About the The Magazine Committee of Department of Law

The University of Calcutta’s Department of Law, which was founded in 1909, is one of the oldest legal institutions in South East Asia. The Department’s century-long history offers an enviable roster of renowned figures, including jurists, legal luminaries, Presidents, and politicians, many of whom have played pivotal roles in determining the country’s course.

The MAGAZINE is published by the Department’s Magazine Committee, which is made up of students from the University of Calcutta’s Department of Law. The committee takes pride in allowing law students to completely express their ideas, thoughts, and artwork without being constrained by the requirement that they be technically legal in character.

About the Magazine: The Muses

“The Muses” is the official online bi-annual publication of the Department of Law, University of Calcutta, produced and edited by students, which chronicles all activities under the umbrella of the school and presents a picture of the institute’s and students’ yearly endeavours. This journal gives students a chance to show off their artistic, scientific, literary, and academic abilities.


The Muses is accepting submissions from everybody. The Magazine is accepting submissions from all. Including individuals not enrolled as students of Department of Law, University of Calcutta.

Submission Guidelines:

All submissions should be made to dolcu.themuses@gmail.com

1. The magazine will accept opinion pieces, prose, poems, travelogues, essays, book and film reviews, and articles.

2. Please mention your name, semester, and institutional affiliation in the submission mail.

Last Date: 31st December, 2021. 

Written submissions:

  1. Should be submitted in a pdf and an editable word format.
  2. Word limit: 5000 words.
  3. The magazine allows up to three co-authors. 
  4. The magazine will only accept submissions in English.
  5. Citations should be referenced in a bibliography format. 

Types of submissions: 

Fiction: Stories, Poems 

Non-fiction: Articles, Essays, Opinion Pieces, Travelogues, Book and Film Reviews. 

Photographs, paintings/digital art:

Should be submitted in a jpeg format, in the highest resolution possible. 


  • All those contributors whose pieces will be published in the magazine will get an e-Certificate of Publication.
  • Sexually explicit, overtly political, and plagiarised  submissions will be rejected. 

Contact Information

Any and all queries should be addressed to: dolcu.themuses@gmail.com 

OR Ahana Bag, Joint Secretary – (8240157690)

WhatsApp Group:




