About the Organizer
Presidency University-Bangalore was established in the year 2013 and has now successfully blossomed into one of the premier universities in South India and also awarded as the Best Emerging University in South India by ASSOCHAM.
About the Conference
Presidency University, Karnataka is organizing an International Conference on Emerging Trends in IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), on April 22-23, 2022.
The objective of this international conference is to provide a platform for academicians, professionals, researchers and students to discuss and provide a solution to various key issues and operational challenges raised by changing dimensions of Intellectual Property regime.
Furthermore, the conference will provide valuable insight into the various challenges faced by authors, innovators, and proprietors of Intellectual Property assets during different stages of the lifecycle of an IP asset including development, protection, management, enforcement and to accelerate collaboration of all Stakeholders under the Intellectual Property
Call for Papers
The conference aims to bring together leading academicians, researchers and students to exchange their experiences and research results on all the aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and its interface with new developments and technologies
Keeping in mind all these deliberations and growing concerns about intellectual property issues, this Two-day Conference shall provide a platform for the participants to put forth their opinions and suggestions on the theme ‘Emerging Trends in the Intellectual Property Rights. The conference shall also aid in reflecting on how these deliberations and discussions can be used for the development of the field of Intellectual Property.
Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help the conference through submissions of research papers on emerging issues related to any of the fields of Intellectual Property, either related to technological developments or its interface with other disciplines.
- Research papers are invited from academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars and students. The papers should be the author’s original work and should not be the repetition of any published work.
- Selected research papers shall be published in a book with an ISBN number.
- The publication shall commence only after the conference and the same shall be communicated to author(s) accordingly.
Submission Guidelines
- Submission must include
- Cover page
- Abstract (Word Limit: 300-500 words)
- Full Paper (Word Limit: 3000-6000 words)
- The Abstract and the Full paper must be submitted in:
- Font: Times New Roman (including footnotes)
- Font size: 12′ on an A4 size paper
- Line Spacing: 1.5;
- Text alignment must be justified
- Footnote should follow uniform style of citation “Bluebook 20th Edition”. *Font size ’10’ is to be maintained for Footnotes.
- The Cover page shall consist of the following details: Title of the Paper. Name of the author(s), Official designation/institutional details, Address, E-mail Id and Contact details of the Author(s). 3. The subject of E-mail for submission of Abstract must be ‘International Conference – Submission of Abstract & Cover Page’ and of Full Paper must be “International Conference: Submission of Full Paper’
- The paper must be emailed to: iprcell.sol@gmail.com
- All the participants have to present their research paper before the esteemed panel
- Author(s) A maximum of two authors are permitted per paper.
Guidelines for Paper Submission
- The sessions will be grouped categorically according to the theme of the paper. Each presenter will be given 10 minutes for the presentation of the paper.
- An open discussion shall be conducted after presentation of each paper.
- The paper presenters can make use of any suitable mode of presentation. It shall be upon the discretion of the author(s) to make use of presentation tools shall as PowerPoint Prezi etc. Note-The abstract and the paper must align with the theme of the conference.
- The submission must be an original and will be subjected to plagiarism check.
Important Dates
- Last date for abstract Submission: March 10
- Intimation of abstract selection: March 15
- Last date for registration: March 18
- Last date for final paper submission: April 15
- Date of Conference: April 22 & 23
A registration link will be sent along with the acceptance mail.
How to Register?
Once the Abstract is selected, participants will be sent a registration link via e-mail. The registration amount for the conference is:
- Students: Rs 500
- Others: Rs 750
The amount is inclusive of GST.
Contact details
- Convenor: Mr. Hamza Khan (Faculty In-Charge IPR Cell, Assistant Professor)
- Contact: +91-8972070127
- Email: hamzakhan@presidencyuniversity.in
- Co-Convenor: Ms. Apama Shukla (Faculty In-Charge IPR Cell. Assistant Professor);
- Contact: +91-8884647528
- Email: aparna.shukla@presidencyuniversity.in
- Student Coordinators:
- Ms. Anna Philip, Contact: +91-7559018133
- Ms. Aastha Vyas, Contact: +91-7977032365.
- Note: Shall you have any queries, contact us at: iprcell.sol@gmail.com
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.
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