Case Number

Appeal by Special Leave from the Judgment and Order dated 22nd June 1965 of the Bombay High Court in Criminal Application No. 613 of 1965. Criminal Appeal No. 107 of 1965, decided on the 6th day of September 1965.

Equivalent Citation

1966 AIR 424 1966 SCR (1) 702.


  • Hon’ble Justice K. Subba Rao.
  • Hon’ble Justice K.N Wanchoo.
  • Hon’ble Justice J.C Shah.
  • Hon’ble Justice S.M Sikri.
  • Hon’ble Justice V. Ramaswami.

Decided On



The law on the rights of detainees has been a developing one. It involves the most extreme disgrace that a nation like India doesn’t have classified laws on the rights of prisoners. There is additionally no thorough regulation to manage prisoners’ privileges and direct their lead while in jail. Notwithstanding, the legal executive of the nation has given due acknowledgement to the convicts and held their fundamental rights time once more. Without exhaustive regulation, it has figured out how to start trends and standards maintaining the different privileges of detainees that guide as well as tie every one of the courts in India.

Brief Facts

Prabhakar Pandurang Sanzgiri was kept by the Government of Maharashtra under Section 30(1)(b) of the Protection of India Rules, 1962, in the Bombay Region Jail to keep him from acting in a way biased to the safeguard of India, public security, and support of the public request. With the consent of the public authority, Sanzgiri composed a book in Marathi named “Anucha Antarangaat” (Inside the Atom). The High Court passed judgment on investigating the book’s chapter-by-chapter guide and reasoned that it managed the hypothesis of elementary particles equitably and expected to teach individuals and disperse information regarding the quantum hypothesis. The book was absolutely of logical interest and couldn’t make any bias in the protection of India, public wellbeing, or upkeep of public request The High Court of Bombay held that the request for confinement didn’t control Sangir’s social equality and freedoms and that he could carry on his exercises inside the circumstances overseeing his detainment. The State of Maharashtra pursued against the High Court’s organization, The Bombay Conditions of Detention Order, 1951, which regulates the particulars of Sanzgirt’s detainment, doesn’t permit him to compose a book and send it out of jail for distribution. Be that as it may, the Maharashtra Government didn’t depend on this standard, and it just applies to letters to and from security detainees and doesn’t control the conveying of jail books for distribution.

Issues before the Court

Whether the High Court’s choice that Sanzgiri’s book was simply of logical interest and couldn’t make any bias in the guard of India, public wellbeing, or upkeep of public request was right, and whether Sanzgini’s social equality and freedoms were controlled by the request for confinement?


The request passed by the High Court was right, and the appeal fizzled and was excused.

The High Court decided to survey the book’s chapter-by-chapter list and inferred that it managed the hypothesis of elementary particles equitably and expected to instruct individuals and scatter information regarding the quantum hypothesis. The book was absolutely of logical interest and couldn’t make any bias against the guard of India, public wellbeing, or support of the public request. The High Court of Bombay held that the request for detainment didn’t control Sanzgari’s social equality and freedoms and that he could carry on his exercises inside the circumstances overseeing his confinement.

The Bombay States of Detainment Request, 1951, which directs the particulars of Sanzgini’s confinement, doesn’t permit him to compose a book and send it out of the jail for distribution. Nonetheless, the Maharashtra Government didn’t depend on this standard, and it just applies to letters to and from security detainees and doesn’t direct the conveying of jail books for distribution. Whether or not this standard applies to the conveying of jail books for distribution might emerge on the off chance that a suitable condition is forced limiting the freedom of an accused in this.

The decision of the Court

  1. Prabhakar Pandurang Sanzgiri, who has been kept by the Public authority of Maharashtra under R. 30 (1) (b) of the Safeguard of India Rules, 1962, in the Bombay District Jail to keep him from acting in a way biased to the protection of India, public wellbeing and support of the public request, has composed, with the consent of the said Government, a book in Marathi under the title “Anucha Antarangaat” (Inside the Atom). The learned Adjudicators of the High Court who had gone through the chapter-by-chapter guide of the book offered their viewpoint on the book subsequently:

    “We are satisfied that the manuscript book deals with the theory of elementary particles objectively. The manuscript does not purport to be a research work, but it purports to be a book written to educate the people and disseminate knowledge regarding quantum theory”.
  2. The book is, thusly, simply of logical interest and it couldn’t make any bias in the protection of India, public security, or upkeep of public request. In September 1964, the accused applied to the public authority of Maharashtra looking for consent to send the composition out of the prison for distribution yet the Government by its letter, dated Walk 27, 1965, dismissed the solicitation He again applied to the Administrator, Arthur Street Jail, for authorization to send the original copy out and that also was dismissed. From that point, he documented a petition under Art, 226 of the Constitution In the High Court of Maharashtra at Bombay for guiding the Province of Maharashtra to allow him to convey the composition of the book composed by him for its possible distribution. The Public authority of Maharashtra in the counter-sworn statement didn’t affirm that the distribution of the said book would be biased to the objects of the Protection of India Act, yet asserted that the Public authority was not legally necessary to allow the accused to distribute books while in detainment. The High Court of Bombay held that the social equality and freedoms of a resident were not the slightest bit checked by the request for detainment and that it was generally open to the revenue to carry on his exercises inside the circumstances overseeing his confinement. It further held that no standards were disallowing an accused from sending a book outside the prison to get it distributed. In that view, the High Court guided the Public authority to permit the composition book to be sent by the accused to his significant other for its possible distribution. The Province of Maharashtra has favoured the current allure against the expressed request of the Great Court.
  3. The conflicts of the took in Extra Specialist General might be momentarily expressed thus: When an individual is kept he loses his opportunity; he is as of now not a liberated person and, consequently, he can practice just such honours as are given on him by the request for confinement. The Bombay States of Detainment Request, 1951, which manages the details of the primary respondent’s confinement, doesn’t give him any honour or right to compose a book and send it out of the jail for distribution. On the side of his conflict, he depends upon the perceptions of Des, 1, as he then was, in A. K. Gopalan vs State of Madras, wherein the learned Appointed authority has communicated the view, with regards to principal privileges, that assuming a resident loses the opportunity of his individual because of a legal detainment, he can’t guarantee the privileges under Craftsmanship. 19 of the Constitution as the evenings revered in the said article are just the characteristics of a liberated person.
  4.  Mr. Garg learned counsel for the accused, raised before us the accompanying two focuses: (1) a limitation of the nature forced by the Public authority on the accused must be made by a request given by the suitable Government under Cls. (f) and (h) of sub(1) of R. 30 of the Guard of India Rules, 1962, hereinafter called the Remnants, and that too in severe consistency with s. 44 of the Guard of India Act, 1962, hereinafter called the Demonstration, and that as the reprimanded limitation was neither made by such a request nor did it consent to S. 44 of the Demonstration, it was an unlawful limitation on his freedom; and sub(2) neither the confinement request nor the states of detainment which administered the primary respondent’s confinement empowered the Public authority to keep the expressed respondent from sending his original copybook out of the jail for distribution, and consequently, the request for the Public authority dismissing the said respondent’s solicitation in such manner was unlawful.


Prisoners don’t stop being people when put in bars. The Supreme Court and numerous different courts in India have repeated this situation in a few cases with the goal that detainees don’t turn into a casualty themselves. Furthermore, are furnished with a legitimate rehabilitative climate to help them improve and turn out to be better creatures. It is officeholder upon the Focal and State legislatures to not just furnish the detainees with empathetic circumstances professionally yet additionally teach them about their privileges, so it isn’t manhandled by the strong inside the prison.

One might say that the legal executive of the nation plays a vital impact in defending the privileges of detainees at whatever point the regulative and leader have failed. It has gone about as the deliverer of the convicts and maintained their essential freedoms endlessly time once more. It has completely practised its abilities through legal activism and has more than once concocted new cures and instruments to safeguard the common freedoms to life and individual freedom. Be that as it may, much actually should be finished. In such a manner, the wide dissemination of basic liberties accessible to prisoners, immense exposure of prisoners’ rights in the media, and corner-to-corner observation in prison could be a portion of the keys to maintaining the freedoms of prisoners and guaranteeing their place of refuge in the prison.

This case analysis is done by Pranita Dhara, a student of Lloyd Law College.


A Legal Take on Safeguards of Liberty in India

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