About The Competition
As Young Minds, our brain keeps generating different ideas and perspectives regarding everything latest happening around us. Sometimes, we even tend to share our viewpoint with people using different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. But it unfortunately does not result into any fruitful outcome or solution because the kind of audience there, is either not interested in logical arguments or does not takes social media debates seriously or in place of constructive criticism they convert it into an ugly spat.
We, at Together We Can We Will, respect opinions of each and every individual having courage to keep out his or her wisdom of words with utmost dignity and respect leading to the betterment of our society.
Hence, we are announcing a never-before-organised event YOUR OPINION MATTERS! giving a stage to our fellow-countrymen to speak out their opinions without any fear or hesitation.
PATTERN of the Competition
The Competition will be held in Two Rounds.
1. Pen Down Perspective
2. Say it Out!
Round 1
- A total of 10 burning topics will be released, out of which, each participant has to pick any 3 topics.
- In the first round, the participant has to prepare a 400 words write-up of all the 3 topics each (i.e. a total of 1200 words), giving his/her viewpoint on those topics either in AFFIRMATIVE OR NEGATIVE.
- Top 30 write-ups will be selected and be qualified for the next round. All the 3 topics will be judged as a single document and if one topic is rejected the entire document will be declared disqualified for the next round.
- Do remember that your perspective must not be two sided. Write in either Negative or Positive tone only.
- The viewpoints must contain some logic and must not be baseless Arguments.
- All the 3 topics must be written in a single word document only. Give separate headings to each topic.
- Try to give your views in form of pointers and not mundane looking paragraphs. Remember it is not a writing competition. We are just interested in your opinions, hence make it as interesting as possible.
- You are very much free to do constructive criticism but make sure you do not use offensive or abusive language at any point of time. Offensive use of words will straight-way lead to disqualification. Make sure you do not harm the dignity of our nation and its fundamentals.
- References- There are no limits to references. You can quote news from media, social media, newspapers and news channels live debates, etc in order to prove your point.
- Language- For the first round, ENGLISH Only.
We are aiming towards a heart to heart discussion. Hence, be open enough to keep your points without hesitation and be patient enough to listen to other personās perspective
- The pointers must contain logic.
- There must be a proper balance in application of law and emotional quotient.
- Strong and impactful use of language
- Authenticity of references
- Knowledge of the subject/topic
Round 2
Say it Out! (Ground Rules)
- You will be given one best written topic from your document.
- You will be given 3 minutes to speak
- First 3 minutes for the speaker in Affirmation of that topic and then next 3 minutes for the speaker in Negation of that topic.
- Then 1 minute for rebuttal (30-30 second to each speaker)
- Then the next 1 minute of Audience Rebuttal (one question will be put up by the host and asked by each speaker. The speaker will be given extra points for good and effective tackling of the question.
- Language- English and Hindi both
- No use of offensive or Abusive language will be tolerated and it may also lead to immediate disqualification.
- As soon as you have finished your speech part, you have to sit back and listen to the other listeners of the same topic and prepare strong Audience- Rebuttals. The strongest audience Rebuttal will be recognized and awarded.
- Note there will be 10 speakers from each topic (5 in Against the motion and 5 in for the motion). But at one point of time only any 2 will be facing each other.
- Only 1 out of the 10 will be declared as the winner.
- Confidence in speech
- Validity of points put-up
- Clarity of Words
- Fluent use of language (Hindi or English
Registration Fee
Rs 50/-
Registration for first round can be done by clicking here
Awards and Perks
- Certificate of Participation to all (Softcopy)
- Certificate of Merit to all those who clears 1st round
- Certificate of Excellence to winners
- 50% off on all courses offered by KaTog
- Free publication in our organisation’s E- Journal
- Cash Prizes and many more
Event Date
Round 1- Results will be declared on 20th December 2020
Round 2- Speaking Competition will be held on 27th December 2020
Meeting platform of second round: Zoom
Contact Us: +91-7985754828, +91-9654650071