Lexpeeps is totally dedicated to the legal fraternity, law professionals get an opportunity to flourish their career in a better way. Lexpeeps organises various events like debates, seminars of its own and also organises the major law school activities on tie-ups with leading law school. Lexpeeps is not only limited to managing the legal events but it also provides internships to law students where the law professionals come in touch with each other and grow by associating with the company.
Lexpeeps is also focussing on several social works like providing information and free legal aid to the poorer section of society.


Lexpeeps.in is organising a Virtual Summit on “International Maritime Law- Nationality of Ship and Access to Ports in International Law”. Students will get to know about the nationality of ship and maritime contracts. Moreover, it will be a golden chance for the students to explore the unexplored area of law.


  1. Abhimanyu Singh (Academician, Jindal Global Law School)
  2. Mohit Gupta (Academician, Gujrat Maritime University)


Madhur Rathaur (Founder, Director -lexpeeps)

Date and Time:

JUNE 25, 2020 4:30-5:30 PM

Registration Procedure:

Registration Fee: Totally Free

Registration Link:


*Link to join the webinar will be sent through mail after a successful registration

Perks: Free E Certificate

Limited Seats Hurry UP (First Come First Serve Basis)

Contact Us:

Email: lexpeeps.in@gmail.com


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