University of Liverpool is inviting fellowship applications for the International Visiting Research Fellowship Programme 2022-23.
The School of Law and Social Justice, comprising the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology and the Liverpool Law School, is an internationally renowned centre for innovative, multidisciplinary research with a distinct expertise in and commitment to social justice issues.
Over 100 academics are engaged in this vibrant research environment which is supported by nine dynamic research clusters and housed within a newly refurbished state-of-the-art building, designed sensitively around our research and impact needs.
As part of its commitment to nurturing international research partnerships, the School of Law and Social Justice is inviting applications for incoming International Visiting Research Fellowships.
The scheme aims to attract academics from outside of the UK to develop or extend collaborations with existing staff and/or research clusters within the School.
Applicants should be of postdoctoral status or have equivalent experience and must have the support of an academic member of staff based permanently in the School of Law and Social Justice. That academic member of staff will be responsible for hosting the visiting fellow if successful.
While there is no fixed period for the fellowships, applications for placements of less than two weeks’ duration will not normally be considered.
Fellows will be expected to develop new or extend existing research collaborations with staff or clusters in the School and outgoing Institution. As a minimum this will include the following:
> presenting a work-in-progress lecture or seminar;
> participating actively in the research events and activities of the School/research cluster, commensurate with their research;
> developing or extending collaborative links, via for example, joint publications and/or joint application/s for research funding;
> acknowledging School of Law and Social Justice support in any publications or other outputs resulting from their Fellowship;
> writing a short reflective blogpost on the virtual online fellowship for the School of Law and Social Justice blog.
> producing an ‘End of Fellowship’ report (of no more than 1,000 words) detailing their activities and achievements during the Fellowship.
Applicants should submit a summary CV and complete the 2022-23 – International Visiting Research Fellowships – Application Form with a proposal of up to 1,000 words addressing the following points:
- A short summary of research expertise and reasons for the research visit
- A detailed outline of proposed activities for the duration of the visit
- How your visiting fellowship will contribute to the research culture of the School of Law and Social Justice (this may include plans for collaborative funding bids, a contribution to staff or doctoral research training, development of collaborations)
- Details of the envisaged outcomes arising from the fellowship such as external funding, joint publications and potential long-term research partnerships
- A breakdown of projected costs (travel/accommodation/subsistence) and any other sources of co-funding available.
- Applications should include a supporting statement from their collaborating partner based in the School of Law and Social Justice.
There will be one application round in 2022-23. Applications for this round should be e-mailed to Ms Jayne Bryson at by the following deadline:
- No later than 5pm (BST) Monday 27 June 2022
Applications will be assessed by a panel of senior academic staff from the School of Law and Social Justice and applicants will be notified of the outcome within one month. Fellowships should commence within 6 months of approval.
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.
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