About RV Institute of Legal Studies
Bengaluru, also called the Silicon City of India is known to be a hub of a large number of Educational Institutions offering various professional courses. One such profession is the Legal education. This profession has attained utmost prominence because of its need in every arena of society.
About the conference
Arbitration is a consensual Alternative Dispute settlement procedure in which the parties to the dispute choose a neutral third party who has the power to enforce a final and binding decision within a flexible procedural framework. As we see our society on the global forefront, the need for forces that represent the diversity of communities is becoming more apparent and necessary.
Broad Themes for Paper Presentation
- Arbitration Clauses and International Contracts
- International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements
- Arbitration Award and Patent Illegality
- Investment Treaty Arbitration5.International Commercial Arbitration- Issues and Challenges
- Judicial Intervention in Arbitration – A Comparative Analysis
- Arbitrating International Intellectual Property Disputes
- Arbitration in the New normal: Digital and Online Hearings
- Arbitration Claims through the Lens of Law of Limitation
- Future of International Arbitration: Contemporary Issues and Challenges
- Application of Most- Favoured Nation Clause by Investor-State Arbitral Tribunals
- International Investment Arbitration
Paper presenters may opt for a topic from the sub-theme itself or may bring any other topic of their choice, based on any related issue pertaining to the topic.
Who can Participate?
Research papers are invited from Academicians, Practitioners, Research Scholars, Graduate and Post Graduate Students on the broad themes provided above.
Important Rules
- Single Co-authorship is permitted.
- All papers should follow the latest edition of Bluebook mode of citation.
- An abstract should be sent to ic.rvils@rvei.edu.in explaining the purpose of the paper and should not exceed 300 words before the deadline.
- The selected abstracts need to be stretched further for completing them as full-fledged research papers to be submitted through email on or before the date mentioned.
E-Certificate will be sent via email to those who participate/present the paper at the conference.
- Best selected papers will be published under Manupatra Articles.
- Manupatra will offer a discount of 60% on its Course on Alternative Dispute Resolution: Breaking the Litigation Jumble at: https://www.lawskills.in/CourseName/31/online-certificate-alternative-dispute-resolution-india
- Manupatra will provide Manupatra Access for research to all the registered Participants till the date of the conference.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission: 22 November 2021
- Intimation of acceptance of Abstract: 24 November 2021
- Full paper submission: 05 December 2021
- Registration Ends: 30 November 2021
Registration Fees
Participation only for the Indian Nation: Rs. 300/-
For Paper Presentation
- Student/Research Scholar: Rs. 500 for a single author and Rs. 900 for co-authorship.
- Academicians/Practitioners and others: Rs. 800 for a single author and Rs. 1500 for co-authorship.
- Foreign Nationals: Participation/Presentation: Rs. 1500 for a single author and Rs. 2500 for co-authorship.
Bank Details
- Name of the Account holder: The Principal, RV Institute of Legal Studies
- Account Number: 3690815039
- IFSC Code: CBIN0281658
- Bank Name: Central Bank of India, Branch -Jayanagar Extension, Bangalore
Registration Details
Registration link:https://forms.gle/RzFjNFni7dmLCr6J8
Platform: Zoom
Contact Details
Arpitha H.C. Asst. Prof. of LawCont:+91 9845788434Email: ic.rvils@rvei.edu.in

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