Job Description for a Professor & Dean in the Faculty of Law:

  1. Developing a comprehensive and proactive strategic plan for the Faculty of Law that meets the challenges of a highly competitive market and aligns with the broader objectives of the University’s strategic plan
  2. Nurturing and expanding interdisciplinary relationships between Faculty of Law and other University programs
  3. Taking steps to better anticipate the needs of the external legal community in order to cultivate stronger relationships and have collaborative partnerships, Forge relationships with various law reforming organizations with the goal of developing joint projects and events
  4. Continuously improving student outcomes—including academics, job placement, and other quantitative and qualitative measures—and maintaining and enhancing a faculty & student centred environment
  5. Writing brief descriptions of academic research and further identify means to make it accessible and available to legislators, executive-branch policymakers, judges, and other government decision-makers charged with designing and implementing India’s judicial system
  6. Create and support a community of scholars who can serve as a vital resource for the media on issues of law and justice reform, Identify and pursue grant opportunities to further support work
  7. Coordinate with faculty members, scholars and others to solicit academic contributions for the university’s website

Prerequisites for the above position:

  • Outstanding legal academic credentials, including legal publications and legal practice
  • A deep appreciation for the legal profession and for legal scholarship
  • Administrative and intellectual leadership
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability and commitment to integrate and advance the University’s core values, mission and vision into the operation and planning of the Faculty of Law
  • Demonstrated ability to innovate academic programs and organizations for increased effectiveness and responsiveness within a changing environment
  • Experience of a law college fundraising
  • Expertise in legal education, understanding of pedagogy, and commitment to experiential education with concern for, and interest in students
  • Record of involvement with, and understanding of, national legal education organizations
  • Commitment to diversity
  • Strong business acumen and experience managing large budgets
  • Record of strong leadership, including innovation, creativity, and a history of developing and maintaining consensus and cohesiveness within a law college

Only from “Faculty of Law” should apply for the job.

Link to apply

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