The present article is written by Priyanka Choudhary, currently pursuing BALLB from Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, Rajasthan.


The legal line of work is widely mistaken for being limited to courtroom appearances and defending criminals. Actually, the bar encompasses a huge subject pool and areas of practice. Sometimes, lawyers began their careers in one field, only to diversify to try something different in their later years. This will be because that field was the chance that was most readily available to them after school of law or thanks to a conscious decision to maneuver faraway from a field of the law.

However, few lawyers know which field is suitable for them from the very beginning of their legal career. This text aims to explain the various fields of law that you simply will study in school of law and may take up as a career path.


The Constitution is deemed to be the supreme law of the country. It governs the affairs of the country and involves rights and duties of the govt. also as its citizens. The study of the Constitution is one of the foremost important subjects in school of law. The practice of constitutional law is one among the foremost lucrative areas of the law in India. Most top lawyers in India are going to be constitutional experts thanks to years of practice and knowledge. Almost like the practice of human rights law, the constitution may be a vast area of the law and may have many cases and jurisprudence to stay track of. These cases require you to access the High Courts and Supreme Court as a number of these issues are often of great significance to the justice system. Most landmark judgments in India will have a constitutional law aspect built into them somewhere.


The field of corporate law deals with rules concerning the facilitation and management of the business. A company lawyer can advise on an agreement, write up a contract, or negotiate clauses on behalf of a client. Corporate lawyers don’t attend court, but rather advise clients from the comfort of their office. An understanding of the Business Act, 2013, and therefore the Indian Contract Act, 1872, is a must. This is often one of the foremost lucrative areas of practice in recent years, with young graduates flocking to prestigious law firms to practice corporate law due to the attractive pay packages. Life as a company lawyer will involve very long hours. However, a robust understanding of corporate law can make sure you can work for several different types of clients like companies, start-ups, banks, etc.


This is a neighborhood of the law that’s often considered the foremost interesting and involves defending criminals or advocating for the innocent in cases of murder, rape, theft, etc. legal code requires an understanding of court procedures, police investigations, and therefore the Indian legal code, 1860. Typically, lawyers who enjoy court-facing lawyers practice legal code. Most law aspirants, dream of practicing within the courtroom as criminal lawyers thanks to the sector being intriguing and interesting. One will see that there’s a bent to avoid practicing legal code in India thanks to questions of safety and low pay, as compared to salaries in law firms at the beginning of your career. However, the amount of legal code cases is on the increase, and practice within the field pays well as you progress ahead in your career if you’re a first-generation lawyer. The foremost successful and well-known lawyers in India are criminal lawyers.


Employment law concerns the rights & duties of employer and employee. Employment lawyers often fight cases to either defend compliance with the labor laws or absolve their clients of requirements prescribed by such legislation. Employment lawyers will also review employment agreements and assist with the termination of employees. They’ll also represent a private employee, employee unions, and other interest groups. While employment law in other parts of the planet is usually a really specialized area of practice, in India it’s not uncommon to ascertain employment law being clubbed alongside corporate law, with one legal team advising on both areas of the law. Employment law is one of the more exciting areas of the law because it has got to do with tons of people-centric issues (hiring, firing, onboarding, health and safety of workers, etc.), and therefore the Indian government has recently made it easier to practice employment law by harmonizing multiple legislations into singular codes of practice.


The practice of environmental law in India may be a growing area of the law. It deals with laws concerning air, water, wildlife, biological preservation, and environmental protection. With the recent creation of the National Green Tribunal, there are more environmental law cases being litigated and corporations are taking environmental compliance more seriously also. Environmental issues affecting many of us often have an underlying constitutional aspect. Being an environmental lawyer also can allow you to figure more easily for international organizations like the WWF-India or government departments. Thus, the practice of environmental law can allow you to figure during a sort of settings that are different from the traditional firm or lawyer’s office.


Family law concerns personal laws, which affect the personal relationships of citizens. Family lawyers are involved in divorce cases, cases involving custody of youngsters, also as property law. In India, family lawyers need to affect a variety of legislations, which may include even complex laws governed by one’s religion (Hindu laws, Muslim laws, etc.). Family lawyers often affect cases that will be very emotionally difficult, because the issues in family law affect families and young children.


Human rights lawyers advocate on behalf of victims who have violated their rights. In India, the practice of human rights law is often long and arduous together tries to urge their day in court – however, this will even be one among the more satisfying areas of the law as often there’s a vulnerable party at one end who needs legal advice, also because of the relief. To be an honest human rights lawyer, one must remember basic rights that are enshrined within the Indian Constitution. One can also see human rights principles as reflected in procedural laws in India, as the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Intellectual Property law deals with securing and protecting legal rights concerning innovation, discoveries, and creations. The law seeks to guard the property rights of authors, inventors, artists, and businesses. A property lawyer will often advise on issues regarding the interpretation of statutes about patents, copyrights, or trademarks. Property law is one area that has grown significantly in recent years, with the increase of the media and show business. The work includes registering property, drafting legal notices, and actions associated with enforcing a breach of agreements. Being a property lawyer can keep you closer to business than other areas of the law, with many lucrative opportunities in companies like Netflix and Dharma Productions. Property law is taken into account by many to be one of the foremost exciting areas of practice for a lawyer today.


Property law deals with the laws regarding the transfer and inheritance of property. The practice of property law is a remunerative area of the law and may have some overlap with family law when families litigate disputed household properties. However, property lawyers also can be involved in land transactions, like people who concern the main construction projects that are prevalent in a developing country like India. The practice of property law also can include the review of tenancy contracts and rent agreements, which are straightforward and routine within the Indian system.


Securities law is a neighborhood of the law that has greatly expanded within the last 20 years. It focuses on the principles concerning investment and therefore the financial sector. With the expansion of fintech operators in India and an expansion of the Indian economic system, legal issues concerning them are getting increasingly common. Typically, one will find the large law firms in India with great law practice groups. A person should be well versed with the rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

The school of law journey is meant to offer law students a favor for these areas of law in order that a typical law graduate has minimal competence altogether of them. A student can then decide which area they need to specialize in and pursue upon graduation.


Tax lawyers advise on the interpretation of provisions of the tax Act 1961 and may be expected to fight cases on behalf of clients in special tax courts. Law requires an intricate understanding of complex laws and maybe one among the foremost difficult areas of the law to master. However, each case is usually very unique, unlike other practice areas which will involve a repetition of issues and use of templates. There’s also an undersupply of lawyers during this domain, and therefore the competition isn’t as great because it is in other practice areas. Very similar to other countries, in India, the law is taken into account to be a distinct segment area of practice.


  1. Discover Law,
  2. The Lawyer Portal,
  3. Picking Your Area of Law,
  4. 16 Top Areas of Law,