CUSB was established under the Central Universities Act, 2009, with the motto, ‘Collective Reasoning’. The University has been conducting its academic and other activities in its campus which extends over 300 acres at Panchanpur (near Gaya town). The School of Law and Governance is a pioneer in grooming modern day legal professionals with a multidisciplinary edge by providing specialization in Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Labour Law, Constitutional Law, Taxation Law, International Trade & Investment, Banking, Finance & Insurance, IPR, Environment Law and Medical & Forensic Law.


The Legal Aid Clinic of any law school is one of the most important student bodies with an attitude to impart the students an ecstatic
experience by providing them with practical experience that goes hand in hand with the academics. The Legal Aid Clinic at Central University of South Bihar under the astute guidance of Faculty Coordinator Dr. Deo Narayan Singh, Assistant Professor, SLG, CUSB is in its 9th year of continuous functioning since its inception. The Legal Aid Clinic has organized prison visits and conducted various social
awareness programs in schools and villages. National Conferences & Quiz competitions have also been organized to raise awareness about the importance of legal services among the budding lawyers.


The Legal Aid Clinic, School of Law and Governance, Central University of South Bihar in collaboration with Bihar Legal Network is delighted to officially invite you all to Online National
Conference on 26th-27th August, 2021 on the theme of:

“Women and Access to Justice through Legal Aid”

Time and Date:

Day 1 – From 11:00 to 03:00 PM, 26th August 2021
Day 2 – From 11:00 to 02:05 PM, 27th August 2021

The conference is being organized on the auspicious occasion of Women’s Equality Day with the aim of discussing and deliberating
over various interdisciplinary areas and core issues pertaining to the theme. The conference will showcase
various aspects of a women’s life with a special emphasis on access to justice and the role of legal aid in achieving the same. The event is set to invite some of the renowned legal luminaries, social and human rights activists who will be educating the students about the status of Indian women and will discuss the effectiveness of the justice delivery system. The conference aims to make the younger generation aware about the hardships faced by the women and how they can play an important role in changing the same to make a better world for all of us.

Registration : Free

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