White Black Legal Law Journal

WHITE BLACK LEGAL ISSN 2581-8503 is open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal provide dedicated to express views on topical legal issues, thereby generating a cross-current of ideas on emerging matters. This platform shall also ignite the initiative and desire of young law students to contribute to the field of law. White Black Legal Law Journal is calling for unique and unpublished research papers, Short Notes, Book Reviews & Case Comments.

The research papers /short notes / Book Reviews / Case Comments should be thoroughly analyzed and presented on any contemporary relevant legal or socio-legal issues. The research papers /short notes / Book Reviews / Case Comments must be clear on the topic that is dealt upon and presented without any vagueness.

  • Articles (3000-5000 words including footnotes)
  • Short Notes (2000-3000 words including footnotes)
  • Book Reviews (1000-2000 words including footnotes)
  • Case Commentaries (1000-3000 words including footnotes)


  • The manuscript should be in MS Word format with an appropriate title.
  • The submission must be the original work of the author. There should be no plagiarism and free of any grammatical or spelling errors. The associated sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes.
  • Full names of all the author(s) must be given.
  • Any uniform method for citation may be followed.
  • The main text of the entries should be in Times New Roman, with a font size of 12 and justified alignment, with a margin of one inch on all sides.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman with a font size of 12.
  • A margin of 4 cm shall be left on all sides of the paper.
  • Page borders shall not be used.

To Submit,

Click on link    SUBMIT PAPER HERE

Last Date Of Submission of Full Manuscript: 12th August


The fee is to be duly paid after the acceptance of your Manuscript.

  • Rs. 800 to be paid for Single Authored manuscript
  • Rs. 1000 to be paid for Co-authored manuscripts (Max. 2, including the author)
  • Rs. 1200 to be paid for 3 authored manuscripts (Max. 3, including the author)


The publication/Certificate will be released on rolling basis.

You can visit this website for more information http://www.whiteblacklegal.co.in/