About the Organiser
The Centre for Intellectual Property Studies (CIPS), started in 2008 under the aegis of National Law University Jodhpur, aims to update the society and industry on core issues such as the growth in IPR violations, amongst others. CIPS also aims at suggesting amendments and efficient implementation of IP to the Government of India and monitoring the design and dissemination of various courses and programmes pertaining to intellectual property rights training and research. The Centre has conducted a variety of activities since it has gone online including webinars, guest lectures, panel discussions, certificate courses, and so on in the field of IPR with a myriad of distinguished guests.
CIPS also has an academic writing wing viz. The NLUJ-CIPS Blog. The Blog regularly publishes articles in the field of IP and functions in a structured manner much like a journal.
About the Essay Writing Competition 2022
The Centre for Intellectual Property Studies (CIPS), National Law University, Jodhpur is inviting submissions for the “NLUJ CIPS Inter College IP Research Essay Writing Competition, 2022”.
“IP and Youth: Innovating for a better future”
All students from first to third year pursuing 5 years undergraduate law degrees OR third-year students pursuing 3 years undergraduate law degrees, from any law school/university/college recognized by the Bar Council of India are eligible to participate in the Competition.
Submission Guidelines:
- The word limit for the essay is 1500 words. The word limit is exclusive of the footnotes.
- Formatting Guidelines: Times New Roman; Size 12; Justified; 1.5 spacing.
- Footnoting Guidelines: Times New Roman; Size 10; Justified; 1 spacing.
- All the submissions must be original and unpublished work of the author(s). All the submissions will be checked for plagiarism and those with plagiarism percentage over the permissible limit (i.e., 20%) will be summarily rejected.
- Disclosure of information regarding the identity of the author(s), including, but not limited to name, institutional assistance, professional details, etc., within the body of the manuscript or other properties of the document submitted is strictly prohibited. Any violation of the anonymity requirement will lead to disqualification of the manuscript for the purposes of the competition.
- The submission has to be made by mailing the manuscript to cips@nlujodhpur.ac.in
Competition Guidelines:
- The participation fees for the competition are Rs. 150/- (inclusive of GST).
- Co-authorship is not permitted.
- The ownership over the copyright of the essay published on the CIPS Blog will be transferred to the CIPS Blog and the author shall still retain the moral rights over their work.
- In case of any dispute, the decision of the organizers will be final and binding. The Centre retains absolute discretion in marking the manuscript.
- First Prize: Rs. 5000 & publication in the CIPS Blog
- Second Prize: Rs. 3000 & publication in the CIPS Blog
- Third Prize: Rs. 2000 & publication in the CIPS Blog
Important Dates:
- Last date of submission of essays: March 10th, 2022
- Date of Announcement of Results: April 26th, 2022 (World IP Day)
Payment Guidelines:
Last date of payment of registration fee: March 11th, 2022
Registration link for the payment of the fee- http://www.nlujodhpur.ac.in/nlu-fees/fees-student-detail
Contact details
- Ayushi Suman [Co-Convenor of NLUJ-CIPS] (+91 6377528088)
- Rohan C Govind [Co-Convenor of NLUJ-CIPS] (+91 8696922103)
- Email: cips@nlujodhpur.ac.in
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.
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