integrated measures are essential to ensure the survival, safety, and empowerment of girls, the government has launched the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” programme. Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, a modest deposit plan for the female child, was also introduced as part of the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign, to prevent gender-biased sex selection elimination and assure the survival and protection of a girl child. Other initiatives include Mahila-E-Haat (a women’s online marketing platform), Mahila Shakti Kendra (a rural women’s empowerment organisation that provides skill development, digital literacy, employment, and health care), and UJJWALA (a women’s empowerment initiative) (scheme for prevention of trafficking and rescue, rehabilitation of women).

The Indian government has currently created and implemented a total of legislation empowering women and girls. These are:

  • The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act,2006
  • Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013
  • National Commission for Women Act, 1990
  • Indecent Representation of Women ( Prevention) Act, 1986
  • Equal Remuneration Act,1976
  • Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971
  •  Indian Divorce Act, 1969
  • Dowry Prohibition Act,1961
  • Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act ,1971
  • Special Marriage Act, 1954


  • Article 14 guarantees the right to equality.
  • Right against Discrimination- No citizen should be subject to any handicap, liability, limitation, or condition, based solely on religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth, or any combination of these factors
  • Consider stores, public restrictions, hotels, and public entertainment venues. The usage of wells, tanks, bathing Ghats, highways, and public resorts is funded entirely or partially by state money or is devoted to the general public. However, under Article 3(3), the state may make special provisions for women as an exemption to the non-discrimination requirements.
  • Equal Opportunity in Public Employment- Women have equal opportunities in government employment because there is fairness and equality for all common people, whether males or females, in respect of employment, occupation, or appointment to any office under the state, and no citizen can be unqualified for or discriminated against in respect of any employment or office under the state solely based on religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence, or national origin.
  • Right to Freedom of Expression- Women have the right under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Indian Constitution to speak out on any issue that affects them.
  • Right to work- Recognizing such a right in its structure, the Indian Constitution, in article 19 (1) (g), grants the right to work to Indian women by giving freedom of employment, profession, and business to all citizens.
  • Right to Life and Personal Liberty- Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees all women and men the right to live freely.
  • Right against Exploitation- Article 23 of the Indian Constitution safeguards against human trafficking and bonded labour, acting as a safeguard for women’s protection and ensuring their right to work.
  • Right to Livelihood- Article 39 (a) states that all citizens, men and women alike, have the right to an adequate means of subsistence. Article 23(3) of the UDHR recognises the same right, stating that everyone who works has the right to reasonable and favourable payment.
  • Equal Pay for Equal Labor- Article 39 (d) of the Indian Constitution states that the state should, in particular, direct its policies toward ensuring equal pay for equal work for both men and women.
  • Just and Human Working Conditions and Maternity Relief- Article 42 of the Constitution states that the state must provide for just and humane working conditions as well as maternity leave.
  • Right of Constitutional Remedies- If any of these fundamental rights are violated, the aggrieved woman can approach the Supreme Court and High Court and file a writ petition under Article 32 and Article 226 to seek redress; however, there is no such mechanism available in the case of Directive Principles of State Policy, which are not enforceable by any court with writ jurisdiction.


Despite these accomplishments and improvements, there are still considerable issues with implementing these standards. These are graphically shown in the Secretary General’s assessment of conflict-related sexual assault in 2012. Gender-based violence prevails in many settings, and women have restricted access to justice, decision-making, and resources. Previous Secretary-General reports also emphasized the remaining barriers to women’s participation in peace processes and presented extensive ideas and policy measures for United Nations agencies to overcome these barriers more effectively in partnership with other stakeholders.

These unresolved challenges highlight the value of a holistic approach. Because human rights are linked and interdependent, women and girls’ rights in war and post-conflict settings must be prioritised, including civil and political rights as well as social, economic, and cultural rights. The same holds for peace and reconciliation reforms: safeguarding the human rights of all women and girls is important for comprehensive post-conflict development.

For example, achieving socioeconomic rights is crucial for decreasing gender-based violence and allowing women to take more active roles in reconciliation. Absolute poverty and unequal access to land, property, education, and services have been mentioned as reasons for women’s low participation in peace processes and politics, and structural differences, notably socioeconomic inequality, are regularly recognised as underlying causes of gender-based violence. As a result, treaties such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights play an important role in ensuring women’s rights during and after the war.


  1. Sustainable Development Goals,
  2. Women’s Rights- Amnesty International,
  3. United Nation Population Fund; study on the Human rights of Women,
  4. UN Women,   

The article is written by Ajita Dixit, who has graduated from ILS, Dehradun and is presently pursuing Master’s in Law.


Since before the arrival of the first colonists, income taxes have been a common idea. It is regarded as a tax that a citizen pays to the state, based on their income and the profits of their businesses. The state uses the money it receives from taxes for a variety of things, such as providing public services, building infrastructure, paying for the military and other forms of defense, and providing subsidies. The Income Tax Act of 1961 is a sophisticated and extensive statute that covers all of the different laws and rules that govern how the country administers its tax system. Income tax is levied, handled by, collected from, and collected by the Indian government. According to Section 4 of the Indian Income Tax Act, income tax will be assessed for the corresponding assessment year based on each person’s total previous-year income at the rates set out by the Finance Act. As the name suggests, tax deducted at source (TDS) aims to collect money right from the source of income. It combines the ideas of “pay as you earn” and “collect as it is being earned,” and is essentially an indirect method of “collecting tax.” It is important to the government because it gets ready for tax collection, guarantees a steady stream of income, and gives taxes a wider base and greater reach.

In addition, it offers the taxpayer a straightforward and practical method of payment while also distributing the tax’s incidence. The person receiving the income is typically responsible for paying income tax. However, the government makes sure that income tax is taken out of your payments in advance using provisions known as ‘Tax Deducted at Source.’ The net sum is given to the income recipient (after reducing TDS). The recipient will include the gross amount in his income and subtract the TDS amount from his overall tax obligation. The sum already withheld and paid on the recipient’s behalf is accepted as payment in full. The mentioned provisions are used to fulfill the recipient’s tax obligations. As a taxpayer, it is our responsibility to declare the amount of income we have earned and paid taxes on in our income tax return.

According to Section 192 of the Income Tax Act of 1961, anyone responsible for paying any income that is chargeable under the head ‘salary’ must deduct income tax from the assessee’s anticipated income under the head salary. The tax must be computed at the average income tax rate based on the rates currently in effect. The deduction must be made at the time of the actual payment. However, unless the estimated salary income exceeds the maximum amount exempt from the tax that applies to an individual during the relevant financial year, no tax is required to be withheld at the source. Once the tax has been deducted, it must be deposited in a government account, and the employee must be given a certificate of tax deducted at the source (also known as Form No. 16). The employee must include this certificate with his income tax return to receive the TDS credit on their income tax assessment.

Lastly, the employer/deductor must complete Form No. 24Q, Quarterly Statements, and submit it to the Income-tax Department. Salary is said to be the remuneration received by or accruing to an individual for service rendered as a result of an express or implied contract. The statute gives an inclusive but not exhaustive definition of salary. As per Sec. 17(1), salary includes therein-

  • Wages
  • Annuity or pension
  • Gratuity
  • fees, commission, perquisites, or profits in lieu of salary
  • Advance salary
  • Receipt from provident fund
  • Contribution of the employer to a recognized provident fund in excess of the prescribed limit
  • Leave encashment
  • compensation as a result of variation of service contract etc.
  • Government contribution to a pension scheme.

The law mandates that tax be withheld at source from earnings covered by the head salary. As a result, the existence of an employer-employee relationship is a requirement before a specific receipt can be taxed as a head salary. When an employee is subject to the employer’s right to direct how he carries out instructions in addition to working under his direct control and supervision, this type of relationship is said to exist. Therefore, the law essentially mandates the deduction of tax in the following situations: (a) When the employer pays the employee. The income under the head salaries is above the maximum amount not subject to tax, (b) the payment is in the nature of a salary, and (c) the payment has been made. Both payment and deduction of tax are in the hands of the employer.

Even if an individual or HUF is not subject to a tax audit, payments made by them that total more than Rs 50,000 per month must be TDS-deducted at a rate of 5%. Furthermore, individuals and HUF required to deduct TDS at 5% are exempt from applying for TAN. Your employer deducts TDS at the corresponding income tax slab rates. Banks deduct TDS at a rate of 10%. If they don’t have your PAN information, they may also deduct 20%. The income tax Act specifies the TDS rates for the majority of payments, and the payer deducts TDS based on these rates. If your total taxable income is less than the taxable limit and you provide your employer with investment proof (to claim deductions), you are not required to pay any tax. There should be no TDS deducted from your income as a result.

TDS on payment of pension– It has been clarified by CBDT vide circular No. 761 dt. 13/01/98 that in the case of pensioners receiving pension through nationalized banks, provisions of TDS are applicable in the same manner as they apply to the salary income.

TDS on Retirement Benefits: According to section 17, retirement benefits that an employee receives are taxable under the heading salaries as ‘profits in lieu of salaries’. As a result, they are subject to the TDS provisions outlined in Section 192 and other pertinent sections. As a result, when an employee retires, the employer must compute the TDS while taking these factors into account. However, some of these retirement benefits are either fully or partially exempt from taxation under Section 10.


Rent-Free Accommodation (Unfurnished): It is a benefit that the employee receives from their employer. A prerequisite is simply a non-financial or in-kind benefit provided to an employee. According to the Act’s provisions, these are taxable in the employee’s hands.

  • Government Employees: The taxable value of the benefit shall be the License Fees as determined by the Government for the allotment of houses. The License fee is quite nominal.
  • Other Employees: House is owned by the Employer. The following shall be the taxable value of the perquisite-
    • If the Population exceeds 25 Lakhs, then 15% of salary.
    • If the Population ranges between 10-25 Lakhs, then 10% of salary.
    • In any other case, 7.5% of salary.

House is taken on lease or rent by the employer: The taxable value of perquisite shall be irrespective of the population. it shall be Actual Rent & 15% of salary whichever is lower.

  • Gratuity:
    • Government Employees: The amount of Gratuity received is fully exempt from tax.
    • Other Employees: The Exemption shall be a minimum of the three:
      1. Actual Gratuity Received.
      2. Rs. 1,00,000(Likely to increased to Rs. 20,00,000).
      3. 15/26*Last drawn salary* Completed year of service or part thereof.
  • Pension:
    • Government Employees: Fully Exempt.
    • Other Employees:
      1. Non- Government Employees in receipt of Gratuity: Only 1/3rd of the full value of the commuted pension is exempt from tax. So, technically you are required to pay tax on 2/3rd of the value of the commuted pension.
      2. Non-Government Employees not in receipt of Gratuity: Only 1/2nd of the full value of the commuted pension is exempt from tax. Here, you are required to pay tax on half of the value of the commuted pension.
Basis of DifferenceGovernment EmployeesNon-government Employees
Entertainment AllowanceLower of below is allowed as a deduction: 1/5th of salary, or, Rs. 5000Fully-taxable. No deduction is allowed
Rent-free Accommodation (Unfurnished)The nominal License fee shall be taxable value.Certain Percentages of salary shall be taxable value.
Foreign allowances or perquisitesExemptNot Exempt


The numerous tax benefits enjoyed by the government employee could be one of the reasons which give them an edge over the non-government employee. Tax deducted at Source (TDS), as the name implies, aims to collect money directly from the source of income. It is essentially an indirect way of “collecting tax,” combining the concepts of “pay as you earn” and “collect as it is being earned.” It is crucial to the government because it prepares for tax collection, ensures a consistent income stream, and expands the base and scope of taxes. It also distributes the tax’s incidence while providing the taxpayer with a simple and useful method of payment. Taxes on income are typically paid by the individual receiving the income. However, using a feature known as “Tax Deducted,” the government ensures that income tax is deducted from your payments in advance.

This article is written by Sanskar Garg, a last-year student at the School of Law, Devi Ahilya University, Indore.

About the Firm

Established in the year 2011, Anantam Legal in South City 1, Gurgaon, Delhi is a top player in the category Lawyers For Public Interest Litigation in Gurgaon, Delhi. This well-known establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Gurgaon, Delhi. Over the course of its journey, this business has established a firm foothold in its industry. The belief that customer satisfaction is as important as their products and services has helped this establishment garner a vast base of customers, which continues to grow by the day. This business employs individuals that are dedicated to their respective roles and put in a lot of effort to achieve the common vision and larger goals of the company. In the near future, this business aims to expand its line of products and services and cater to a larger client base. In Gurgaon, Delhi, this establishment occupies a prominent location. It is an effortless task in commuting to this establishment as there are various modes of transport readily available.

Anantam Legal is known to provide top services in the following categories: Lawyers, Lawyers For Property cases, Lawyers For Criminal, Lawyers For Divorce cases, Civil Lawyers, Lawyers For Supreme Court, Lawyers For High Court, and Lawyers For Matrimonial Cases.

About the Job

  • Role: Associate
  • Eligibility: PQE 0-2 years
  • Location: Delhi

How to Apply?

Interested candidate can send their CV to

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About the Firm

Legal Foxes is a Law Firm Practicing in Criminal and Civil Litigation, Corporate, Taxation, Intellectual Property Rights, RERA, Mergers and Acquisition and related Fields and is active in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, Delhi High Court and Delhi District Courts.

About the Internship

The responsibilities of the interns will include assisting the associates in drafting, legal research and procedural court work.

Candidates having prior internship experience will be preferred.

  • No. of Position(s): 02
  • Duration: 2 – 4 months
  • Mode: Offline/Physical
  • Location: Chamber No 634, Saket Court Complex, New Delhi.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates can send their updated CV and work sample to

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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About the Company

Borne of a rich legacy and from the necessity to provide technological platforms for legal research and access to legal materials, EBC Technologies is the software development division of EBC Publishing Pvt. Ltd. EBC Publishing Pvt. is in turn a group company of the EBC Group. The EBC group has been known for 75 years for creating authentic and reliable legal information: Legal Commentaries, Statutory Law and Law Reports. Supreme Court Cases (SCC) a law report published by Eastern Book Company is the most cited law report by the Supreme Court of India.

All this legal expertise and experience has gone into curating the content which is available on SCC Online a CD-Rom and Web-based research software created by the EBC Tech team. Change in the way people access legal information has been no roadblock for the team and we have constantly kept innovating to support the content team with cutting-edge technological tools so that our customers have the “Surest” experience in accessing legal materials.

About the Internship

  • Duration: One Month (August)
  • Mode: In-office (Lucknow/Delhi)

How to Apply?

Interested candidates can send their CVs at the earliest for suitable slots to

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:



About the Organization

Part of the global Mahindra Group, which has a market capitalization of USD 207 billion, is Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Ltd. The company’s flagship brand, Club Mahindra, which was founded in 1996, has a rapidly expanding customer base of over 250,000+ members who can vacation at 100+ resorts in India and in other locations including Dubai, Thailand, and Singapore. Bhutan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Finland, Sweden, Spain, and the United States

About the Responsibilities  

The company is hiring 2 Interns for its Worli, Maharashtra branch

Internship 1-Sales Operations MIS

Internship 2-Legal Assistant/Co-ordinator

Time Period

9 months-1 year


  • a monthly salary.
  • A chance to learn from the pioneers of the industry at the No. 1 company A certificate of internship following the internship Outstanding place to work in hospitality and resorts
  • relevant work history

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – Interested candidates may reach out to Ms Jayantee Goraksha Bangera (Manager Resources at Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited).

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For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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About the Organization

Draftify LPO & BPO was founded by Avish Malhotra. In Chandigarh and Zirakpur, India, our outsourcing centres at Draftify LPO & BPO provide a wide range of outsourced services. One of the top BPO & LPO companies in India, Draftify has a staff of skilled executives with a variety of backgrounds.

About the Responsibilities  

Avish Malhotra is looking in for a Law Graduate/Intern or Legal Assistant who can assist him with my legal work.


Work from home available.



How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:



About the Organization

Ansari solicitor firm (ASF), one of the top Indian law firms in Ahmedabad, was established in 2006. We collaborate with our clients by getting to know their needs and provide knowledgeable legal services within the bounds of the law. For both domestic and international clients, Gujarat State is a one-stop shop. Serving our clients with trust, excellence, and cooperation is our mission. We have devoted employees working out of various offices throughout Gujarat State’s key cities, including Surat, Baroda, Rajkot, and Mahesana. ASF is a specialised law practise that offers top-notch counsel for managing high-stakes litigations, soliciting legal opinions, producing stronger pleadings, conducting legal research, communicating clearly, and performing due diligence. We continuously work to provide our clients with superior service thanks to our extensive local knowledge and worldwide outlook. Numerous government agencies, international businesses, and businesspeople make up our esteemed clientele.

Our staff of experienced attorneys is committed to the clients, providing them with knowledgeable services at a reasonable cost. The main goal is to guarantee that our clients can access daily developments, for which we have a specialised, centralised back office. Our experienced legal staff, which includes trial courts in Gujarat State as well as commercial courts, is skilled in handling complicated and difficult litigation. Our long-standing relationships with clients are based on our expertise, commitment to providing high-quality services, and practical experience in meeting their needs.

About the Responsibility  

For the month of July 2022, Ansari Solicitor Firm is available to provide an online internship. One of the top law firms, with expertise in high-stakes litigation, opinion gathering, drafting, stronger pleading, and legal research.


  • Only 4th & 5th Year Law Students

Deadline for Applying

10th July 2022

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:



The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) is a Deemed-to-be University organizing Shri NJ Yasaswy 7th Memorial Virtual National Moot Court Competition, 2022.


The ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad cordially invites you to “The N J Yasaswy 7th Memorial National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2022” in August 2022. We organized 33rd All India InterUniversity Moot Court Competition jointly with the Bar Council of India in March and April 2017, “The NJY Memorial Asia Pacific Moot Court Competition, 2018” was organized from March 29 to April 1, 2018, and The NJ Y 4th Memorial National Moot Court Competition 2019 was organized during March 28 to 31, 2019, The NJ Y 5th Memorial Virtual Moot Court Competition 2020 was organized during October 16 to 18, 2020. “The NJY 6th Memorial International Virtual Moot Court Competition 2021 was organized from August 27th to 29th, 2021.


26th, 27th, and 28th August 2022




INR 3000


Team members must be valid undergraduate students pursuing a law program or equivalent from the recognized University/ School/ Institution, approved by the concerned authority of the Country.


  1. WINNER: Rs. 25,000/-
  2. RUNNER-UP: Rs. 15,000/-
  3. BEST MOOTER: Rs. 5,000/-
  4. BEST MEMORIAL: Rs. 5,000/-


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:



Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) is organizing the National Conference on Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity.


In the central part of India, the State of Chhattisgarh is richly blessed with forest and mines in around 135 sq. km of land. It has the 3rd largest forest area in India. Chhattisgarh is covered by deciduous and dry deciduous vegetation.
Deciduous forests cover roughly 44% of the State. The forests and woodlands are home to many animals and species of birds like Gaur, Sambar, Blackbucks, Pahari Myna, etc. Teak, Sal, Salai, tendu, and Bamboo trees are mainly found in
the State.


The Conference will be organized in the following three parts:
Part A: Panel Discussions
Part B: Paper Presentations
Part C: Field Visit (Tentative)


The conference aims to bring civil society, government agencies, academia, research scholars, and students to elaborate on the obstacles faced in preserving traditional knowledge. It will also include discussions on the
the potential of the Biodiversity Act to promote traditional knowledge and the prospect of the Act to economically empower the community.


Articles / Research papers are invited on any of the following sub-themes:

  • Legal protections for traditional knowledge and biodiversity
  • Role of Institutions/Civil Society in the protection of Traditional
  • Knowledge and Biodiversity
  • Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge
  • Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Business and Biodiversity
  • Corporate responsibility and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Biodiversity and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Community Rights and International Framework
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Environment Protection
  • Traditional Knowledge and World Trade


  1. Deadline for the Submission of Full Paper along with Abstract: July 22, 2022
  2. Intimation of Acceptance for Paper Presentation: July 23, 2022
  3. Deadline for Registration & Fee Payment (only if the paper is accepted): July 24, 2022
  4. Date of Conference: July 27-28, 2022


  • For Academicians/Professionals and Research Scholars: INR 1000
  • For Students: INR 700


  • The abstract of 200 – 250 words accompanied by a brief profile of the author/s indicating his/her email ID, contact number, designation, and official address.
  • The word limit for a full paper along with an abstract is 2500 – 3000 words (excluding footnotes) submitted in MS Word Format.
  • It must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing.
  • Plagiarized papers shall be summarily rejected.
  • For references and bibliography, the author(s) are required to follow the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.
  • Papers will be scrutinized by the organizers, and up to 25 papers may be accepted for presentation at the conference.

The full paper along with the abstract must reach the conference secretariat on or before July 22, 2022, through the following link/QR code:

Link / QR for the submission of full paper along with abstract –


7355235075 / 9919521188

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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